June 2018 Moms

STM+ Check-In 10/11


Re: STM+ Check-In 10/11

  • How far along are you? 4w6d

    How old are your other kids? Daughter - 3

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I am feeling pretty confident right now about being a STM. I was a nanny for a 3 year old girl while pregnant so I have dealt with toddler drama while pregnant before.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I am so excited for my daughter, she is the last of her little friends to have a sibling and she has started asking for a baby. We are waiting longer to tell her though. Mainly because I know she will blab it around to everyone!

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? Chicago is an amazingly, exciting place to live. There is always so much going on, so much to see, eat and drink! But at the same time I hate being packed in along with everyone else. I miss grass, space and quiet!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @PatientlyWaiting10 I'm really scared of being outnumbered as well! I had two under two before, it was actually very doable. My kids are 19 months apart. Up until my second could walk it was fine. Then things got interesting lol. 
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  • How far along are you? 5w4d

    How old are your other kids? Two boys, ages 3 and 17 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Being outnumbered! Going from man to man to zone defense seems so frightening. My boys have a great relationship so I am worried about how the third will fit in and that my middle was struggle with not being the baby anymore. Since my older son was so young when #2 was born, we never did anything to prepare him. Having kids who are aware of what is happening is all new to me!

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: Seeing my children as siblings has been wonderful beyond belief, and I can't wait to see them with the new baby. I grew up as one of 3 and can't imagine life without my siblings. I hope they feel the same. And I CANNOT wait to snuggle a new little teeny newborn. 

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? Favorite - there are so many kid friendly, free or low cost activities. It's fantastic! Least favorite - the humidity. Gross. 
  • @dinodna3 My kids are similar in age to yours! I'm so glad! I don't know anyone in real life having 3 so close together. 
  • @sunshineandwhiskey I'm a teacher too and it's been so tough. Although I've been snapping at adults more than students. They really get on my nerves. 

  • How old are your other kids?  - 4 and 7, both girls

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? - Currently the kids not knowing why I feel so bad. We aren't telling them until after my first appointment. So they don't understand why I am so tired, and cranky.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I haven't felt like my family was complete yet. We said for a long time we were done with just the two. But I am overjoyed to be having one more. And even though DH says he just wants a healthy baby, I know he is excited to try for a boy

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? - Favorite thing is living on over an acre. We don't have to worry about an HOA or neighbors, etc... I HATE yard work.

  • How far along are you? 6+3

    How old are your other kids? DS1 is 3 year old (4 in November) and DS2 is 13 months.

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? 
    I'm mostly worried about parenting though morning sickness again, with two children this time. Last time, I spent most of the time between 10 and 22 weeks laying on the couch or throwing up.  And my parenting included trying to conivnce my toddler he wanted to watch tv or play on the floor right in front of the couch.  I had severe motion sickness and even just walking made me sick.  I know in the grand scheme of life, having my child watch a lot of tv for 12 weeks isn't a big deal but at the time I don't feel like a good mother.  

    My husband is worried about having to buy a new car.  My vibe can't handle three car seats in the back.  We were going to wait a bit longer to start trying for our third child to save up for a van but the universe had other plans.  

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: 
    My kids get along so well. It's so sweet to hear my older son say his little brother is his best friend.  And to watch them play together makes everything worth it. DS1 gets so excited when DS2 reaches any mileston, crawling, standing, walking, etc.  Everything is so much more exciting through the eyes of a child.  I know a lot of it depends on personalities but I hope our third child is as close to his/her brothers. 

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    We live in Southern California. I love almost everything about where I live. The weather is amazing year round.  I'm right by the beach. I can walk everywhere, grocery store, my kids doctors, the beach, the mall etc.  (I really dislike driving.) I like how much kid friendly activities are nearby.
    I dislike that I live so far away from my family, they are mostly spreadout along the east coast. And I dislike how insanely expensive it is to live out here.  

  • How far along are you? 
    6w 5d
    How old are your other kids?
    DD1 7yo, DD2 5yo
    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a TTM: 
    Excited to be expanding our family again! 

