This is such a tough decision his edd is coming up and I’m torn by these names. My favorite name from as far back as I can remember is Mason. Regaurdless of popularity I have always awed over this name, and I can remember exact moments that stand out on loving this name way back when. Luke is my husbands pic, but not Lucas. It just doesn’t really give me that bubbly feeling, and I’m not sure why. Henry has this cute appeal that always has my heart and I could see why so many love this name. DH does like it, but everyone insists they will just call him Hank, which is fine-meaning My inlaws so it kinda pissed me off to be honest. Why can’t we just call him what we name him!? My daughter Anna has been Annie from her birth dispite what I say so now 4 years later it is basically her name.
Anna, and Wyatt. So what do you think?
Mason, Luke, or Henry?
Any advice is welcome!
Re: Mason? Luke? Or Henry?
I prefer Lucas over Luke. Luke to me is a nickname. I don’t dislike it, but I think he’ll have to correct people and clarify that his name is just Luke. That might get annoying.
Henry is nice too, but you don’t seem sold on it, so I would just eliminate it.
Go for Mason. It’s a great name. I think you might regret it if you pass on a chance to use it.
I have seen Luke used as a stand alone name and it doesn’t seem odd to me. I would mark Henry off the list. I think it sucks people call your kids by nicknames you don’t like, but I guess what can you do so I would avoid Henry.
My $.02 on the diminutive name thing: I have a son named Timothy. In our immediate family we refer to him as Timothy or Tim. His dad, sister, and I never call him Timmy. I have in laws who used to refer to him as Timmy when he was little. As soon as he was old enough to assert himself, he gently began to correct these family members either by ignoring it when they would use it to call him over or by saying "People don't call me Timmy anymore -- that's a little kid name." If you want your daughter to be called Anna, don't refer to her as Annie yourselves at home or in front of those in laws. If you don't call her Annie, and she doesn't refer to herself as Annie, the problem will eventually correct itself!
If you name the new baby Henry and people refer to him as Hank, just politely say, "Oh, we aren't going to use that nickname. He's just going to go by Henry." Persist until they give up.
Baby boy Henry born 2015.
Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
TTC #2 - August 2016
IUI #1-3 BFN
BFP 4/21/18 MMC 6/11/18