OTC meds while pregnant? I am the type that doesn't do pills, no painkillers nothing really unless I am SICK. Well, I am SICK. Super congested, had cough, feel like death. Everything online said it's recommended not to take anything until the second trimester. Do I just suffer it out? I was thinking a steam room sounds fabulous but I'm worried about the heat. FML right now.
@runsomewhere I'm with you, I don't like to take pills unless I absolutely have to. The nurse at my clinic recommended using a saline spray and drinking hot beverages for the congestion, the steam did help some, saline spray not at all. Hope you can get some rest and feel better!
@noideawhatshesdoing thanks! I'll try the saline just in case it helps me, I'm desperate. Otherwise, I guess it's hot tea and as much rest as I can get
So I know it is obviously way early on, but I just learned I can use my flex spending account on a whole bunch of baby related things (FTM so I never looked at those items on the allowable list before). One of the things is a breast pump, we're not going to end up using all the funds we put into the account this year so rather than end up wasting the money, we're thinking using what we have left to purchase a pump.Would be nice to get that expensive purchase out of the way so we don't have to budget for it later. I have no idea what makes for a good one and reviews and features are all confusing, anyone have any pointers for what to look for?
@noideawhatshesdoing *not a real adult here* FSA- that's health insurance related no? Most insurances will help with the purchase of a pump or cover it completely but they don't do it until closer to or after birth. Some only offer a specific selection of pumps too. Im sure things have changed, but Medela is a good one, I was torn between that and the spectra with my 1st. If you'll be pumping at work you'll want something that is easy to clean, quiet, lightweight and small so it can travel well (if you need that). I binge watched YouTube reviews with my first to get a good idea of the way the ones I was interested in worked. I wouldn't go crazy purchasing any travel accessories before you have a better idea of what you need- a big mistake I made the 1st time around.
I had the spectra and loved it. Hospital grade and less parts to clean than the medela
Hospital grade closed system too! I wish I went with the spectra but in the end the Medela did what it had to. I actually ended up using my $40 hand pump more than anything.
@runsomewhere I am recovering, ever so slowly, from the worst cold I’ve ever had. I have been so miserable. I was sick at my dr visit last week, and dr recommended a netipot. I hate those so I ignored her. Tylenol, Vick’s Vaporub, and Benadryl were also recommended, and proceeded with caution. However, I broke down and got the netipot (technically, I got a neilmed sinus rinse) and it made me feel SO MUCH BETTER. That and the vaporub together made me almost normal for periods of time! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
@noideawhatshesdoing check with your insurance they typically give you one free a few weeks before delivery. I got a medela dual electric but eventually used the medela hand pump because i could move around.
SPECTRA. SPECTRA. SPECTRA. SPECTRA. Let me say it again: SPECTRA. Years of my life (two) have been spent pumping and hands down the SPECTRA part was less terrible.
I had the spectra and loved it. Hospital grade and less parts to clean than the medela
I didn't think there were less parts, honestly. The duck valve vs the yellow piece with plastic. But man alive, SPECTRA is 10x more comfortable to pump with than either of my medelas were.
So I am struggling bad with this SCH (subchorionic hemorrhaging). I had an US today and everything looked perfect and like it was clearing up. Then just a few minutes ago I had a cramp in my lower abdomen /pelvic area that was awful. TMI but it was that same cramping like if you REALLY have to poop. I thought it was some kind of wicked gas, but I was so cramped I couldn't really sit on the toilet at first. Basically instead of gas or anything else, blood came out, sort of forcibly. I got crazy chills right afterward that lasted about 10 minutes.
I finally reached the on call doctor and he said not to worry, that this can happen at the end as the final clots come out. I read about SCH and didn't see any crap like this! I am not to leave my bed until tomorrow when I go to the doctor, but wtf?? I know some of you went through this, but did you have intense cramping and basically blood launch out of you?! Why the hell can't things just calm the F down for me.
@Crystal321 that sounds freaking terrible. I am so sorry I’ve never heard of SCH but I just wanted to say I feel awful you’re going through that. Hoping it all calms down soon for you
@acunamatada I loved the hand pump! I have a Medela PIS but I ended up using the hand pump all the time. I’m a biologist, so it was convenient to stick it in my backpack and pump when I was in the field working. My coworker told me she used to do the same thing, but one time she went behind a tree to pump and got chased off by a wild hog!
