How far along are you?
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Re: STM+ Check-in 9/13
How old are your other kids? 3 yo twins
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Trying to find a house we can afford in a better school district
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I can't wait to finally tell them they're going to be big sisters.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off bills and buy a house
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
How old are your other kids? 2.5 y/o daughter
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? While trying to schedule her dance class, I started worrying about how much harder it will be to schedule things when there are 2! How do you deal with naps?!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : First dance class was today and she did so well! Teacher asked if she had an older sister at, but she'll soon have a younger sister/brother.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Make all the changes I want to eventually do on my house in one fell swoop. And go on an exotic vacation of course!
How old are your other kids? Almost 3
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Bedtime without me having to lay down next to her until she's totally out - not gonna work with a newborn
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : DD talking to my tummy
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off our remodeling loan, buy a minivan, and start a couple college funds. Maybe even go on our original honeymoon trip that got cancelled. We had already booked our trip to Riviera Maya in Mexico, but cancelled just a month or two beforehand due to the breakout of swine flu and the prevalence of drug wars nearby.
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
Three and 16 months
Ds1 is talking to the baby too. He's such a little mommy.
Lottery... We'd buy our dream property in Alaska and build our dream home. Then college funds.
7w 1d
How old are your other kids?
2 and change...3 in December
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
just panicking it might be twins...nbd
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I'm excited to see what kind of big sister she'll be
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
hire someone to take care of these imaginary twins...
JK... pay off the house.
4wk 5d
How old are your other kids?
DD will be 2 in November
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
My DD is still not a good sleeper. She also doesn't sit still. She is a huge handful and a mama's girl. I just hope we can keep up with another one!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
A sibling for DD. Getting to snuggle a teeny tiny again.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
if it was Powerball I'd quit my job!
How old are your other kids? 6yo DD 4yo DS
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? My only concern is if this is a girl DS will be sad and I worry about him being jealous.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I can't wait to see the kids with this little one. They know and they also know mommy's baby died in April so they are really excited. I wasn't going to tell them but my daughter figured out how to read a pregnancy test so she saw it and figured it out.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? I would pay off DH's student loans and any other debt we have. I would buy a modest home that we could be comfortable in. Nothing too fancy. Just what we need and some wants. I would also buy a car because mine is falling apart. I would invest the rest. But, I live in a state with no lottery so all of this is moot.
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
4w, 5d
How old are your other kids?
DS: 18 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
Ummmm everything?? Quite honestly I'm still having major bouts of anxiety and really feeling very nervous about going from 1 to 2. I feel SO freaking selfish saying this, but I don't feel ready for this transition. I can absolutely see why people are one and done lol. Bahhhhh
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Again sounds awful, but I'm just not in a happy place yet. Feeling more sad and depressed. I'm hoping I will be soon.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off my student loan debt!!!
How old are your other kids? - 8 year old daughter, 3 year old daughter
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? - How I am going to to stay healthy when both of them are bringing home colds and flus from school
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : - I am very excited to see how my youngest DD will be with the baby, she will be such a great helper.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off the house and cars, buy DH the boat of his dreams, and build a house in the Bahamas.
5weeks & 4days. But who's counting?
How old are your other kids?
6yr old DS
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
I don't really have any concerns. We wanted this little one. It will be our last. One more and done. I am most worried about the pregnancy. I hate being pregnant.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
excited that SO won't be able to spoil DS as much with a second child
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
buy a house. Pay off all debt. Buy SO a motorcycle so he shuts up about it
How old are your other kids? 3 yrs old
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Very much the same as @mrsmtothek
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : My sono is Friday and if all is well we will tell DD this weekend. Since she wants a sibling, I have been using the thought of a baby as leverage when she misbehaves and say stuff like, this is not how a big sister would behave and if you become a big sister you need to teach you baby brother/sister the correct way to act, etc. So far it's working.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off these never ending student loans, get a place on the water and live a carefree life with my babes.
