December 2017 Moms

STM+ Check In 8/16

How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?

How old are your other kids? 

Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  

Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 


GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.)

Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017

Re: STM+ Check In 8/16

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    cait5413cait5413 member
    edited August 2017
    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 22 weeks. Team surprise

    How old are your other kids? 1 year

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  We had a rough weekend because DD caught my cold and was running a fever, but she seems to be doing better now. She's back at daycare today which is good because I need to get some work done! Also having bouts of anxiety about how we are going to handle having 2 and how hard it will be!

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Happy to feel baby moving more (and DH can feel too) and just think about the two of them together. 

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ DD is doing somewhat better drinking milk, and I think she is getting enough dairy. I am now worrying that she is not getting enough fluids. She doesn't seem to drink a ton of water. Yesterday I tried giving her watered-down apple juice, but it appears she'd rather have plain water than that. She's still making enough wet diapers that I don't think she is dehydrated, but compared to how many she made when she was still on bottles and how wet they were, her output has gone down a lot. Is that just normal since they get more nutrition from solids? I've even started filling multiple cups with water for her because sometimes she will be picky about what cup she drinks out of. When on bottles, I feel like she drank a ton that way and still drank some water on top of it. It just doesn't seem like she's drinking that much more water now and she's not getting the bottles anymore. Always something to overthink!

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.) DH and I are trying to prioritize more date nights. We've started to get babysitters for DD and are trying to create more one on one time on a regular basis. 

    ETA question

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    @cait5413 I only need to change DS probably 3-4x per day now, granted theres probably more than 1 pee in each diaper. He definitely doesn't soak multiple diapers per day like he did when he was only on milk. I honestly don't even track how much he drinks, just ensure he always has water available at meals and around during the day, and he is growing fine and doing well. You are doing great, mama! Stop stressing yourself out so much!

    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?
    23 weeks, pink
    How old are your other kids? 

    DS is 18 months
    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    I went out for dinner/drinks for a friends going away party at a kid-friendly pub last evening and brought DS with me because DH is out of town. Managing him, trying to socialize, eat, keep him happy, maneuver through a busy bar.... was just... a lot. There were some other people there with their little little babies (like 2-6 weeks old) and I was so envious of how 'easy' it was for them to just hand off their baby and go about their business haha. Then I couldn't help but imagine if I was trying to do that with him AND a baby... And realized my social life will be even further restricted once baby gets here... Luckily most of my friends have kids of their own now so there are more kid-centred events going on... but it was just a depressing night for me. 
    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    Of course after being out late last night, DS decided to get up at 5:30 this morning, so I cuddled and rocked him back to sleep, and it just made me so happy thinking about cuddling a newborn again. 

    DH is out of town until probably saturday or sunday... I'm doing fine, but it's just so much better when he's here! I really hope he doesn't have to go out of town too much once there's 2!

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.)
    I would really like to get to the Keg with DH before the end of the month to enjoy lobster summer! Usually we try and go every year and we didn't make it last year! Of course, hire a babysitter and do it kid-free. I'm also planning a trip in september to go visit family before we have to haul 2 kids on an airplane!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/Team Green?
    21+6 with baby boy!

    How old are your other kids?
    2 year old daughter

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your kids are going through now?
    I feel like I have zero patience for my daughter and it makes me feel terrible!  She's in "terrible twos", refusing to nap, and I'm pretty sure her 2 y/o molars are breaking through.. on top of maybe a growth spurt based on how much she wants to eat. :s I have not got that second trimester burst of energy at all so I find myself being too snippy and I hate it.  I'm making a huge effort to be more patient, especially considering this is my last few months with just my daughter!

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM?
    My daughter can feel the baby kick now and she loves it! She'll ask me if baby brother is awake and put her hand on my belly, then will hug me and kiss my belly.  So sweet!  It makes me so excited to watch them together when he's born.

    Can't think of anything

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby?

