May 2018 Moms

Monday ticker change!!

How many weeks are you? How big is baby?

How are you feeling?

Any appointments coming up? 

Rants, raves, questions?

GTKY: what's your favorite pizza?(inspired by the May18 pizza craze)
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Re: Monday ticker change!!

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  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? I go here now!  8 weeks today. Baby is the size of a raspberry. 

    How are you feeling?  I've felt better. The unisom and B6 is helping. I had a great day yesterday and went the whole day at Disneyland without throwing up and only puked once when we got home. Today was a little worse. I'm also tried AF most days and need to take a nap in the afternoon. New this week, shooting boob pain. 

    Any appointments coming up?  I had my first appointment today!  OB adjusted my due date to 4/30 based on the ultrasound measurements. The appointment went great and we go to see the baby and hear a heartbeat during the transvaginal ultrasound. 183 bpm and the best sound in the world! 

    Rants, raves, questions? Rant- just all my symptoms. I can't wait for first tri to be over. Rave- yesterday was a really fun day and I'm so relieved that my appointment went well. We are going to start telling a few more people over the next few weeks. Question- those who are STM+ are you getting a double stroller? 

    GTKY: what's your favorite pizza?(inspired by the May18 pizza craze) normally it's Hawaiian, but my meat aversion has me wanting just cheese lately. 
  • I'm 6 weeks. I thought it would go heaps faster second time round but I'm still stressing hoping everything is going ok. Looking forward to sharing the news. 
    Feeling good. Getting over a cold so glad to be less tired. Not much nausea yet, which of course makes me nervous something's not quite right. 
    First ultrasound later today! Excited to see a heart beat to comfort myself it's all ok. 
    No real rants or raves, just surprised by how impatient I'm being. 
    Favoueite pizza is Margherita - cheese and tomato and more cheese and more tomato yuuuum.
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 6+1 

    How are you feeling? Pretty crappy. Both of my other pregnancies nausea didn't kick in until 6 weeks, this time I've already been sick for ages. Hard not to hypothesize what is so different. 

    Any appointments coming up? Next Monday ultrasound!!

    Rants, raves, questions? Eh, just kind of in a holding pattern, waiting for the days to get easier and the pregnancy more likely to sick.

    GTKY: what's your favorite pizza?(inspired by the May18 pizza craze) mmmm pizza, Pineapple and mushroom most days

    Yes, I got a double stroller when I had 2u2. It was nice to have. Though in the beginning I did more, wearing the little one and strolling the bigger in our single, so no rush to buy it before birth. Now I like a wagon!
  • @mileswithmyles DD will be 3 when this one gets here. I don't plan on getting a double stroller. We rarely use our stroller as it is, so I figure on the rare occasion we do need a stroller we'll use the stroller for DD and I'll babywear the newbie. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @rowboat4 I am going back and forth. I definitely want a double jogging stroller for our weekend runs. DS will be almost 4 when the baby arrives, but he still sits in the jogging stroller every weekend. The only time we use his regular stroller is when we go to a theme park or the zoo. 
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    7 weeks, blueberry

    How are you feeling?
    Tentatively better this week than last.  The fact that I'm sleeping more is probably helping.

    Any appointments coming up? 
    First appointment is next Monday.

    Rants, raves, questions?
    Having a work mess that requires working till midnight multiple nights while in early pregnancy really bites.

    GTKY: what's your favorite pizza?(inspired by the May18 pizza craze)
    Pineapple, basil, red onion
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    7 weeks on Monday (7+2 today...I'm slow to this board). Blueberry baby.

    How are you feeling?
    Nauseous and not wanting to eat anything. Once I get moving or once I eat, I am okay, but getting to that point is an internal struggle.

    Any appointments coming up? 
    Not until 10/2!

    Rants, raves, questions?
    So many questions since I am a pranoid FTM, but I will save them for my appointment and not bug you ladies  :*

    GTKY: what's your favorite pizza? (Inspired by the May18 pizza craze) 
    I cannot believe how many people on this thread are pro-pineapple on pizza!! No judgment  :) I just can't mix salty and sweet usually. I'm a vegetarian so I just like plain pizza or grandma's pizza with lots of hot sauce ( @Poppy0419 yay spicy foods). But right now, the thought of pizza is unappetizing  :s
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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