How old are your other kids? J is 17 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I just really want him to stop being so clingy. I'm also concerned about how I'm going to handle the first six weeks of breastfeeding a newborn while having a two year old undertow.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : My baby is just starting to walk. It's such a relief!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off our debt. Buy a house. Buy new cars. Go on vacation.
How old are your other kids? Daughter, 4 and son, 3.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? My daughter is going through one of her contrarian, extra defiant phases (more so than typical toddler drama), and I just really want it to end.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : My son is starting to adapt to the routine at preschool, and I was so proud of him when his teacher told me he didn't have a huge meltdown today.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off debt, then travel as much as possible!
7 weeks 1 day
How old are your other kids?
DS1 is 5 and DS2 is 17 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
My main concern is how hectic it's going to be with 3, especially dealing with a newborn and a just turned 2 year old. Anyone have any sippy cup recommendations? We need to ditch the bottle but every single sippy cup we've tried seems to leak.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DS1 has gotten to tell some of our family recently about the baby and is beyond excited. He constantly talks about how he wants the baby to be a girl (I do too!)
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off the house and bills then set up DS2 and #3 for college (DS1 is already more then taken care of).
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
How old are your other kids? DS is 3
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? first time listening and sleep are a real challenge right now. I'm starting a behavior chart because I can't take it anymore and once I have a free minute, I'm calling the pedi to ask about sleep habits. DS is up so early and it's clear he's overtired at the end of the day. Going to bed earlier doesn't help so I'm at a loss.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I'm excited to tell DS he's going to be a brother. We are waiting until probably the first tri is over. If anything happened it would be hard to explain to him. He's had a hard enough time with my mom's cat passing away at the beginning of the year, so I feel like this would be impossible for him to understand. He also can't keep a secret, so we don't want to tell him until we want everyone to know.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? pay off my student loans and plan an amazing vacation.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
How old are your other kids? 6 and 8
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? They just found out today that their dad will no longer be in their lives. It was in a controlled environment. But I'm nervous about this news and then them finding out they will be big sisters. We plan on telling them in 6 weeks.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : it's been 7 years since I was pregnant, I'm enjoying it all. I think this will probably be my last. I feel I'm at the point where I'm relishing it all more.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Buy a boat for my significant other and a pool for my kiddos.
How old are your other kids? 17 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? still hoping to end this cosleeper before I end up with another one!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : so happy she'll have a built-in playmate!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? pay off student loans
Annddddd.... they fit in every cup holder, side pocket of diaper bag/backpack. We've been using for almost a year and still in great shape.
6wk 3days
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
Getting DD to use silver wear (she never took to it as a baby, always used her hands and we wanted her to "explore her senses/environment"). We are done exploring. Any advice welcome!!!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
She's a fabulous sleeper and reading some comments makes me appreciate that more. Excited to see DD react to my growing bump, feel the kicks!!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
pay off house and student loans. Then add to college funds. Haha. Buy one of those granny pods to piss off my mom!
5 weeks 3 days
How old are your other kids?
15 month old girl
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
Freaking out over what to do about the nursery. Do we keep DD in the nursery (bigger of our 2 kids rooms) or do we make the smaller become her new big girl room? Do we try to transition hey to a twin bed before baby arrives? If we move her to the smaller room will she be upset about having the smaller room when she gets older? Do we keep her in the crib and buy a second one? Ugh, I have no idea.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DD saw a video last night of a friend's baby cooing and was fascinated by it. It warmed my heart to see her excited about a baby.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Travel back to Europe! Before DD we went to Paris, Munich, Zurich, Como, and Milan and I'm dying to go back. The culture, the food, the art, the mountains...... sigh.
How old are your other kids? 2 years old
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
current challenge: not having the energy to keep up with my busy lil guy since becoming pregnant. I do the best I can but damn I'm tired and nauseous.
Concerns: what if the new baby keeps waking up my toddler at night? A vicious cycle of no sleep for anyone.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : baby snuggles and watching my son learn how to be a good big brother
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
4 weeks
How old are your other kids?
