Are you a first time mom with a question about pregnancy, birth/postpartum, newborn or beyond? Put it here and our expert panel (i.e. STM+) will be happy to answer it! Considering this is going to have a lot of very personal questions, I'm going to throw a big general TMI warning on it, so squeamish readers beware.

Me, 35 Hubs, 32
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Re: FTM Questions
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
I never screamed "REGRETS" at a nurse before that moment...
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Maybe my experience is pretty drastic, maybe it's pretty on point. I haven't talked with other moms to see if their experiences lined up with mine.
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
ETA: Sorry it was filed in 2015. She apparently denied consent repeatedly, and the Dr did it anyway. (She still won) Here's an article about it anyway.
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Favorite part has to be the kicks, but only up until like week 32, then things get a little cramped and they're less gentle kicks and more rib bruising mma fights
Edit to clarify
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
My favorite part was feeling the baby kick. It is such a neat thing!
Favorite thing? This is not going going to be true for every woman, but sex for the first two trimesters was AH-MAZE-BALLS! Third trimester sex felt like a science experiment though...
Best - the sex and the kicks
My fave part is the excitement!
Mama to a crazy toddler (J-5/28/15)
EDD 5-3-18
I tore with my first, which was an easy labor, two pushes, and she was 6lb 5oz. Didn't tear with my second and she was also an easy labor, two pushes, and 7lb 7oz.
I was told I tore with my first because she came out so fast. My body just didn't have time to catch up with what was happening I guess. And I guess having one already, the quickness didn't make a problem with DD2. #whatdoiknow
Best part is feeling the baby move. It's an out of body experience and I always miss it the minute the baby is delivered.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Mama to a crazy toddler (J-5/28/15)
EDD 5-3-18