She updated about 36 hrs ago, that she was in the hospital on bed rest, they were monitoring baby B very closely and they expected it would be less than a week before they deliver. I think she was supposed to meet with MFM again yesterday but she has not posted an update yet.
eta @beary67 we are rooting for you and your babies, Fight baby B fight and grow, grow grow!
TTC 1/2012 Diagnosed : unexplained infertility 6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015 TTC #3 5/2016 Restarted Fertility tx IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
She left a comment to me on FB this past Monday evening when I was in the hospital (10/23 at 9:57 pm EST) saying that she'll be in the hospital until she delivers, but likely 2-4 weeks was the new estimate for delivery. I'm not sure if that came before or after the update @wabash15 referenced.
Let's hope closer to 4 weeks so those babies can grow (though that is a LONG time to be in the hospital)! Thinking lots of good thoughts and hope we don't see a birth announcement for weeks to come!
Married May 2014 DD born August 2016 Baby #2 due December 2017
Thinking of you and your twinnies, @beary67! I hope they stay put for their own good, and that you find ways to pass your time in hospital. Love to your family!
You all are so sweet! @anewadventure thanks so much for making a thread. This can be a central place I provide updates for everyone if that's ok?
So I'll start by giving a summary of what happened and then give an update on what's happening now. Last Thursday, I went to my growth scan/biophysical profile scan at the MFM and we discovered that Baby B is growth restricted due to placenta insufficiency. Baby B measured last Thursday at 3lbs11oz and Baby A measured at 5lbs10oz when I was 32w6d. The discordance between the twins was 34% and anything more than 20% is not good. With the placenta insufficiency, there are three stages, and the blood flow gets restricted from the placenta. So when we went to the appointment last Thursday, we were on stage one, but we don't know how long this has been an issue. It takes about 3-4 weeks to go through each stage, and eventually the last stage is where the blood flow reverses and doesn't get to the baby at all. So the plan as of last Thursday was to continue to check the blood flow at the BPP appointments every Monday and Thursday. The doctor told me if I felt decreased movement, I needed to call my OB immediately. So on Friday, I was not feeling anything from Baby B and the OB had me come right in. From there,the OB and the MFM talked and decided it was best that I go to the hospital to have the twins on monitors for 24 hours, and to continue to have monitoring in the hospital until the ultrasound, which they would now do in the hospital, on Monday.
All the testing on the monitor was looking good at the hospital, and the MFM on call was predicting I would deliver in the next 2 weeks and that I would likely be able to be released after the ultrasound on Monday if that came back ok, and I would continue to have my twice weekly (perhaps even 3 times a week) BPP and doppler studies on the blood flow.
Then the blood work came back that I might be at risk for preeclampsia, so they had me do a 24 hour urine test to check for protein. That came back on Sunday morning. Levels over 300 or more in pregnant women are a sign of pre-e. My levels were 700. So at that point, the MFM said he wanted to do the steroid shot (one a day on Sunday and Monday) because he was not confident I would be able to make it until 34 weeks to deliver (this Friday). With getting the steroid shot, I was not able to leave the hospital because I also have gestational diabetes and steroids can mess with your blood sugars, so there was a chance I would need to be put on an insulin drip. Luckily, my blood sugars have been pretty good and we only had to increase my insulin slightly. I have no signs of pre-e yet. My BP is usually around 110-120/50-60 and I have no headaches, chest pains, blurred vision, etc.
So right now, we are taking things day by day. Yesterday my MFM said she thinks I have at least 2 weeks left before I deliver, and that she would like to get me to 37 weeks. Today, she came in and said my c-section has been scheduled for November 17th! That will put me at 37 weeks. I know a lot can change, but that makes me hopeful.
Each day, the twins get hooked up to the monitors and if something doesn't seem right, they will take me for an ultrasound (which hasn't happened yet besides the ones I'm scheduled for on Monday/Thursday). I know today is not the day I will deliver if the nurse comes in after the babies are hooked up to the monitors and I get a Lovenox injection (blood thinner for clotting). So I pray for Lovenox each day because that's another day the twins get to stay put!
They will not let me leave the hospital until I deliver, so I could be here for another 3+ weeks. My husband stays here at night with me and then goes to work during the day, and my parents/MIL/friends visit throughout the day. It's a little boring and lonely at times when no one is here and I can't get out of bed except to use the bathroom/shower, but it is 100% worth it because we have prayed for these blessings for years.
