Baby Names

Thoughts on Aurora?

Hello, my husband and I have picked the name Aurora for our princess, who will make her arrival at the end of September. However not all of our family is in love with the name, and they dont have to be, but they expressed their feelings that it may be too difficult for others to pronounce, and that has been bugging me ever since. I absolutely love the name, it sounds beautiful and elegant, and not overly common. Would love some opinions... Thank you!!!

Re: Thoughts on Aurora?

  • pebbledampebbledam member
    edited July 2017
    It's always frustrating to deal with family disappointment after deciding to share the name of your future baby. I think the name is beautiful and not particularly hard to pronounce. If you and your husband love the name, I promise that your family will come around to it. It's not like you're naming her Saoirse (beautiful name, but not something most people know how to pronounce).
    Me: 29 | DH: 29
    Married 12/2016
    DSS born 01/2016
    TTC since 01/2017
    Letrozole + TI = BFP 01/30/2018 | EDD 10/11/2018
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I can't imagine you would run into a ton of issues with Aurora, it's a nice name.

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  • I don't think it's too difficult at all. Go for it! They will learn to love it. 
  • Aurora is a fine name. 

    It's okay to use names that aren't others favorites.
  • ashleyandelyashleyandely member
    edited July 2017
    This name was on my short list. I had some people say that the R's in the name are difficult to say. But I don't think it will be a huge deal. I love the name and say go for it!
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • mb0112mb0112 member
    It's not difficult to say.  Don't worry if they don't all love it.  Do you love all the names your family members have chosen for their kids? 
  • Aurora is our girl name as well. We have a Caroline, so I think they go well together. 
    If you love it, that's enough!
  • I'm sorry they don't love the name and are giving you a hard time. I do not think it is hard to pronounce. Don't let others persuade you if it is something you love. Go for it! 
  • Aurora is a gorgeous name and a great choice. Don't let others' comments keep you from your favorite name.
  • Thank you all!! I was going to name her that indefinitely, but just wanted opinions, as its been weighing on the back of my mind!! I appreciate all of your responses :)
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