September 2017 Moms

Weekly Symptoms 8.7

Some of us are entering the final month!
How far along are you and how are you doing?

Me: 33 DH: 33
Married: 10.15.16
BFP: 12.24.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20

Re: Weekly Symptoms 8.7

  • 34+6

    I have been having an on and off burning feeling in just one of my nipples!  It hurts and is driving me nuts.

    Peeing all the time.

    BH.  I usually get two days out of the week that I actually get real contractions.  Last week I had to leave work early one day to go home and lay on my side to calm them down.

    Hungry 24/7 even after eating a meal.

  • 33 weeks.

    I woke up this morning with some cramping and super tired! nothing really has changed still have acid reflux and pee ALL THE TIME.

    I was nesting over the weekend so could be a reason I woke up with cramps and tired.

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  • 36weeks
    feeling a little better than last week, still super hungry, I have carpal tunnel in both hands and I'm just so sleepy. BUT I am a little more comfortable and I'm sleeping a little better now :) 
  • 36+3 (but I feel 10000000 weeks)

    Pretty sure babe has dropped cause I pee more and my heart burn has gotten MUCH better I can actually eat. Trying to keep up with my walking but it's so tough when you are so sleepy. Looking forward to the next 3+ weeks flying by (or dragging on forever and ever).
  • cchenal07cchenal07 member
    edited August 2017
    33 wks 3 days
    Everytime I stand after sitting for awhile I feel like I have to pee or I could pee my pants. I am cranky and my back aches. I am having problems sleeping recently. I am counting down the weeks until my little one is here.
  • 33+2
    apart from all the physical stuff I've been very over-emotional--no issues with readiness the first two trimesters. Today I cried because the top piece of baby's dresser is damaged and DH wants to get it replaced before moving forward with the rest of the assembly. Idk how long this will take but I just want to wash and store baby's clothes in the place where they belong, so I cried. Currently the clothes are in piles on the nursery floor. And we don't yet have our crib/changing table. :-/
  • @divinemsm620 Oh no! It arrived damaged from the delivery?? That's so stressful.. you just want to have a home for everything. What's the plan to get it fixed? 

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • Haven't posted in a while, but some new symptoms are peaking thru... 34+2, nausea and vomiting are back, back pain in full force and carpal tunnel in both hands.  As mentioned above every time I stand I also have to pee, and sleeping is almost non existent,but luckily tgere are less than 50 days to go and thinvs will start getting better
  • 35+4 today and just so miserable. Back pain, so swollen (I have one pair of shoes to wear to work), pee all the time, and the baby is constantly kicking under my ribs and it hurts so bad. I'm so over being pregnant. I'm praying I don't go over like I did with DS. 

    I ordered a custom chair with buy buy baby and I wasn't happy how the upholstery looked. They got me a new one in a couple weeks. So hopefully your dresser will come in fast! 
  • Didn't have a ton of movement the past couple of days, but she sure is making up for it today. Or maybe it is just because I'm at work today sitting all day long and can feel every single everything. BH, heartburn, upper thigh cramps (I think from when she moves her head around down there). Fun times. I'm so not ready as far as the house, but I'm ready to not be pregnant.
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  • 36+2 today. Lots of pelvic pain and starting to have pain on my pubic bone. Exhausted because I am having trouble sleeping due to peeing, hip/pubic bone pain, and heartburn. Bored too; feeling like I can't do anything and also that I have done all of the major baby prep (yay).  

    Yesterday I got very emotional because I put the wrong time in my calendar for a breastfeeding class and missed it. Hopefully I can keep my shit together until the little dude arrives. 
  • I have a lot of burning pain in my lower right groin where RLP could be. It's mainly when I stand, relief when I sit. So weird and I don't like it. I'm constantly rubbing it.

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • 33+5. Lower back and hip pain still. Sternum pain at night, especially when I'm sleeping on my left side which I find a bit odd. So now I'm only able to fall asleep on my right side, and when I wake up in the middle of the night to hip pain on the right side, I'm just out of options.
  • Any STM dropped already? Baby dropped yesterday. I am optimistically hoping that means labor is sooner than later  :# 
  • @jessieR358 yeah, I feel like mine has, but my first had her head grinding way down there for what seemed like at least a month before she was born... so I don't really feel like it means much in my case.  haha.
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  • hatrats said:
    @jessieR358 yeah, I feel like mine has, but my first had her head grinding way down there for what seemed like at least a month before she was born... so I don't really feel like it means much in my case.  haha.
    My first dropped early too, but I was reading that the second time they don't drop until closer to labor? Maybe I should ask if a third time mom or more noticed this to be true ha. 
  • From what I was told last week, my baby was dropping earlier than most 3rd babies. That's what the l and d nurse said anyway. I have my appointment today so I'll ask my OB.
  • 32+5
    I'm still having low bp, high pulse and heart palpitations
    Light headedness and sweats
    Ob wants my pcp to order a halter monitor study to make sure it isn't cardiac related
  • tfrangul said:
    From what I was told last week, my baby was dropping earlier than most 3rd babies. That's what the l and d nurse said anyway. I have my appointment today so I'll ask my OB.
    FTM and they've been telling me the baby is really low since 30 weeks. My OB said this is expected because I have a short cervix. Yet he's still nestled up in my ribs at the same time. I guess this is what happens when you're short and the baby takes up your entire torso...
  • My symptoms? High anxiety. We have no name, no nursery, no plan on what to do with DS when the time comes, I haven't gotten ready at work to be out. We're supposed to be moving DS into his big boy bed so he can transition before all this, but we're having company all next week so it won't be until after that. Daycare is going to start potty training him there on the 4th of September so that's when we're supposed to start at home. Other than freaking out about everything, I have to pee a lot, can't get comfy at night, heartburn, have sharp pains down low and a hernia. I did make it through being the maid of honor at an outdoor wedding last weekend out of state so that was good! But other than that, I guess I'm going pretty well! Oh, I'm also getting sad about spending time with DS, but I'm hoping he'll adjust well. 