I'll update after the ultrasound tomorrow. Thanks for all your thoughts and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
About me: TTC#1: October 2015 dx: PCOS & MFI IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP July 2016: Blighted Ovum IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN FET February 2017 ~BFN IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17 Team Blue X 2!
@beary67 i'm so glad to hear your update!! you have all my sympathy, i was stuck in the hospital for nearly a full month at the end of my last pregnancy due to a DVT, and i couldn't get out of bed, see the sun, or do anything at all really. i'm not sure i knew you were on lovenox (i am as well). have they discussed possibly changing you to a heparin drip since you only need to be off of that for 6 hours in order to have a c-section vs. 24 hours for the lovenox? are you on twice-daily lovenox dosage or just one larger syringe per day? lovenox is the preferred medication when they are confident that delivery is not imminent but i'm wondering if you guys should discuss it in case things start going south and that way you're aware of what's going on and what the options are. perhaps that is their plan anyway, since you aren't getting the new lovenox dose until you have some sort of monitoring confirmation each day that things seem to be ok.
Met: September 2005Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
Just wanted to add, my friends had their twin boys this summer at 34w6d due to pre-e and they are happy, healthy little guys doing so well! If an early twin delivery with a happy ending helps at all, here is their story:
Married May 2014 DD born August 2016 Baby #2 due December 2017
@beary67 I'm so glad to hear you are okay and the twins are holding on a little longer! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get your lovenox each day until they're ready! We'll definitely be thinking about you and your family.
Thanks so much for the update @beary67!!!! You are so so strong - I would have had about a dozen psychiatric crises by now (or maybe you've omitted those for brevity ) Seriously though, been thinking of you three every day, and now for your H to hang in there as well. I'm glad that you feel well supported by your doctors, family, and friends. Lots of hugs!
Me: 36 | DH 35, Married 2007
TTC #1 June 2015 April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal June 2016 - HSG clear *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16 BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17 DS - 12/9/17 TTC #2 December 2018 BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19 DD - 11/1/19 My Chart
@beary67 I'm so glad they're giving your boys a shot at coming to full term or just about (for twins)! I'm sorry you're stuck in a hospital bed that whole time, but your positive outlook is inspiring. Not sure if you have a laptop, but if you do, here's a fun game to pass the time (if you like traveling/geography):
@beary67 Thinking of you and those precious twins! Sounds like you're getting excellent monitoring and care. Hang in there beautiful! Lots of people are praying for you!
Me: 27 years old DH: 27 years old Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
Married in July 2014
TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
BFP #1 3/29/16 MMC: 5/5/16 BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16 BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17 My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: Juicebox Podcast Episode 118 A1Cs: 1/12/16 6.7% 5/25/16 6.0% 11/2/16 6.1% 3/22/16 5.8% 4/27/17 5.4% 6/13/17 5.3% "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
@beary67 thanks for the summary and update! I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and stalking this thread in the coming weeks. I hope things continue to be boring and those twins stay cooking for a bit longer. Glad you're having some company
P.s. I blew a ton of time on in uni... not sure if that's up your alley or not.
Eta this is buthayna. Can't remember if I switched screen names before or after we stopped being on the same board together.
edit again for a typo
TTGP history (*TW*):
Started TTC Oct 2015 BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016 Re-started TTC Aug 2016 Started IF testing Nov 2016 Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017 BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
Thanks for the update @beary67. Hang in there girl - you’re doing great. Im sorry you’re stuck in the hospital for so long, but you know it’s for a good reason, so just try to get rest and watch some shitty Netflix shows. Mindhunter is a good one that I binge watched last week! Ill be sending good thoughts to you and your little family all day everyday!
@beary67 Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about you and your babies and I know you all will be just fine. FX you keep providing great updates.
@beary67 of course I still check in on you!! I am sorry for this scare, but it's so good that it has been caught and your team of drs are keeping a close eye and doing everything they can to protect you and your babies. I'm sure it's boring, but how great that your sweet babes have more time to grow and develop. I truly have been rooting for you and hope despite this current situation that it can go as smoothly as possible for the remainder of your pregnancy. My thoughts, prayers, and well wishes for strong, healthy babies and for you too.
@beary67 I'm sorry you're in the hospital but I'm glad it sounds like you're well taken care of. You've got a lot of people praying for those boys and you. I'll be stalking here too. Xox
eta. Lurker
TTC1: May 2015
Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
@beary67 So glad for the update and those babies are doing well enough to hang in there longer. Fx for daily levonox injections! I hope today's ultrasound went well. grow baby B grow!
