December 2017 Moms

Toddler sleep help!

&SR102514&SR102514 member
edited August 2017 in December 2017 Moms
My DS is 21 months old and was usually a pretty good sleeper lately he will fall asleep by himself in his crib but will wake up and cry until we go get him and lay on the couch with him til he falls asleep but if we try and pick him up to put him back in his crib he will wake up. He has been falling asleep or crying himself to sleep since he was 14 Months old. 

Any one have have any ideas? Do you think it's time to switch to a toddler bed? 

Re: Toddler sleep help!

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    My daughter just turned 3 and has gone through a lot of sleep stages since she was about 2. We are going through a particularly crappy one right now since starting potty training. We have found consistency has been the best thing we can do, and not giving in to her middle of the night tantrums.  We were allowing her in our bed when she woke up, but then nobody got any sleep (and she started expecting it). We have started comforting her in her room, but won't allow her out of the bed. Now she understands that even if she wakes up and cries, she isn't coming out of the room.  We didn't notice a difference between the crib and toddler bed with regards to quality of sleep. 
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    @&amp;sr102514 could you try like @ameliabedelia-2 said comforting him in his room and putting him back down till he falls asleep on his own. If one of the twins wakes up we sit in their room until they fall asleep. They might need a quick cuddle too but usually once they have settled they will put themselves back to sleep. The book the no cry sleep solution helped us a lot. it talked about kids falling asleep in one place and waking up in another and that can be scary for them. 
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    I forgot to mention he hasn't been going to take care for over a month so I thought that might have something to do with it! Yesterday was his first day back at daycare and he slept all night last night in his crib! Let's hope it keeps up!
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    that makes a lot of sense. a change in routine, even small, can manifest itself at sleeping times. daycare is a totally different environment and a different level of stimulation / energy usage / socialization for your son. hope the sleep improves now that he is back. 
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