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  • My symptoms? High anxiety. We have no name, no nursery, no plan on what to do with DS when the time comes, I haven't gotten ready at work to be out. We're supposed to be moving DS into his big boy bed so he can transition before all this, but we're having company all next week so it won't be until after that. Daycare is going to start potty training him there on the 4th of September so that's when we're supposed to start at home. Other than freaking out about everything, I have to pee a lot, can't get comfy at night, heartburn, have sharp pains down low and a hernia. I did make it through being the maid of honor at an outdoor wedding last weekend out of state so that was good! But other than that, I guess I'm going pretty well! Oh, I'm also getting sad about spending time with DS, but I'm hoping he'll adjust well. 
    Ahhh. I'm having anxiety for you! 
  • I'm hoping this baby drops soon! I'm also short with a short torso and feel like there's just no more room in there for him! Ive been super itchy and recently started to get a pain in my upper abdomen and my OB suggested it could be a gallbladder/liver issue. He did blood work and everything came back normal but he suggested I eat a low fat, high soy diet and see if that improves things. Hopefully the abdomen pain is just from baby being all up in my ribs... I do keep seeing a little foot poke out around where the pain is but will follow the diet just in case!
  • @iheartichi, I was super stressed about potty training DS when his preschool mentioned that they would be starting him soon. But, the power of peer pressure is amazing! It's been about three weeks now since we have taken away the pull ups entirely and we've only had one accident in the past week. Hopefully it will go relatively smoothly for your guy too.  
  • 35 + 5 I know baby moving a ton is a good sign of being healthy, but OMG it's been so uncomfortable/painful today that I've had to stop and try to breathe through it. It could be a combination of BH, contractions, or constipation, but OWIE. And the queasy lump in the throat feeling unless I'm eating is fierce. Also just so exhausted and anxious. We have a doula picked so hoping that helps and that I can make progress with having all the essentials prepared in case this baby comes early. 
  • 34+1 I think I might have SPD.  Turning over in bed, I get a huge stabbing pain in my pelvis.  It hurts to get my legs into my pants (lifting one leg).  And I am seriously waddling because everything hurts and I want to die.  I'll bring it up at my appointment next week.  Not sure how this will affect next few weeks & delivery or is there's much I can do.  :bawling:
    Me: 35 | DH: 38
    Met: 2007
    Married: 2013

    BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
    BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
    BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

  • 36 and 4 ... anyone sick like the first trimester again? Ugh it's awful 
  • @Breath_Easy92 YES!!!! Im gagging again every morning and just keep reminding myself if j have to puke the sink is the best place bc getting back up off the floor is not going to be pretty at 6 am.
  • @jillibean0871... yes! And none of the first trimester tricks work either! The only thing I have found is that My stomach seems to be able smoothies for the first half of the day and then I feel fine by dinner and eat everything in sight.
  • @iheartichi I hope that since daycare is going to be doing pottytraining and they sound serious about it, it makes the potty training at home easier on you.
  • @Breath_Easy92 @jillibean0871 I started being sick like the first trimester again a couple of weeks ago. I started taking ranitidine/zantac morning and night for indigestion and that helped loads. 
  • @iheartichi we are planning no disruptions AT ALL from now til my due date. No travel, not straying from the routine. All the little things around the house are totally irking DS - bringing all the swings and bouncy chairs out of storage, rearranging furniture. Toddlers are such creatures of habit! I hope you manage to avoid five days of house guests. MIL is coming at some point in September (not to help- she is going to England and flying out of the city we live in) but we don't have her exact dates yet. Thankfully she'll be away for my due date so hopefully she won't be too much of a bother. When DS was born she came to visit, parked on the couch, demanded coffee refills, and didn't lift a finger....
  • Sorry I've been MIA lately... a lot going on.. so I went to see my doc Wednesday and have an ultrasound done because baby was measuring small with the tape measure on my belly. The ultrasound shows that she's only at 34 weeks gestational and in the 20 percentile of growth. (I'm 37 weeks today) anyway they said it could be that my placenta isn't working anymore and the baby stops growing! Wth!? Now I'm completely freaked out! The doc will measure me next week and if she hasn't grown in the last week we will have to induce! I'm so anxious, nervous, and scared! I just hope she's still getting some kind of nutrients somehow!  :(:'(

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  • @efrey1986 I'm so sorry you are going through that! I hope you get some reassurance soon! Positive thoughts and prayers for you and baby!
  • @tfrangul thanks so much! We need all the thoughts and prayers we can get! I'll update y'all Tuesday or Wednesday if they have to do another ultrasound. In the meantime I'll just continue to pray everything is fine!

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  • @efrey1986 That's exactly what they are doing twice weekly BPP/growth scans on me for. Hugs, it's so scary. I hope your LO keeps growing. I'm sure they stressed to you, but baby kicks are even more important for you to pay attention to.

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
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