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    The peace and tranquility. The heat in our temporary house boat and the distance from the home birth location I'll be renting. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Stole these questions from another BMB :) 

    How far along are you?

    How old are your other kids?
    6 and 15 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? 
    My 15 month-old is so high energy and I just want to sleep.  Oh and my 6 year old told all my girl scouts and just about everyone that I'm pregnant already.
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM:
    Having the age range I do, my daughter can "babysit" if I need a few minutes to myself 

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?

    I live in bfe Iowa.  My favorite thing is being in a pretty close knit community.  Least favorite? The amount of shootings in my town has grown exponentially in the last year or so.  In a different neighborhood, but still unnerving.  (Were moving next summer half an hr away closer to dh work)

  • How far along are you? 6+3

    How old are your other kids? DS is 2.5 (3 in Feb)

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I feel really bad right now because I've been so exhausted that I havent been available to really play with DS. Add in the lack of patience and food aversions. I feel like I'm not playing with him, yelling at him, and then feeding him junk :(

    Also stressed about needing a new vehicle. DS is rear facing and will continue for a long while yet. DH cannot drive our car with 2 rf car seats as it pushes the driver seat up too far. 

    Nervous about him being 'mama's boy' and having to share me so much with a nb. 

    DH and I have both talked about feeling weird about the possibility of having another boy being mom/dads boy and that it feels almost like cheating on him. 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I am so excited to give DS a sibling, and grow our little family! I havent felt like our family was complete and this really feels like the missing piece :D

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? I love our community! It is very social and thoughtful. Lots of events constantly happening for free/low cost. The area is beautiful! Small city which is perfect for me. Can get anywhere within 15 minutes. Our direct neighbourhood doesn't really have kids other than us. And a lot of the neighbours aren't really social. We know on either side of us and that's it. (And that is an elderly couple and a young couple- was a bachelor for a while and no prospect of wedding/kids anytime soon)
  • How far along are you? 
    5 weeks
    How old are your other kids? 
    4yo girl, 2yo boy 
    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
    My 2yo has a speech delay, so every day involves him screaming, trying to communicate. It's definitely a challenge!
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: 
    Right now they're both coloring nicely, not fighting and it makes me want a dozen more. 
    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    We live on an Army post. I have good friends here. Least fav, we're 40 miles from the nearest town. 70 miles from the nearest major town. Any major shopping, we have to go into town for
  • Thanks @mytinc and @kmurdock925 I just worry about having too many transitions happening to her all at once (moving to a big girl bed at the same time she gets a baby brother or sister seems like a lot of change happening all at once.  I just really don't want to have to buy another crib.  
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

  • @jsl82 *Stuck in the Box* we are definitely debating on the switch as well.  We have to move DD into "her" room as well, so I think we may do that over thanksgiving break or christmas break, and see how that goes.  And then if its good, try a toddler bed in Marchish (spring break we have a week off).  Our crib currently converts to a toddler bed, so i think we're just going to go for it.  IF the toddler bed doesn't work, we will get another convertible crib.
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • jsl82 said:
    How far along are you? 
    6W 1D

    How old are your other kids? 
    9.5 months DD

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
    Nothing but challenges and concerns about being a STM right now.  1) I'm still nursing and it hurts to bad.  She's still under 1 years old, so I am pumping at work (also painful) and feeding her a few times a day.  I think I'm going to ween her down to morning and night after her birthday.  2) She's in her crib still- do we buy another crib or move her to a bed before June?  How old should she be?  I can't believe I am making my baby grow up so much sooner than she should have to.  3) She is quite the aggressive lover.  She doesn't understand "nice" yet and I'm worried about her hitting the baby and in general playing too rough.  There are more concerns but those are the ones I worry about the most right now.

    DD is currently working on walking and talking and is teething like crazy.  She is also getting molars and canines (upper canines and lower molars).  Luckily the worst seems to be behind us right now.... but I'm sure a new crop of teeth are waiting to come through.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: 
    I hope they will be close and best friends.  

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    Favorite is our neighbors.  They are all very nice and have a bunch of little kids too.  Least Favorite is the school district.  We need to move out before DD starts school and into a better district.

