I asked this in another thread but got interest to start as a new one.
Do any of the STMs+ have any name regrets? As in, you named your child and later on you thought hmm I don't like it or that just wasn't quite right? We've had a boy and girl named picked out for quite awhile, and I've never second guessed them. Well now that it's actually happening, I sometimes think is this really a good name, will they like it, will it still fit well when they're older, it is too boring, etc.
Has anyone else felt this way?! Thanks!
Re: Name Regrets
I had a friend who's father's family came from Lebanon so she always assumed she was half Lebanese. She named her son a very Lebanese sounding name. Then 1 or 2 years ago she had their genes tested from 23 and me. My friend is only 8% Lebanese, her son is like 3%. He is basically a typical European kid with a super ethnic name that doesn't match his actual heritage.
Fast forward 10 years and those "friends" have moved away, we have seen or heard from them in years, and the kids don't even remember each other. I do love the middle name we ended up with, but it wasn't my first choice. If I could do it all over again, we would have just gone with the name we wanted and not cared about what they thought.
I still love it, and honestly, the name suits her so well, which my husband agrees on. He loves her middle name, so there's that
I feel like every girl I've met spells it Adrienne. Adrian is the male version.
ETA: Since it's pronounced the same way and he doesn't know any males named Adrian, he only associates it with females.
Also, DH is the same about the name Reece or Rhys. I've known a few guys named Reece and like it for a boy. And he has never met a Reece and only associates with females because the only Reece he's heard of is Witherspoon
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
My brothers initials spell ASS. My mom never realized until his teacher called her one day because she had instructed the class to write their initials on the paper and she had thought my brother was swearing.
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
Initials are PP, Dr. Pang sound the same as Dr. Pain (not parents' decision but still amusing), and it's one letter off from Peter Pan...
DH's last name starts with P, and that's the one "rule" I have so far. No PP for initials.
We can't/ could never agree on other flower names that work with the middle name we want for another girl. I love Violet, but my husband pronounces it weird and it sounds like he is saying violent.. so that is out.
Boy names are tricky because we are running out of family names to use, and DH has vetoed just about all the names I have liked along the way.
I don't want a jr.. because DH's middle name is my birth father's name and that is no bueno to me.
We will see, DH swears this one is a girl, I have no twinges either way.
Maybe unless we know parents regretted their decision we shouldn't just start making fun of names...
But, I'm seriously compromising with #2. My husband's grandmother passed away 2 years ago, and based on tradition we pretty much have to use a name that starts with the first letter of her name, so we're stuck with G. The name also has to work in English and another language (neither of us were born in the US, both immigrated as young kids but speak our other language fluently and at home so our kids will be bilingual). All these considerations really limit our options, and I don't really like any choices.
Pregnant with #2:
I see now that my story didn't come across right, and I apologize if I offended anyone.
Only name regrets I have is my own lol. Having the initials BJ through out school and then marrying into BJS has made me hate writing my initials out.