June 2018 Moms

Need some advice

Hello everyone,

I am not too sure as to what i should do about telling my boss about being pregnant. I am 5w0d today, my first prenatal visit isnt until 11/17. My boss is going to be on maternity leave in two weeks. Do i tell her now before she goes out, or wait until after the appt and then just email her (she will still be available via email and text while she is out on leave). I am a nurse at a specialty office. I rarely get to sit unless the doctor i work for is on a late start day (like today for example). We also do chemotherapy injections. I am sure i am just being overly concerned, but i want to make sure that i am doing everything possible to have a safe pregnancy

Re: Need some advice

  • @christineh13186 this would be a good question for the weekly questions. 

    But I'm sure it's something a lot of women here are thinking about. My plan is wait until after my dr's appointment at 8w3d and then tell my HR. You could tell HR before your appointment. They will be able to direct you with regards to your workplace hazards. I don't know anything about what is safe and not safe and when in regards to chemotherapy so I'm no help there. 

    Maybe you could edit the title of your post so we can all benefit from a discussion about how to tell our bosses and when. 
    *TW LC*
    Me & MH: 32
    DS: 6/1/18 (Pre-E; IUGR; seizures; NICU)
    TTC #2: 12/2019
    Sept 2020: HSG possible blocked right tube
    Nov 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFN
    Dec 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFP!!! EDD 9/18

  • @christineh13186, do you have concerns about exposure to anything hazardous at work that could affect your pregnancy?  If so, I'd certainly bring it up.  I'm sure your boss would be discreet and understanding since she's currently pregnant herself and can let you know if there is anything that you can do at work to limit exposure to hazards.

    If you're not concerned about exposure than bring it up to her whenever you feel comfortable.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    OP, you definitely should not be dealing with chemotherapy while pregnant.  I'm sure you know that, since you mentioned it.  I would definitely tell her now before she leaves so there is no confusion when you tell whoever else is in charge about things you need to avoid.  

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • @christineh13186 Would you consider modifying the title of your thread to make it more generally applicable to the other ladies on the board, "Questions and Concerns on Announcing at Work" maybe? 

    On your question, I think you've gotten good advice so far. I generally am a fan of waiting to announce at work until later in a pregnancy but it sounds like you have mitigating factors related to your and the baby's health that will require you to disclose your pregnancy now. I would also recommend talking to your OBGYN about your work duties and getting an idea of what things you should not do. 
  • If you're working with chemo drugs -- then you need to let them know ASAP. You should not be handling chemo drugs as a pregnant woman, that's not being "overly concerned", that's just a part of chemo drugs.
    The CDC has a whole web page with resources that may be useful to you:

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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