@Crystal321 I hope you get some reassurance at the doc today! And that sounds terrible to go through even if it is normal!
@hotairballoons99@TheQuietThings@acunamatada@Crystal321 What spectra did you get? There seems to be a couple on amazon and they are not nearly as expensive as I thought so maybe I am looking at the wrong versions. I have a Medela PIS that I got from insurance but if its that much better I might pay for a pump. Plus the PIS is 3 years old at this point.
@SmashJam I got the PIS, if I bought another one I would go with the Spectra. I think the S2 was what was available when I had DS, but I'm seeing quite a few on their website. I see they're $120-160 on Amazon! Sounds like a good price to me, I ended up paying 90 for the PIS after insurance. @MyBigFatGreekFetus I would throw mine in my backpack at school, took up soo much less space. Plus I used it at home on my nightstand or wherever because I hated setting up the pump.
@noideawhatshesdoing lots of plans let you roll over a certain amt of $ (ours is $500) which we are using once I go to give birth. Not sure if you've looked into that yet.
Okay y’all, how do you feel about dying your hair while pregnant?? No bleach lol Just dye. My family keeps 100% organic and natural BUT dying my hair is my one vice that I do every 6-8 weeks. Now that I know I’m pregnant, I’m second guessing doing it. I feel like avoiding chemicals in every other aspect of my life makes a little hair dye okay but I don’t wanna hurt my second little miracle! What do you think?? Please tell me I’m being crazy and I can keep doing my thing
@kmac103 I dyed my hair last time and will continue to do so with this pregnancy. I think it’s fine. My dr doesn’t advise against it and most women I know don’t stop during pregnancy.
@kmac103 I plan to color my hair once I’m further along. I started to grey really young so I feel weird letting the grey take over right now but I am waiting until closer to 12 weeks. I’ve read it’s totally fine to get color done as long as you’re in a ventilated area.... im just being paranoid. I also won’t get my bikini wax until closer to 12 weeks too hahaha
Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post but can anyone help me figure this out? I’m 6 weeks 2 days (yesterday) when they took my blood test and my hcg is 1428 and my progesterone came back very low at 5.5... does that mean I will probably miscarry?
Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post but can anyone help me figure this out? I’m 6 weeks 2 days (yesterday) when they took my blood test and my hcg is 1428 and my progesterone came back very low at 5.5... does that mean I will probably miscarry?
The question is you hcg increasing? That number generally looks good for 6 wks. As for progesterone will they start you on supplements? What did your doc say of your chances? Sorry your going through this stress!!
So I am struggling bad with this SCH (subchorionic hemorrhaging). I had an US today and everything looked perfect and like it was clearing up. Then just a few minutes ago I had a cramp in my lower abdomen /pelvic area that was awful. TMI but it was that same cramping like if you REALLY have to poop. I thought it was some kind of wicked gas, but I was so cramped I couldn't really sit on the toilet at first. Basically instead of gas or anything else, blood came out, sort of forcibly. I got crazy chills right afterward that lasted about 10 minutes.
I finally reached the on call doctor and he said not to worry, that this can happen at the end as the final clots come out. I read about SCH and didn't see any crap like this! I am not to leave my bed until tomorrow when I go to the doctor, but wtf?? I know some of you went through this, but did you have intense cramping and basically blood launch out of you?! Why the hell can't things just calm the F down for me.
SITB @Crystal321 I had that exact thing happen twice last pregnancy with my SCH. I had the worst cramps, felt like I had to poop, went to the bathroom and just had blood come out and ended up clammy and nauseous. It was horrifying and I was 100% certain I was miscarrying. I hope it resolves for you soon! My SCH this time has been less painful, though I did pass a palm sized clot at 5ish weeks, which was terrifying.
I had the spectra and loved it. Hospital grade and less parts to clean than the medela
Hospital grade closed system too! I wish I went with the spectra but in the end the Medela did what it had to. I actually ended up using my $40 hand pump more than anything.
Totally agree with Spectra. I EP'd with mine for 14 months! I had the S1 because I wanted the freedom of a battery since I was EPing. It's way quieter than the PISA (I pumped in a class at the same time as another mom pumping with a PISA and you could barely hear mine).
@wildtot Not sure if my hcg levels are rising - that’s the first time they have tested it. Going in for an ultrasound today in about 2 hours. Think they should be able to see a heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days?
