I sometimes feel like I did the bump wrong. I didn’t really participate in the ttgp board because I had a really hard time understanding how to use ff and couldn’t temp. I feel like I don’t have the sense of community they have and hope everyone can still accept me.
@lindsayleigh1989 It's a little different coming in without being active in TTGP, I was never very active either- but this is day 2 of our BMB, it'll happen!
@lindsayleigh1989 I think the majority of people on any BMB (including ours) did not participate in TTGP. There is a great sense of community on that board so I highly recommend it if you TFAS in the future.
I hope we also get a sense of community on this board!
My UO is that I love that people lurk from all over TB and stand up for science.
Me: 31 DH: 34 Married: April 2016 TTC December 2016 BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17 MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017 BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18 TTC January 2019 BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
@lindsayleigh1989 I wasn’t very active on TTGP either! It’ll come! If you participate and encourage others you can expect a lot of encouragement from this group! ❤️
@lindsayleigh1989 same-I tried for like 2 days then got a BFP and was in limbo waiting for this board to open. All I wanted was to be able to participate somewhere so I’m happy to finally get to “meet” some of you guys who are in the same boat. Hoping this becomes a supportive community
I’m all for science, but writing does carry tone and you can tell by someone’s writing the tone they are using. Authors do it all the time. I don’t care for when science is used to try and make someone else look dumb. That’s not cool.
We have two sleeping beauties in heaven. Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015. They will be forever missed.
Meh she pointed out that there is no bump and she is right at this point there isn’t so it feels a little silly. I guess it depends on how thick a skin you have.
Same @bdesterhouse. I’m definitely team science, but also team kindness and tact, and don’t see the harm in letting people be excited for themselves if it hurts no one. I’ll smack people with a science stick when it’s car seats and gasp! vaccines!
My UO: I've never watched Game of Thrones. Stranger Things 4 Lyfe!
Here is the deal about the bump it’s known for its snark. I think you can either take things way too personally or you can let it go and move on. Otherwise enjoy a little snark and support people it is possible to do both
I also hate hate hate Ramzi posts. It gives me nightmares from WTE when every post was that and of all the drive by ramzj posts we had on the bump! I’m seriously dreading it haha
I don't mind the snark. I feel like the snark usually only comes after someone has created some drama else where or isn't following the rules/guidelines. I remember the veterans on my D14 bmb talking about how fluffy D14 was. That if anyone had done (HDBD, posting mucus plug, posting ultrasound for the bmb to diagnose, whatever) on their old bmb they would have been flamed. I didn't get it, now I do. Haha...
@christycalifornia I love both shows so much! But I just binge watched ST2 with DH and I understand why you love it. I just desperately want Hopper and Will's mom to get together though lol
My unpopular opinion is... I don’t think children need smart phones. Hubs recently got his daughter an iPhone (she’ll be 13 this month) and she got her first android device when she was 9. I just wanna give her a flip phone and make her play outside.
I’m addicted to greys anatomy. I watch it on repeat. I don’t even want to but I look at other shows and I always come back to watching Greys again. Right now I’m on Season 3 (watching for the billionth time) and I have to watch all the seasons through before watching something different.
I don't mind the snark. I feel like the snark usually only comes after someone has created some drama else where or isn't following the rules/guidelines. I remember the veterans on my D14 bmb talking about how fluffy D14 was. That if anyone had done (HDBD, posting mucus plug, posting ultrasound for the bmb to diagnose, whatever) on their old bmb they would have been flamed. I didn't get it, now I do. Haha...
I also hate PSL and Taylor Swift.
Ha! I was part of O14. We definitely had our fair share of drama there. I actually remember people talking about how calm D14 was lol.
I personally never got involved, I was just there with my popcorn reading comments...
Here's my UO since it has been all over FB. I belted, not just sang but belted, Christmas music today. I try to keep my Christmas music to myself since my H is totally against it before Thanksgiving, but man did it feel good to let it out.
celainev I love Grey's as well!! At first I didn't really like it but HAD to keep watching to see what happened. But, now I love it and still religiously watch it I'm assuming you're caught up on this season??
