December 2017 Moms

Thursday Ticker Change - 8/17

We haven't had one of these in a while!

1) How far along are you
? How big is baby? 

2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
4) Any appointments this week/last?

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Me: 36  | DH 35, Married 2007
TTC #1 June 2015
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17 
TTC #2 December 2018 
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19 <3
My Chart

Re: Thursday Ticker Change - 8/17

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 25 Weeks. Cauliflower.

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? I'm back to not feeling so well and having sciatica pain already. I ordered a support belt so I'm hoping it will help.
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Baby Girl. STM and showing, she's measuring on track and in the 50%.
    4) Any appointments this week/last? No, it's next week- then every 2 weeks starts.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope.

    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an archaeologist and hunt for dinosaur bones. Then I got a fear of flying so traveling to work around the world was out. I got over that fear in 2010 and have traveled =) 
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    24+0 today.  Cantaloupe, Eggplant, Puffin!

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Random one-off events like almost blacking out one day last month, feet swelling pretty bad one day last week, nauseated two days ago, feeling crampy the last few days.  Luckily nothing that sticks around.  I still have a thing for cereal after dinner, particularly Mini-Wheats with 2% milk (so decadent!) 

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Team Green, and yes -- more people are bringing it up on their own.  

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Ob appointment with glucose challenge next week.  I'm kind of excited.  They say it's gross but it's just fun to have another pregnancy milestone :blush:

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    We got our stroller and carseat in the mail Tuesday!  I pulled out the carseat, took off the packaging, and started reading the manual.  My heart melts when I see it sitting in the living room. Putting the stroller together tonight!

    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    A science teacher or archaeologist.  
    Me: 36  | DH 35, Married 2007
    TTC #1 June 2015
    April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
    June 2016 - HSG clear
    *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
    BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
    DS - 12/9/17 
    TTC #2 December 2018 
    BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
    DD - 11/1/19 <3
    My Chart

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    @acgonzalez22 That's hilarious we both said archaeologist!  I was also leaning toward dinosaur bones then I saw Jurassic Park and was like, Nope.  But I still loved Indiana Jones!  Sorry you're back to not feeling well and the sciatica is acting up again - hope that gets better soon!
    Me: 36  | DH 35, Married 2007
    TTC #1 June 2015
    April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
    June 2016 - HSG clear
    *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
    BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
    DS - 12/9/17 
    TTC #2 December 2018 
    BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
    DD - 11/1/19 <3
    My Chart

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    @whiska That is so funny! Thank you, I had it bad with DS but that was later in my pregnancy with him. I don't think the diabetic drink is bad at all. My OB puts it over ice and you can use a straw. It takes like super sugary pedialyte to me. And Gahhh! I love the first carseat moment and putting things together! It only gets better!!! 
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    edited August 2017
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    22 weeks, coconut
    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
     Feeling really good! Cravings tend to change day by day.. but I'm currently a big fan of roasted red pepper hummus
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
      Baby boy, and Yes! My Mom just told me this morning that I look pregnant now lol
    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Currently sitting in the doctors office waiting to review my anatomy scan. Trying not to freak out because they added another ultrasound to my schedule and the doctor is taking FOREVER to get to me.
    **Edit to add: everything is fine. One of baby's kidneys are measuring 0.1mm bigger than "normal". There are no other signs of any problems/blockages, and apparently this is SUPER common, but they're doing a follow up u/s just to be safe**
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    When we were really young, my little brother and I wanted to be vets in our own clinic in the back yard of our parent's house
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 22 weeks- a coconut, a papaya, corn on the cob, or a spaghetti squash- take your pick!

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? Feeling pretty good! Can't complain. No real cravings.
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Yes, a girl!! And yes! It's such an amazing experience to see your body change and grow. I also feel her kick on a fairly regular basis. The kicks are still fairly light and DH hasn't been able to feel them yet, but I'm loving every minute of it!
    4) Any appointments this week/last? No appointments this week. My anatomy scan was last week, and all is well in baby world!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Rant- Why is it so freaking hard to find work-appropriate maternity clothes (specifically pants) in petite sizes? Also, why did most stores move their maternity clothes to strictly online? I'm so sick of the endless cycle of having to buy a ton of clothes, maybe one or two things actually fitting, then returning the rest via mail. Ugh. 

    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I desperately wanted to be a veterinarian, but math and science were never my strong suit, so I didn't pursue it. To this day, I still have a huge heart for animals.

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    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Rant- Why is it so freaking hard to find work-appropriate maternity clothes (specifically pants) in petite sizes? Also, why did most stores move their maternity clothes to strictly online? I'm so sick of the endless cycle of having to buy a ton of clothes, maybe one or two things actually fitting, then returning the rest via mail. Ugh. 
    All of this!  I remember walking by maternity sections while ttc and thinking everything was so cute, and just longing to be able to buy some it to fit a bump.  Now it's like I'm completely unable to find clothes for work as easily as I used to! I even went to the really big Destination Maternity in town and was mostly unimpressed.  I'm also having the issue with a huge pile of "need to send back" clothes I've ordered online that didn't work out.  I can see why they don't offer free shipping on returns!

    Casual maternity = easy peasy.  Business casual maternity = :angry:
    Me: 36  | DH 35, Married 2007
    TTC #1 June 2015
    April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
    June 2016 - HSG clear
    *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
    BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
    DS - 12/9/17 
    TTC #2 December 2018 
    BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
    DD - 11/1/19 <3
    My Chart

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    22 weeks. Baby is a coconut. 
    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
     I'm feel pretty much the same. I'm still on med for throwing up and even on them I still have random bouts of feeling sick. Depends on the day. I would say I have more random aversion then cravings. 
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
      We are team green. Oh yes I've been showing. I keep getting asked if I'm having twins. All belly. 
    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    My next appt is next week. 
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Just trying to get back to work... I'm a Teacher and have been on my feet all day. Not to mention working well over 14 hour days.  My legs keep cramping up at night. 
    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    A 911 operator. I love the show Rescue 911 growing up and was inspired. 
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    @ridedatide I LOVE that you wanted to be a 911 due to Rescue 911. This was my favorite show growing up and I spent so much childhood playtime wanting to reenact episodes!! Yes I was very imaginative haha

    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    24+2 now (Saturday), baby is a Puffin or big melon

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Feeling overall pretty well. A lot of foot swelling already though!
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
      Baby Boy! And oh yes I have shown for weeks now! Now everyone thinks I look like I'm in the third trimester and Ughhh I wasn't ready to be so big so fast. OB says uterus is measuring right at 24 weeks though! 
    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Had regular check-up this week, nothing new. Another 4 weeks until next appt and the glucose test

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Not really anything new. Just the same ol stressful house selling stuff...oh and lacking sleep. 

    6) GTKY: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    I wanted to be a PROSECUTING attorney, because I had this idea that I was great at arguing, but I wanted to be on the "good guys" side and not defend law breakers (the only two things I knew a lawyer did as a child)

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