Thank you for the update! I will be thinking of you and pulling for you! I watch a decent amount of Hulu, netflix, listen to audiobooks, and play apps, so let me know if you want any recommendations (&a examples of what you like). Stay strong!
Thanks for the continued well wishes! I just wanted to update and let you all know that everything has stayed the same with Baby B (which is what we want) and our ultrasound yesterday showed the same amount of blood flow to the placenta as the scan last Thursday and this past Monday. My BP has stayed on average at 115/65 so that's also great! Both babies just had their daily monitoring and Baby B had to be buzzed to wake up so they could show accelerations in his heart rate, but other than that, everything was great! And I got my lovenox for the day, too!
@anewadventure I will definitely ask about heparin! Right now, I just get Lovenox once a day.
And guess what?? My MFM arranged with the nursing managers a way for my dog to visit today! We got my dog (a mini labradoodle) the day we found out our only option was IVF, so he means so much to me with this journey. I haven't seen him in a week and I'm so happy my MFM doctor saw how important it was for me to see him, even if it's just for a short amount of time outside!!
Again, thanks for all of your love and support!
About me: TTC#1: October 2015 dx: PCOS & MFI IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP July 2016: Blighted Ovum IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN FET February 2017 ~BFN IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17 Team Blue X 2!
@beary67, continued prayers for you and your little ones. So happy you got to see your pup, they are not only good for mental health, but help with some many physical stressors as well. Hope you have a quiet and uneventful weekend:)
Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21
@Beary96 - Oh, sweet friend, you are a champion! You have worked so, so hard for these little miracles and I am moved to tears reading about how, once again, your braveness shines. Praying daily for you and both babies.
and OMG, legit tears at you being able to see pupper. How sweet! I an't wait till the twins get to meet pup!
TTC #1 since September 2014 Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI
(count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low
progesterone Check out my Infertility blog Check out my Infertility Instagram
Loss History (TW):
BFP: 3 May 2015, loss confirmed 4 June 2015 BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015 BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015 BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018 BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
TTC History (TW):
3 losses in 2015 Met with OBGYN in January 2016 Me: all clear, H: OAT November 2016: HSG = All
January 2017: H tested again, High DNA fragmentation and stainability
February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt
#1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17 December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC) Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA) FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018 May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus" FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo. BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019 Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two! Lost Baby A 02 July 2018 Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018 Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel.
Next Up:
TTC Naturally, possibly IUIs for remainder of 2018. ER#2 ~Jan 2019
@beary67I'm glad to hear that baby b is staying the same. Hope that it continues in the future. You are so brave and amazing. Your doctor and hospital sound amazing. I'm glad that you have family close by that are able to support you both as well.
@beary67 I am still crossing my fingers for you to keep those babies in there! Your care team does sound amazing, and I am sure you are in great hands! At least when you are bored you have these boards to come to for some form of entertainment!
Re: A thread for @beary67 and her beautiful twins!
eta @beary67 we are rooting for you and your babies, Fight baby B fight and grow, grow grow!
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
She left a comment to me on FB this past Monday evening when I was in the hospital (10/23 at 9:57 pm EST) saying that she'll be in the hospital until she delivers, but likely 2-4 weeks was the new estimate for delivery. I'm not sure if that came before or after the update @wabash15 referenced.
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
TTC #1 since 12/2015
BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17
Me: 29 DH: 31
Married 10/13/12
TTC Since 8/2016
Thinking of you @beary67!
DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
MFI (SA #1Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
AMH .328 | FSH 13.2
So I'll start by giving a summary of what happened and then give an update on what's happening now. Last Thursday, I went to my growth scan/biophysical profile scan at the MFM and we discovered that Baby B is growth restricted due to placenta insufficiency. Baby B measured last Thursday at 3lbs11oz and Baby A measured at 5lbs10oz when I was 32w6d. The discordance between the twins was 34% and anything more than 20% is not good. With the placenta insufficiency, there are three stages, and the blood flow gets restricted from the placenta. So when we went to the appointment last Thursday, we were on stage one, but we don't know how long this has been an issue. It takes about 3-4 weeks to go through each stage, and eventually the last stage is where the blood flow reverses and doesn't get to the baby at all. So the plan as of last Thursday was to continue to check the blood flow at the BPP appointments every Monday and Thursday. The doctor told me if I felt decreased movement, I needed to call my OB immediately. So on Friday, I was not feeling anything from Baby B and the OB had me come right in. From there,the OB and the MFM talked and decided it was best that I go to the hospital to have the twins on monitors for 24 hours, and to continue to have monitoring in the hospital until the ultrasound, which they would now do in the hospital, on Monday.