27 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
We will be celebrating mother's day, the new baby, my mom's birthday, my daughter's birthday, my husband's birthday, father's day, my husband's graduation, AND doing a 700 mile move all within the first 6 weeks of this new baby's life. I'm already exhausted and worried about that logistical nightmare.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
After suffering a very traumatic loss at 12w over July 4th weekend, I am just thankful for this rainbow baby who is here as a result of our first cycle's IUI.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Hire a lawyer and let our financial advisor know. Then hide and invest the shit out of the money so that the interest payments will pay my husband's student loan payments monthly. Or at least some of the payment depending on how much I won. After paying those off (in 10 years), reassess and rejoice!
How old are your other kids? 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I'm worried about being tired all the time again. And I know this is crazy, but I'm worried I won't love the second baby as much as I love my DS.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Making my heart and home full. Snuggling with a little little again. Watching my son become a big brother.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off debts. Put money towards college funds and go one a big family vacay, extended family included so we could get some free baby sitting for some fun excursions or nice dinners out.
How old are your other kids?
4 and 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now?
Moving rooms around is a big one. Each boy has his own room now and we just redid both of them. The guest room is great bc all of purchases family lives 3+ hours away. Also dh is traveling so I'm single parenting during Irma. (No real damage here, but school cancelled 4 days is a lot of together time!)
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I'm just excited to savor every moment. I know this will be purchasing last so I want to "enjoy" and remember it all!
Also, can't wait to tell the boys!!!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off everything! Take a vacation and redo the house!!
@cups4, @firefliesandfjords, and @zaclina I ordered those on Amazon and they'll be here Friday.
@sandbar517 definitely checking those out next time I'm at Walmart.
@ivyvines6 I've seen the Munchkin 360 before and want to try that for meals.
How old are your other kids? 22m and 3.5y
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Both just started attending a morning preschool. The younger is having a hard time adjusting to being apart from me. She keeps saying "mama left me". Hurts my heart. So I'm having a lot of mom guilt about trying to carve a slice of adult life out of my mostly SAH existence. How do I balance what I need and what they need when it seems so in conflict?!?
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : They are finally playing together. It's amazing to watch! Makes me feel more confident that adding a younger sibling is a gift, not a loss for an older sibling.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Make my husband sell his business so he could be home more.
How old are your other kids? 4 and about five weeks away from turning 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? No one is sleeping very well and that's annoying. Our four year old always wants to be in our bed and our two year old is I dunno, teething or something. Who knows. Also our 4 year old keeps saying he cant see things so worried he may need glasses. Taking him for an appt on Saturday
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : If they eat dinner or don't murder each other, I consider myself a success.
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Sometimes I think quit my job but I really like it. It would be dumb to work with millions and millions of dollars though. Maybe I'd start a foundation and work at that after we paid off everything else, fixed up our house (or got a new one) and did some cool vacations.
How old are your other kids? 4
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? My Daughter has been having a hard time sleeping in her own bed. She always wants to join us. Last night I told her she needs to be the good big sister and show her sibling how to be brave and sleep in their own room. She responded that she's my only baby, and doesn't want another baby. So, now I'm worried about the selfishness going on.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I just got back from Disney, and it was exciting to think the next time I go, I will have 2 kiddos! We'll be perfect 4some for rides!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? First? Probably pay off the mortgage. But first fun thing, I'd go to Scotland.
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
How old are your other kids? Our son is 3.5
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Being so tired all the time. We are also in the middle of moving to another state so that's been exhausting too
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Seeing my son become more and more independent every day and looking forward to seeing what a great big brother he will be
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay off all of our debt. Student loans are a bitch!!!!
How old are your other kids? Just turned 2.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? I got to stay home with my son until he was 18 months old. We won't have that choice this time, so I am a little anxious about that.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Excited for my son to get to be a big brother!
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? toss up between student loans and mortgage.
How old are your other kids? 3, turning 2 in Dec, and turning 1 in Dec
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM+ or questions about things your children are going through now? Current challenge is not ripping my hair out while they all scream and cry at once.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : It hasn't completely sunk in that this is really happening again
GTKY: If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Go on a spa day by myself to relax and do date night with the hubby