@tacosandvirginmargaritas I didn't think so at first, but I'm slowly starting to agree. Mine for today is, that I now think this board is too slow again and we should bring back either the daily check in OR the day of the week ticker changes, but definitely not both.
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
@tacosandvirginmargaritas I think a daily GTKY sounds like a good idea. Sometimes answering the same questions over and over in multiple check-ins can get old
I think putting cookies and candy bars in the freezer is bizarre. DH does this and I judge him. And when he chips a tooth from it eventually, I won't feel bad for him.
When Frozen came out, I enjoyed it and thought it was one the best movies Disney had made in a while. I liked that the “true love” ended up coming from the sister relationship. I think Frozen opened the door for them to make Moana, with no love story being a part of the plot at all.
@sandbar517 - I know, at least for the last week or so, the website was not working for me and I couldn't leave comments or see which threads were active. They seem to have fixed it so hopefully things will pick up. Trying to comment via phone is a pain, so I was barely on here.
I think grapes in the freezer are bizarre. I prefer slightly stale gummy bears, and stale peeps. I don't really like ice cream. I will get a crazing, buy something, eat one scoop or just a couple bites, and throw it away months later when it's all freezer burnt.
I love Moana, but it felt a little slow. I love that the music wasn't totally annoying, but totally catchy if you listened to it again. (My daughter has to have the soundtrack on to sleep. I hear it constantly, and it hasn't gotten as annoying as Let it go. But, I think that's because all of the songs are so great, so you don't just listen to Shiny or You're welcome on repeat. And Lin Manuel Miranda is awesome. And Christopher Jackson's voice is AWESOME. (He's the singing voice of her dad in Moana, and LMM'S BFF, and also George Washington in Hamilton, and he's currently acting in the show Bull. LOVE HIM!)
I hate the movie Toy Story.
I haven't finished a single book in the month of October.
I gave my pregnancy pillow to my 4yo. It's been a life-saver. She actually sleeps the night in her bed now. She's a cuddler, and I guess that's why, she feels secure, and has been sleeping MUCH better. Now I don't feel like I wasted $60!
2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN 3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS! Vanishing twin at week 6 Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN 3 IUI's in 2017- BFN 8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
I'm just kidding, of course. I just love Brave and think it's one of the most under-rated Disney films. (Even though it's technically Pixar, but potato, potahto),
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
@sandbar517, I agree! I really liked Brave too. I know many kids got scared by the bear, and I think that hurt it's popularity. I liked how it not only showed that a girl CAN be better than a boy, but also the strong bond between mother and daughter. (And we know that that relationship isn't always rainbows and unicorn farts.)
2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN 3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS! Vanishing twin at week 6 Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN 3 IUI's in 2017- BFN 8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
I highly recommend the book Cinderella ate my daughter. @sandbar517 I think the issue with brave is that it was an ANTI-love story instead of just being about other things. You can't be brave and attached. If you're brave, strong, and smart, you're destined to be alone. (Also, I felt there was a focus on her not being pretty enough.)
I think Moana is definitely a step in the right direction. That said, it seems like Disney only had one personality for female characters that can accomplish anything. A little ditzy and clumsy, but the bravery overcomes it, as long as there's someone there to bail you out when things get too tricky. Anna and Moana are the exact same character.
Leggings are like sausage casings for my legs. I despise them and feel like I'm suffocating in them. I much prefer yoga pants that aren't skin tight or jogging pants.
@nanifrog I see where you're going with that, but I still disagree. I wouldn't say Brave is an anti-love story, it's just that she's fighting against being forced to be married for a reason other than loving someone. They mention it a few times, letting them choose their own path, find their own fate, etc. not having it forced upon them by tradition and rules. I don't feel like her physical appearance played any part in the movie, to be totally honest. She didn't want to be pigeon holed as this "perfect princess" she wanted to be herself and live her own life. I think it's a great story.
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
So this might be controversial after reading through the everything this week, but I don't think homeschooling is a viable educational option for 90% of families.
My parents made the decision to homeschool us when I was going into fourth grade. It was easily one of the worst aspects of my childhood. Extra curricular activities do not replace day to day interactions with people your own age, and you stunt a person's emotional and intellectual development by only providing one view point for education. (And seriously, NO KID WANTS TO BE HOME WITH THEIR MOM OR DAD ALL DAY EVERY DAY)
@thedawkterswife, I've never worn leggings (maybe a FFFC?), but it's because I am SO uncomfortable with my legs. My thighs are larger than I would like and I would spend all my day being self conscious. Now yoga pants? YES! I don't have any that are really tight, but they are the best!
I don't really like ice cream. I will get a crazing, buy something, eat one scoop or just a couple bites, and throw it away months later when it's all freezer burnt.
@ivyvines6 I don't have any personal experience other than interaction with kids that were homeschooled and with kids that were homeschooled all of their life until high school and they were socially awkward and rebellious, but I do agree it's not a choice I would make for my kids.