I’m addicted to greys anatomy. I watch it on repeat. I don’t even want to but I look at other shows and I always come back to watching Greys again. Right now I’m on Season 3 (watching for the billionth time) and I have to watch all the seasons through before watching something different.
This is 100% how I feel about gilmore girls! I wish I could quit, but I can’t!
@christycalifornia I've never watched Game of Thrones either! I thought I was the only person on planet earth who hasn't!!
@karasmile I can go both ways on the smartphone issue. My older daughter has one (she's 11) and I really debated about getting her one. One on hand it's nice because I can text her while she's at school if I forgot to tell her something that morning (like "Bring home your science book, you have a test tomorrow!" or something like that) or if she goes out to ride her bike with friends I feel better knowing I can get ahold of her if/when I need to. She also texts/facetimes/plays games with her friends (they all have one too) and as much as it sucks, I feel like she would be missing out if she didn't have one. They also facetime to work on school projects or study together! And yeah, it would be nice if they could always do that kind of stuff in person, but with two working parents, sometimes it just isn't possible. On the other hand, sometimes it is glued to her freaking face and I want to smash it with a hammer!! But I feel like the benefits outweigh the negatives for the most part (everything in moderation). She DOES NOT have facebook or anything like that though....I am really nervous about kids and social media so I am definitely not ready to cross into that territory yet.
I love Greys Anatomy and I've seen every episode but this season just isn't doing it for me. I think I'm two episodes behind though, I hope it picks up!
@carebear622 and @christycalifornia I haven't seen Game of Thrones either! It never really seemed like my kind of show. I feel like I'm alone in the world with that, Stranger things and Walking Dead. Lol
I’m addicted to greys anatomy. I watch it on repeat. I don’t even want to but I look at other shows and I always come back to watching Greys again. Right now I’m on Season 3 (watching for the billionth time) and I have to watch all the seasons through before watching something different.
I do that with One Tree Hill... although some monster took it off Netflix, and even though I own all the seasons on DVD it's not the same.
@christycalifornia Gilmore Girls!!!! Yesssssssssssssss. I'm sorry but I am 100% obsessed with that and Friends. Those are the two shows (and maybe The Office) that I could watch over and over and over again. #TeamJess lol
@christycalifornia Gilmore Girls!!!! Yesssssssssssssss. I'm sorry but I am 100% obsessed with that and Friends. Those are the two shows (and maybe The Office) that I could watch over and over and over again. #TeamJess lol
I love Friends!! I never get tired of it no matter how many times I've seen an episode!
Re: Unpopular Opinion (UO)
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
I hope we also get a sense of community on this board!
My UO is that I love that people lurk from all over TB and stand up for science.
TTC December 2016
BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
TTC January 2019
BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
My UO: I've never watched Game of Thrones. Stranger Things 4 Lyfe!
I remember the veterans on my D14 bmb talking about how fluffy D14 was. That if anyone had done (HDBD, posting mucus plug, posting ultrasound for the bmb to diagnose, whatever) on their old bmb they would have been flamed. I didn't get it, now I do. Haha...
I also hate PSL and Taylor Swift.
I personally never got involved, I was just there with my popcorn reading comments...
Haha! I was the same. Although it made me pretty good at being able to tell who the drama llamas are
For your viewing pleasure:
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
@karasmile I can go both ways on the smartphone issue. My older daughter has one (she's 11) and I really debated about getting her one. One on hand it's nice because I can text her while she's at school if I forgot to tell her something that morning (like "Bring home your science book, you have a test tomorrow!" or something like that) or if she goes out to ride her bike with friends I feel better knowing I can get ahold of her if/when I need to. She also texts/facetimes/plays games with her friends (they all have one too) and as much as it sucks, I feel like she would be missing out if she didn't have one. They also facetime to work on school projects or study together! And yeah, it would be nice if they could always do that kind of stuff in person, but with two working parents, sometimes it just isn't possible. On the other hand, sometimes it is glued to her freaking face and I want to smash it with a hammer!! But I feel like the benefits outweigh the negatives for the most part (everything in moderation). She DOES NOT have facebook or anything like that though....I am really nervous about kids and social media so I am definitely not ready to cross into that territory yet.
I do that with One Tree Hill... although some monster took it off Netflix, and even though I own all the seasons on DVD it's not the same.