    I've thought the same with the crib situation. DS just doesn't seem ready to be in a bed yet (21 mo) and considering all the recent changes in his life I'm opting to getting either a bassinet, co-sleeper or PNP for LO since they will be in our room anyway. As the time comes if DS is ready for that transition then ideally LO would get the crib. Right now my thought is to cross that bridge when the time comes but I have no intention to buy a new crib and I'll look at alternatives for the first few months.
    @jsl82  We will probably move DS to our spare bedroom in the basement.  Our DD has a room in the basement now so she'll probably enjoy the company, but I am worried about having my two year old down there.  And yes, transition to a big boy bed at the same time, I suppose!?  I figured the baby can sleep in the cradle we got with DD for a little while but I don't want to have too many transitions for baby either.  Both DS and DD we've put in the crib as soon as we got home from the hospital.  So much to think about and figure out in the next few months.
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @meagster13 I have the same nervous feeling with DS too he's very attached to my hip and recently has gotten upset and actually started hitting people if he sees them have any physical contact with me. Most recently my cousin giving me a hug when we were leaving her house.
  • shihtzumommashihtzumomma member
    edited October 2017
    How far along are you? 5 weeks

    How old are your other kids? 7.5, 4, and 22 months 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
    It’ll be interesting to see how the toddler reacts to a new baby. We also don’t have another room for this baby so I guess it’ll be rooming with us for a while. 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I don’t think it’ll really be that much different with 4.

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? 
    Favorite: Rural country setting, great place for kids to grow up.
    least favorite: Being 25-30 minutes from town.
  • @jsl82 DD will turn 2 right before baby arrives and we are wondering about the whole crib situation too! I think at this point she would be okay in a toddler bed, but I'm not quite ready for that change. I worry too, that I'm forcing her to grow up too fast. I guess to me a crib is a symbol of her still being my baby lol not too sure what we will end up doing, but we have been talking about maybe making a switch around Christmas.
  • @bkrahn EXACTLY!  DD's my baby- even before this pregnancy DH and I would constantly say that we want her to grow up and walk/talk/play ect because it's fun to watch- but at the same time we want her to slow down and stay our little baby.  The fact that we planned to have them close makes me feel so guilty about all the time she will lose being "the baby".  

    Plus, I want them to be friends and I feel like making the transition as easy as possible may cut down on any resentment that might creep up.
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

  • Anyone else have 2 kids now? I have this irrational anxiety about never being able to eat out again... because a table for 5 will be a longer wait then a table for 4... 

    I'm blaming preggo brain 

  • @wright129 Yes!  Ugh, I hadn't even thought of that!  haha!  Well, while they're little they can probably all squeeze into one side of the booth.  lol  
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @wright129 I didn't even think about that! 
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @wright129 yes!  We are horrible about eating out a lot, we figure this will give us the push to quit haha.  And the chicken we get comes in packs of 2 chicken breast, now we will have to buy 3 packages!
  • @wright129 we do. But we only eat at home. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • @BlackAndGold09 I didn't even think about the chicken breast packages! 

  • @PatientlyWaiting10 I'm really scared of being outnumbered as well! I had two under two before, it was actually very doable. My kids are 19 months apart. Up until my second could walk it was fine. Then things got interesting lol. 
    Hi! Mine will be 19 months apart, too! I may need to pick your brain these next few months!
    Me: 31; DH: 31
    NTNP: May 2015
    TTC #1: late August 2015
    PCOS Dx: January 2016, starting Femara Feb 2016
    BFP: 2/29/16 - Happy Leap Day!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @tepr14 its so tough! DS is ok with other people giving me brief affection but he constantly says "my mom" and if one of his cousins wants to cuddle me, he needs to be a part of it too. 
  • wright129 said:
    Anyone else have 2 kids now? I have this irrational anxiety about never being able to eat out again... because a table for 5 will be a longer wait then a table for 4... 

