Hello ladies,
I just got my first BFP since an ectopic in May so naturally I'm a little paranoid. I should have waited but I tested at 8dpo (FRER, not even FMU) and sure enough there's a line- it's faint- but it's there!
I've never tested this early before, but part of me is wondering if I got such an early BFP because it implanted too early in my tube?
I have an appointment on Monday for bloods anyways but I'd love some feedback!
Re: Early BFP/ ectopic correlation?
If you have history of ectopic pregnancy you should get a scan on Monday with your blood work.
It’s likely you’re just further along than you think.
I think they'll give me a scan tomorrow too, but I won't expect to see much- AF isn't even supposed to come until Thursday.