@ivyvines6 totally! My husband can write a book about how many things he doesn't like about homeschooling. One major one is that parents don't have the experience of lots of kids. They don't know if a behaviour or ability is normal. My friend's kid needed glasses. The teacher noticed some things the parents wouldn't have and told them.
@ivyvines6 I don't have any personal experience other than interaction with kids that were homeschooled and with kids that were homeschooled all of their life until high school and they were socially awkward and rebellious, but I do agree it's not a choice I would make for my kids.
I begged my parents to put me back in school. They blamed us for not "being as smart" as other kids our age and used that as an excuse to not re enroll us. All six of us hated being homeschooled.
I think the daily check ins were A bit redundant but I’d be down for a daily GTKY. The board is very Slooow so I’m all for anything that might help it pick up a little.
I just filled out my GTKY questionnaire and figured I'd add to this. I have never been to Disney and don't see the draw. Super long lines, hot weather, crying kids, overly expensive food, and just not my cup of tea. I see why kids would want to go (dress up like a princess, meet Mickey, etc., stay in a neat resort) but now that I'm adult, I just have no desire to go, or even take our own kids in the near future. I would like to mention that I've been to Dollywood, Carowinds, and Universal Studios. Fun, but I don't see a multi-thousand dollar vacation could be justified IMO.
On the school topic, I went to a private school. It wasn't my choice, but when I begged to go to public school like all my friends, my parents finally told me the school I was zoned for was the worst in the county for fights with white kids being the minority and they didn't want me exposed to that (I was extremely sheltered). While I'm grateful for them looking out for me, it was tough growing up with about half of my graduating class (which was a whopping 31) from Kindergarten on. I was always picked on for my "riggering" (I had an issue where if I got mesmerized watching something, I'd hold my breath, my body would go stiff, and my arms would flail all over the place. My parents worked really hard with me when I was little and eventually it was only my hands wriggling around. I still catch my fingers twitching every now and then today) and for being the one who did her homework and loved to read. The cliques get old quick. I plan on sending my daughter to public school (not that we could afford private even if there was one nearby) so that maybe she could have a better experience than I did. I didn't really think I got a better education out of it either, looking back. I don't plan on homeschooling, either. My niece decided to be home-schooled her Junior and Senior years in high school due to bullying over her weight and she said she missed the atmosphere of school. Yeah, she made great grades and graduated sooner, but like PP's have said, you can't replace the experiences.
@zizzabell523, Remind me if you're a FTM? The only reason I ask is because I never had a desire to go to Disney, either. Until I had two girls who in the past year have become absolutely obsessed with all things Disney. I admit, I started that obsession-mostly because I was getting really sick of Paw Patrol LOL- but now the appeal of going is only to see it through their eyes. The things you've mentioned are definite cons, but I think seeing their joy and excitement will make up for it. At least I hope so!
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
@sandbar517 Nope, I'm a STM. DD is almost 3. I think that's way too young to fully enjoy the experience. I'd say around 8-10 would be the appropriate age to take a kid to a theme park. They'd probably be too old to "love" Disney by then, though. Just my thoughts.
@zizzabell523 I absolutely agree. We were planning on going in maybe 4-5 years, so the girls will be around 8 and this one will be, well, obviously 4 or 5 LOL That way the girls won't be too old to enjoy it, and this baby will be old enough to (at least partly) remember it.
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
@zizzabell523 I have no desire as an adult to take my kids to Disney. However, I will be taking them on a Disney cruise. I feel like they only care about the characters and they will have that experience on the cruise while I get to enjoy it too. Have heard nothing but good things about Disney cruises.
@zizzabell523 I love going to Disneyland (never been to Disney World). I've been going every couple years since I was a kid. I can't convince you why I like it, but it doesn't come close to costing us that much money. We drive, stay with a relative 10 minutes away, and only do one park for only one day. I guess if we lived further than a 6 hour drive, we had kids, and we had to get a hotel if would add up. That said, I'm sure we won't be going as often once we are parents (which sounds a little weird, but added it'll will cost more).
@onesmallcoconut I totally agree. I also don’t like any of the Real Housewives series or most reality shows on E or Bravo.
I must confess... I love Real Housewives of Orange County. I've watched it since the beginning and it's the only one out of the franchise I enjoy but it's totally a guilty pleasure lol I know I'm watching garbage. Drama filled crazy lady garbage lol
I've seen so many horrible outcomes to homeschooling and it's because the parents don't have the time and knowledge to put into teaching. There is a reason teaching requires a bachelors degree and a specialty. And, in most states, a masters degree. Also, the specials, art, music, P.E, get severely under taught. With education you need to stay current and have a team to collaborate with. JMO.
I love Disney. I have gone to disneyworld I think 7 times in the past 8 years. Sometimes just a short trip, 3 days 4 nights, some week long. I am a disneyaholic. I know it's not for everyone. I will say, my absolute favorite time of going, was when my daughter had just turned one. She doesn't remember it, I wouldn't expect her to. But the interactions she had, made it all worth it. I have the cutest video of her and minnie mouse. If I could share it here, I would. Now that I'm pg, we are planning on going again when this one is about the same age, because it was truly magical. (My daughter has since been back at age 2, and 4. She still believes in the magic, can actually talk to the characters, and enjoys more of the rides. But there is something about seeing a 1 year old meet Mickey and the gang.)