    I'm blaming preggo brain 
    I didn't even think about that. I was mostly thinking about needing a new car. 
    But also, my 2 yr old is impossible at restaurants so we don't go out often. Maybe another 4 years and we'll be able to go out... lol
  • tepr14 said:

    I've thought the same with the crib situation. DS just doesn't seem ready to be in a bed yet (21 mo) and considering all the recent changes in his life I'm opting to getting either a bassinet, co-sleeper or PNP for LO since they will be in our room anyway. As the time comes if DS is ready for that transition then ideally LO would get the crib. Right now my thought is to cross that bridge when the time comes but I have no intention to buy a new crib and I'll look at alternatives for the first few months.
    When my son was born, he slept in our room in the pnp until he slept through the night at 6 months. My (then) 2.5 year old slept in her crib until baby was around 4 months, then we transitioned her to a twin bed. We bought fun sheets and hyped it up, and she was fine. Then moved the crib to baby's room and worked on moving him. No issues at all with either one. 
    We just moved 2 yr old son to a twin bed, so our crib is free, but I'm still doing the pnp until baby sleeps through the night. 
  • @May14th2011 glad to know that worked for you! Hopefully the same will happen for us. Sounds like similar age ranges DS will be 2.5 by the time LO arrives. Thanks! 
  • How far along are you? 4w2d

    How old are your other kids? Daughter - 11 months today

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I am still processing the idea of being pregnant. I put DD down tonight and was a little sad she's going to be a big girl/big sister now. Like I'm making her grow up too fast. I see I'm not the only one feeling this way!

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I am excited to have kids close in age. My brother and I are 4 years apart and that felt like a lot until he was like 21. At 19 months apart and DD having a "late" bday (November), I think they will only be one grade apart which will be awesome. Until we have to pay for colllege :-/

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? 
    Warm weather most of the year, sports teams and entertainment. Don't like the traffic we have to fight to enjoy those activities though. 
    Me: 31; DH: 31
    NTNP: May 2015
    TTC #1: late August 2015
    PCOS Dx: January 2016, starting Femara Feb 2016
    BFP: 2/29/16 - Happy Leap Day!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I haven't done the questions because it's hard on my phone.  Do any of you have littles who will share a room?  Our only other bedroom is downstairs. I don't like the idea of moving dd down there alone since she's only 3. I just can't figure out how to fit a crib and bed in her current room which is right across the hall from us.  Will she wake up every time the baby cries?
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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  • DashainaDashaina member
    edited October 2017
    @sabby2 My whole family shares one big open space, separated beds/mats and has since I can remember... So 10 years. We didn't have a problem with it during the transition from 1 to 2 kids and they are 21 months apart. And the girls sleep right next to each other now. With a small short divider wall. They usually don't wake up even now when the other goes potty, etc. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • tepr14tepr14 member
    edited October 2017
    @sabby2 I dont have any current experience but I am in the same position. My ds will eventually be sharing his room. From what my students in the past have told me, they notice the crying and will comment "he cries a lot" I think over time they just get used to it. But I really dont know what that process or transition looks like first hand at home.

    If your DS brings up crying shes at the perfect age where you can really explain to her that crying is the way baby communicates for things that they need. 

    Are there any STM+ going to be attempting a VBAC this time around? Or have already had a successful VBAC? Anything you did in particular to help? Anything specific you plan to do this pregnancy? Im already working out more reguarly and watching what I eat. I know a lot depends on the doctor too, any questions you asked to help you pick a supportive doctor? 

    Edit-my own questions
  • @tepr14 I am attempting a Vba2c this time around and am really excited for it!  I keep visualizing myself in the pool they have at the place I will be birthing in Panama City.  I'm so excited!!  I started exercising regularly with weights and body weight about 3 months ago.  Fell off the wagon for about a month and am now picking that up again.   I also TMI squat to use the toilet TMI and find that it helps with constipation (I have not had any this pg as long as I get in the squat position) and know that is also helping with my future birthing desires.  I found the ONLY team (they are married OBGYNs from Argentina) in this country that will attend a home/water/vbacs birth.  They are specialists and are very pro less intervention/listen to your body/c-section as a last resort (absolutely emergency only).  For me it will be worth flying to the city and being away from my family for roughly a month to have them attend me (leaving here at 36.5 weeks).  I have not met them, but have met several moms who have used them and 1 who is pg again and going to them for a second time.  In Panama Vbacs/homebirths are not really the norm, c-sections are and I refuse to be put in that position again where it is thrust upon me without me really understanding why the first time and because I was scared the second time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • How far along are you? 4 weeks today.

