@Bringmemylongswordho So funny you say that, that’s my thoughts exactly on the name, but DH likes it. He did say he liked Audrey too but he agreed on my boy name so I thought I’d try!
But if it makes you feel any better, I have a niece named Kendall and at first all I could think of was Kendall Jenner, but it's grown on me and now it totally suits her and I don't have think of the connection to the Jenner's anymore.
I really like both. I've liked the name Kendall longer than Kendall Jenner has been around, so I don't make the automatic connection. But it appears that I'm in the minority!
We still haven’t decided. I have a coworker whose daughter is Audrey, I saw them over the weekend and I kept wanting to say Aubrey so maybe that’s telling me something? Ha, We’ll see, naming a kid is freaking hard! Had no trouble with our first!
Thanks, appreciate your suggestions but a too different for my taste. I like Morgan a lot. They’re gonna boot us out of hospital and we’ll still have no name ha
My mother always said "don't name a child Morgan unless you're really a Morgan." As in JP Morgan. Meghan (or Megan) has the same feel without the faux uppercrust thing. Lauren is a possibility too.And what about good old Courtney?
Re: Team Green Girl Names
Kendall makes me think of Kendall Jenner, and because of that sounds trashy to me. Maybe Kendra would be a more unique option?
TTC since September 2012
I do like Kendra or Audra as alternatives but Audrey is the best.
But if it makes you feel any better, I have a niece named Kendall and at first all I could think of was Kendall Jenner, but it's grown on me and now it totally suits her and I don't have think of the connection to the Jenner's anymore.
Gillian/ Jillian