We are also DVC members, so we save a shit ton on the hotel.
2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN 3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS! Vanishing twin at week 6 Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN 3 IUI's in 2017- BFN 8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
I've seen so many horrible outcomes to homeschooling and it's because the parents don't have the time and knowledge to put into teaching. There is a reason teaching requires a bachelors degree and a specialty. And, in most states, a masters degree. Also, the specials, art, music, P.E, get severely under taught. With education you need to stay current and have a team to collaborate with. JMO.
Seriously, I have a BFA to teach art and a masters in instructional tech. And I certainly wouldn't even be qualified to homeschool my kids.
Re: UO 10/26
Moana is 100x better than Frozen.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
DH does this and I judge him. And when he chips a tooth from it eventually, I won't feel bad for him.
When Frozen came out, I enjoyed it and thought it was one the best movies Disney had made in a while. I liked that the “true love” ended up coming from the sister relationship. I think Frozen opened the door for them to make Moana, with no love story being a part of the plot at all.
I dont like like frozen candy bars, but I do like how M&Ms get a little crunchy when you put them on ice cream.
I prefer slightly stale gummy bears, and stale peeps.
I don't really like ice cream. I will get a crazing, buy something, eat one scoop or just a couple bites, and throw it away months later when it's all freezer burnt.
I love Moana, but it felt a little slow. I love that the music wasn't totally annoying, but totally catchy if you listened to it again. (My daughter has to have the soundtrack on to sleep. I hear it constantly, and it hasn't gotten as annoying as Let it go. But, I think that's because all of the songs are so great, so you don't just listen to Shiny or You're welcome on repeat. And Lin Manuel Miranda is awesome. And Christopher Jackson's voice is AWESOME. (He's the singing voice of her dad in Moana, and LMM'S BFF, and also George Washington in Hamilton, and he's currently acting in the show Bull. LOVE HIM!)
I hate the movie Toy Story.
I haven't finished a single book in the month of October.
I gave my pregnancy pillow to my 4yo. It's been a life-saver. She actually sleeps the night in her bed now. She's a cuddler, and I guess that's why, she feels secure, and has been sleeping MUCH better. Now I don't feel like I wasted $60!
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
@sandbar517 I think the issue with brave is that it was an ANTI-love story instead of just being about other things. You can't be brave and attached. If you're brave, strong, and smart, you're destined to be alone. (Also, I felt there was a focus on her not being pretty enough.)
I think Moana is definitely a step in the right direction. That said, it seems like Disney only had one personality for female characters that can accomplish anything. A little ditzy and clumsy, but the bravery overcomes it, as long as there's someone there to bail you out when things get too tricky. Anna and Moana are the exact same character.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
My parents made the decision to homeschool us when I was going into fourth grade. It was easily one of the worst aspects of my childhood. Extra curricular activities do not replace day to day interactions with people your own age, and you stunt a person's emotional and intellectual development by only providing one view point for education. (And seriously, NO KID WANTS TO BE HOME WITH THEIR MOM OR DAD ALL DAY EVERY DAY)
On the school topic, I went to a private school. It wasn't my choice, but when I begged to go to public school like all my friends, my parents finally told me the school I was zoned for was the worst in the county for fights with white kids being the minority and they didn't want me exposed to that (I was extremely sheltered). While I'm grateful for them looking out for me, it was tough growing up with about half of my graduating class (which was a whopping 31) from Kindergarten on. I was always picked on for my "riggering" (I had an issue where if I got mesmerized watching something, I'd hold my breath, my body would go stiff, and my arms would flail all over the place. My parents worked really hard with me when I was little and eventually it was only my hands wriggling around. I still catch my fingers twitching every now and then today) and for being the one who did her homework and loved to read. The cliques get old quick. I plan on sending my daughter to public school (not that we could afford private even if there was one nearby) so that maybe she could have a better experience than I did. I didn't really think I got a better education out of it either, looking back. I don't plan on homeschooling, either. My niece decided to be home-schooled her Junior and Senior years in high school due to bullying over her weight and she said she missed the atmosphere of school. Yeah, she made great grades and graduated sooner, but like PP's have said, you can't replace the experiences.
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
TTC #1 since September 2015
BFP #1: CP, April 2016
BFP #2: 10/5/16, MMC 11/3/16 at 7w5d (embryo stopped @ ~6 weeks), misoprostol 11/11/16 (EDD 6/16/17)
Dx: Luteal phase defect, uterine polyps, stage 2 endometriosis, low morphology
Uterine polyp removal (laparoscopy) 3/28/17
BFP #3: 6/19/17, MMC 7/11/17 at 6w3d, misoprostol 7/17/17 (EDD 3/1/18)
BFP #4: 8/25/17 EDD 5/4/18
We are also DVC members, so we save a shit ton on the hotel.
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I have a BFA to teach art and a masters in instructional tech. And I certainly wouldn't even be qualified to homeschool my kids.