    How old are your other kids? DD turned 2 in July.

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Mainly just not looking forward to going back to sleep deprivation. And weirdly I'm nervous about having to take 2 kids to the store lol.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I cannot wait to see my DD as a big sister! She loves babies so I think she will do great.

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live? Favorite is beach weather pretty much all year, and our proximity to Disney World! (We live about 30 minutes away) Least favorite is also the weather- I generally like warm weather better than cold but around the holidays I always kind of wish it was cooler. I think it would feel more Christmas-y. Plus it would be nice to wear cute sweaters to holiday dinners!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 5w3d

    How old are your other kids? My son is 18 weeks (4.5 months)

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? First trimester exhaustion is terrible. And also my son seems to have hit leap 4 AKA 4 month sleep regression AKA hell. The only way he isn't up every 15-20 minutes all night long is if I put him in bed with me and cuddle him. But he is only 18 weeks so I'm super paranoid about pillows ans blankets. I feel like if I'm going to do that I have to stay awake and watch him and make sure he is OK. And I mean, I guess it is better that at least one of us is sleeping than us to both be up all night. He has been getting so cranky during the day if he doesn't sleep at night. So for the last week or so I've been up at night laying in bed watching my son sleep next to me and then I'm up with him all day pretty much. He has been taking a nap in the afternoon for 2 hours or so which has been my saving grace. I'm able to put him in his pack n play and then get some sleep myself. But guys, I feel like a zombie. I've started doing really stupid things also. Like for example I was putting a cloth diaper on my son and I totally forgot to snap one side of the diaper closed. Yeah, that was great when he pooped. 

    Someone please tell me I'm going to survive leap 4. :(

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: I am so excited to see my son as a big brother. It is going to be so precious. And I'm so incredibly thankful that I didn't get stuck in TTC/infertility/RPL hell for another 2 years. Sure we wouldn't have planned having a second this soon but I'll take a happy surprise earlier than planned over TTC hell anyday.

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    I like that we're in a good place for my husband's job. He travels a lot for work and we're close enough to a major airport that it isn't a big deal plus he is within driving distance of a lot of his territory (he is a regional director for a medical sales company). I think what I hate the most right now is how close we are to my MIL. Do those things count?
    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
    Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

    Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • How far along are you? 

    How old are your other kids? 
    DD1 will be 4 in December
    DD2 is almost 19 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
    Challenge- DD2 still isn’t sleeping through the night. I’m not really surprised- DD1 didn’t sleep through the night until 20 months- but I’m much more tired this time around so I’m struggling with that.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: 
    I’m just so excited! These first few weeks are so anxiety filled and worrisome, but I can’t help but smile!

    GTKY: what's you're favorite and least favorite thing about the place you live?
    favorite- there’s quite a lot to do in our area. There are 4 decent sized cities within an hour of us so there’s lots of museums, aquariums, etc.

    Least favorite- I don’t have any friends or family here. We moved here 3 years ago for DHs job and I’m horrible at making friends. I’m super shy and it’s just hard for me. Our closest family lives 6 hours away, so it’s really lonely. DH has a very time consuming job (working an average of 75-80 hours a week) so I’m alone most of the time.

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  • @emjeve I have  similar situation with re to friends. All the women near me are nobe (indigenous tribe) and they never speak to foreign people (gringos) unless they are selling stuff or need me to sew something for them. I also don't have the comfortable knowledge of Spanish... Like to have a girl to girl conversation, etc. All the gringos live near the main island and that's an hour boat ride away. So mostly I'm just with my girls and DH all day. We've bee  here for 3.5 years. 
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  • @Dashaina it really is difficult! I’m glad I’m so close with my M16 group on Facebook! Hoping to make some more close relationships in this group!!

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