All the testing on the monitor was looking good at the hospital, and the MFM on call was predicting I would deliver in the next 2 weeks and that I would likely be able to be released after the ultrasound on Monday if that came back ok, and I would continue to have my twice weekly (perhaps even 3 times a week) BPP and doppler studies on the blood flow.
Then the blood work came back that I might be at risk for preeclampsia, so they had me do a 24 hour urine test to check for protein. That came back on Sunday morning. Levels over 300 or more in pregnant women are a sign of pre-e. My levels were 700. So at that point, the MFM said he wanted to do the steroid shot (one a day on Sunday and Monday) because he was not confident I would be able to make it until 34 weeks to deliver (this Friday). With getting the steroid shot, I was not able to leave the hospital because I also have gestational diabetes and steroids can mess with your blood sugars, so there was a chance I would need to be put on an insulin drip. Luckily, my blood sugars have been pretty good and we only had to increase my insulin slightly. I have no signs of pre-e yet. My BP is usually around 110-120/50-60 and I have no headaches, chest pains, blurred vision, etc.
So right now, we are taking things day by day. Yesterday my MFM said she thinks I have at least 2 weeks left before I deliver, and that she would like to get me to 37 weeks. Today, she came in and said my c-section has been scheduled for November 17th! That will put me at 37 weeks. I know a lot can change, but that makes me hopeful.
Each day, the twins get hooked up to the monitors and if something doesn't seem right, they will take me for an ultrasound (which hasn't happened yet besides the ones I'm scheduled for on Monday/Thursday). I know today is not the day I will deliver if the nurse comes in after the babies are hooked up to the monitors and I get a Lovenox injection (blood thinner for clotting). So I pray for Lovenox each day because that's another day the twins get to stay put!
They will not let me leave the hospital until I deliver, so I could be here for another 3+ weeks. My husband stays here at night with me and then goes to work during the day, and my parents/MIL/friends visit throughout the day. It's a little boring and lonely at times when no one is here and I can't get out of bed except to use the bathroom/shower, but it is 100% worth it because we have prayed for these blessings for years.
I'll update after the ultrasound tomorrow. Thanks for all your thoughts and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
TTC#1: October 2015
dx: PCOS & MFI
IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
July 2016: Blighted Ovum
IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
FET February 2017 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
Team Blue X 2!
Met: September 2005 Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
Me: 36 DH: 41
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"
P.s. I blew a ton of time on in uni... not sure if that's up your alley or not.
Eta this is buthayna. Can't remember if I switched screen names before or after we stopped being on the same board together.
edit again for a typo
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
Ill be sending good thoughts to you and your little family all day everyday!
You are doing a great job and it sounds like you have a wonderful team. You've got this!
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
eta. Lurker
It sounds like you've got a great care team! Fx those babies stay put a little longer and stay healthy. Hang in there!!
@Sugargirl1019 @BigBadWolf12 @sarah0985 hi ladies! its nice to see you lurking here
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
@anewadventure I will definitely ask about heparin! Right now, I just get Lovenox once a day.
And guess what?? My MFM arranged with the nursing managers a way for my dog to visit today! We got my dog (a mini labradoodle) the day we found out our only option was IVF, so he means so much to me with this journey. I haven't seen him in a week and I'm so happy my MFM doctor saw how important it was for me to see him, even if it's just for a short amount of time outside!!
Again, thanks for all of your love and support!
TTC#1: October 2015
dx: PCOS & MFI
IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
July 2016: Blighted Ovum
IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
FET February 2017 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
Team Blue X 2!
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
and OMG, legit tears at you being able to see pupper. How sweet! I an't wait till the twins get to meet pup!
Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
Check out my Infertility blog
Check out my Infertility Instagram
BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
Met with OBGYN in January 2016
Me: all clear, H: OAT
November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
January 2017: H tested again, High DNA fragmentation and stainability
February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo.
BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two!
Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel.
ER#2 ~Jan 2019
@beary67 thinking of you and your sweet twins! I hope they continue to do well and keep cozy in there just a bit longer!