    We just had a mini family vacation and had a blast with dd.  I'm hoping to squeeze in an early December trip to Silver Dollar City (our tradition) before baby comes and there's a couple of movies coming out that dh and I want to see, so hopefully a date night or two (or maybe an over night one?! :o  )
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    Thanks, @kvacmak ! Your comment almost made me cry (in a good way). I think I was extra stressing because she has been sick and I want to pump her full of fluids, but I can't make her drink it. I will try to relax, I promise. :smile:

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? I am 22 weeks and team girl :)

    How old are your other kids? 
    I have a son who just turned 2 on the 23rd of July <3

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  I am concerned with how my son is going to handle me giving attention to another baby. He's very very clingy and protective over me - so much so that he hates when dad hugs or kisses me or when I'm holding the dog. He flipped out when a friends baby starting crawling towards me. I am starting to do a lot of talking with him about his baby sissy and now that I have a legit bump he's understanding that there's 'something going on there.' He'll say "sissy go?" or "Hi sissy" and give her a hug/rub. It's adorable and I'm so excited to see him as a big brother but I'm terrified of the adjustment period. 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I am so excited to bring another little into this world and experience life with a little girl, watch my son be a big brother, watch my husband have a daddy's girl.. I just really really really don't like being pregnant. It's so rough on my body :(

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/: Anyone else a sever migraine sufferer here? I begged to have my husband take me to OB Triage at the hospital two weekends ago because I had 8 migraines in 72 hours. Mine are so complex they mimic a stroke so I was desperate when I couldn't control them. 

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.) unfortunately... nothing is planned. 
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 23 weeks. Team girl! 

    How old are your other kids? 
    11 months! 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  Having two so close in age. My 11-month-old requires a lot of attention. But, excited about going man-to-man coverage with their Daddy.  :)

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Two little baby girls! So many smocks and bows and dresses!

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/QuestionsThis hip pain! Everything else has been easy peasy except my hips--feels like labor all over again! 

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.) We're leaving for the Keys next week for our Babymoon! Looking forward to a few days being touristy/beachy with hubby. I'm also NOT checking my e-mail while I'm gone. 
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    @cait5413 That's totally normal when they switch from bottles/formula/breast milk to wcm and food.  We went from averaging like 32+ ounces of formula in a day to about maybe half of that if not less in wcm/water.  As long as her diapers are wet throughout the day that's good.
    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green? 22w6d Team Green

    How old are your other kids? 
    The twins will be 14 months next week.

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  Starting Leap 8... Oh joy.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Honestly, I'm so not ready for the newborn phase again and a little stressed out thinking about it.


    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.) I told SO we are going out of town for two nights in October. I don't care where we go I just need a couple baby free nights and we need some time together.  I have a feeling what will end up happening though is we will end up taking the time to go pick out stuff for the house we have slotted to start building in November (yes, we are crazy I know).

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?  Boy

    How old are your other kids? 
    She'd say "I'm 6 and three quarters".  lol

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  My daughter is clingy and gets jealous when I give other kids any attention.  I'm worried that my next few years will be trying to feed/change a baby with a 6 year old constantly also in my lap.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : She has wanted a sibling forever and telling my husband "It's your son keeping me awake!" last night made both of us so happy.  :)

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ Nah, I'm good.  Normal anxiety but I'll work through it.

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.)  Trying to plan a girls weekend with some friends that also have 6 year olds.  I've never done that and I think it would be so fun!

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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green?
    22+6, baby boy! 

    How old are your other kids? 

    DS will be 4 next month 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    I know we have time but I'm getting all emotional about leaving DS when I'm in the hospital having LO.  He is vey close to his grandparents and I know he will be in good hands but I'm still worried.  

    Also, how am I going to manage bedtime on nights my husband works. He's a fireman and does 24 hour shifts. DS1 still needs one of us in the room with him to fall asleep (ive been trying to break this forever...he gets really anxious).  In a perfect world, baby would go to sleep too but we all know that's not how this works 

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    I just love when DS mentions his baby brother - that never gets old

    See above 

    GTKY: What's on your list of FUN things to do before baby? (baby moon, date nights, etc.)

    we have day trips planned for every day next week with DS When I'm off from work! I'm excited to do some fun things with him 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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