@alparsonsfamily you might be able to see the flicker and hear it but could still be too early. Had one at 6+2 and barely saw it. Will they be doing another beta test? Usually they do a second one with 48 hrs to see if the increase. I tested low on progesterone after ovulation so I’ve been on suppositories since then. Hope your U/S goes well today! Keep us posted!
@alparsonsfamily a heartbeat is usually visible around 6 weeks, however if you're measuring behind, it might not be seen yet. I know there was a study done that showed every pregnancy with HcG levels over 10800 had a visible heartbeat so since you're still below that you may not see one so don't panic! Good luck at your ultrasound.
I went to get another US today and the baby is still fine, but the SCH is still active too. This crap is scary as all get out. Just curious @comealongponds, after the big clot, did yours subside?
@alparsonsfamily it could just be that you ovulated late- with you hcg at that level I wouldn't expect to see heartbeat yet. It's just at about 1500 that a pregnancy becomes visible on u/s, normally just a sac and maybe yolk sac at that point. Try not to stress! The doubling time is more important than the original draw.
@pregnant_and_paleo I’m not grey **yet** but I’ve gotten so used to playing with my hair color since getting out of the military that I don’t want to stop now! And girl, I don’t know how you can get waxed while pregnant!! I would pee all over the place @runsomewhere I didn’t even mention it to my doctor lol I’m one of those people that prefer to ask forgiveness than permission haha I don’t even have my next appointment scheduled so maybe she will have forgotten what color my hair was this time by the next time she sees me
@kmac103 it's fine hon, tons of women do it. I do/did. If you're worried it's really about the fumes, just make sure you're in a well-ventilated place.
@kmac103 it's fine hon, tons of women do it. I do/did. If you're worried it's really about the fumes, just make sure you're in a well-ventilated place.
This. My stylist just dyed my hair (from purple to dark brown). He said to make sure to be in well-ventilated area. He isn't comfortable bleaching while his client is pregnant, however that's a personal preference. I think you'll be fine.
@crystal321 I spotted on and off for a week or two but it seems to have stopped now. I'm not booked for another US until the 19th so I'm not sure if it's growing, shrinking or gone at this point. It was gone at 13w in my last pregnancy.
+1 to the Spectra in every way. I rented a hospital grade in the beginning but changed to my Spectra soon after I got home and found that it was better than the hospital Medela. Everyone I know who has used the Spectra has raved about it. The battery one is perfect if you have to commute when/if you go back to work so you can pump in the car or get an adapter. Hands down would recommend the Spectra!
Re: Questions w/o 12/4
Im sure things have changed, but Medela is a good one, I was torn between that and the spectra with my 1st. If you'll be pumping at work you'll want something that is easy to clean, quiet, lightweight and small so it can travel well (if you need that). I binge watched YouTube reviews with my first to get a good idea of the way the ones I was interested in worked. I wouldn't go crazy purchasing any travel accessories before you have a better idea of what you need- a big mistake I made the 1st time around.
@Crystal321 I was looking at the Spectra for exactly that reason. It seems cleaner!
Let me say it again: SPECTRA. Years of my life (two) have been spent pumping and hands down the SPECTRA part was less terrible.
#4- EDD July 14
#4- EDD July 14
I finally reached the on call doctor and he said not to worry, that this can happen at the end as the final clots come out. I read about SCH and didn't see any crap like this! I am not to leave my bed until tomorrow when I go to the doctor, but wtf?? I know some of you went through this, but did you have intense cramping and basically blood launch out of you?! Why the hell can't things just calm the F down for me.
@hotairballoons99 @TheQuietThings @acunamatada @Crystal321 What spectra did you get? There seems to be a couple on amazon and they are not nearly as expensive as I thought so maybe I am looking at the wrong versions. I have a Medela PIS that I got from insurance but if its that much better I might pay for a pump. Plus the PIS is 3 years old at this point.
I see they're $120-160 on Amazon! Sounds like a good price to me, I ended up paying 90 for the PIS after insurance.
@MyBigFatGreekFetus I would throw mine in my backpack at school, took up soo much less space. Plus I used it at home on my nightstand or wherever because I hated setting up the pump.
Kylie M.
Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015
Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018
@runsomewhere I didn’t even mention it to my doctor lol I’m one of those people that prefer to ask forgiveness than permission haha I don’t even have my next appointment scheduled so maybe she will have forgotten what color my hair was this time by the next time she sees me
Kylie M.
Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015
Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018
#4- EDD July 14
#4- EDD July 14