We won't find out the gender of our little one for another week, but my man and I are having a really difficult time agreeing on girl's names. We're both planners and want to have the name locked down ASAP. For a son we will go with Landon Kai, but for a daughter we're at a loss. We both like the name June, but aren't 100% sold on it as our little one's first name. Calla June was our initial choice, but I'm starting to question it. Recently he suggested Juniper as a first name, and for whatever reason I kind of dig it! She can always go by June as a nick name. Possibly Juniper Belle or Juniper Marie (my mom's first name). Feedback is appreciated!
Re: Juniper or Calla?
another similar name I tried to sell my H on was Dahlia
Calla - ok
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Something about Calla isn't sitting well with me. I initially thought it was cute, but don't like it when you add an 's to it. Calla's sounds like Callus to me (as in a callus on a foot or finger).
Juniper bushes smell like cat pee. Not an appealing plant name IMO.