How far along are you?
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Re: STM check in 7/26
8 weeks 6 days
How old are your other kids?
2.5 and 4.5
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Just dealing with all of us being sick at the moment. Also trying to decide when to tell them!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Funny story: my 2 year old was yelling to me to help her put her underwear back on. I asked her if she went to the potty and she said yes. I asked her if she wiped and she told me her big sister wiped her! First time that's ever happened! She's really stepping up and being so helpful.
How old are your other kids? 2 year old DS
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? DS is potty training right now. So that's our primary focus other than keeping this new LO healthy
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I can't wait. We've been trying for over a year and *TW* we had 2 losses *End TW*. I just want to see DS as a big brother!
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions: The long wait until first appointment is so stressful and anxiety filled. 4 weeks to go!
9-10 weeks
How old are your other kids?
8 and 3
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I think my daughter is sensing a change. She's been extra whiny, clingy, and waking a lot for me at night again. She still asks me why she can't have my milk, so I hope she's over that by Feb/March. If we are fortunate enough to share our news in the next month I'm really wondering how our son is going to react. He's been asking for another baby, but he wants a brother and... I just don't know if that's happening. Ha!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I love watching our first two and thinking about how I helped create siblings. It's a pretty neat feeling!
Hmm.. Not sure I have much here. Hoping I get my energy and appetite back soon so I can be a more.. exciting Mom?? Especially since we are down to a month before school starts. I want to get some fun days in!
How old are your other kids? 1.5 and 3.5
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? My greatest concern has been financial, but after combing through our liberal spending habits at the grocery store, I think I've found at least 5k to get us through three in daycare--seriously. DH just needed to get on board and become aware of the importance of planning and sticking to what we have! I hope that pans out!
DD was super easy to potty train, but over the last few months, she hit a big regression at night. She started sleeping really soundly and having accidents. This is after almost a year of being totally potty trained. I've noticed she's grown a lot this summer, so I guess growth spurts can impact it, but it's hard to see her feel so frustrated and not know what we can do. We recently started using something that our pediatrician recommended, and I think it's empowering her and she's feeling better about helping her body wake her up at night. We've been using it for a couple weeks now, and things have really improved.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Lately I've been thinking a lot about how fortunate we've been for our health and the health of our children. We have friends who have faced extreme challenges with their newborns, and I worry that we are playing with fate when we have already been blessed with two H&H children. I know I can't control it, for the most part, and I shouldn't "borrow trouble" but it's just been a thought weighing on me lately.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions DS is in a phase where he loves babies. He's going to be 2 in October, and I'm really hoping it's a phase that sticks around. I'm also debating potty training timing for him. DD was totally ready and it was obvious, but DS also came at a perfect time for potty training DD. With a new baby, I'm worried about it interrupting our efforts and making potty training harder. As with most things, it's probably one of those things I just have to face when I get there, right?
@LiveNLove44 the time will be right when he's ready, which hopefully is sooner for you!
How far along are you?
7w 6d
How old are your other kids?
3 years
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
She will start preschooo in the fall which I'm hoping will make adding a baby to her life less chaotic. Hoping she sees other kids with siblingsz
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Im just so excited to have a baby again! A hreenager is fun, but there's nothing like a baby that won't talk back
@heatherdubrow - I hope the plague passes quickly!!
How far along are you? 4+3
How old are your other kids? DS is almost 2.5 and DD is 9 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Adding to the potty theme: I'm draggggging my feet potty-training DS. He's ready, I'm just not sure I am! Our plan was to get it done this summer, but now that it's here I'm dreading it. Someone please hold my hand and tell me it'll be easier than I think?
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : DD has turned into an awesome baby. We had an incredibly rough start with her (severe reflux that made life miserable for everyone) but now she's such a joy. She started crawling last week and DS is finally taking an interest in playing with her, and my heart melts watching them. I'm so happy we're adding another to the mix.
Anyone do the three day method for potty training? It's what I plan to do when I get the energy. Any tips or tricks I should know about?
@LiveNLove44 We're having to really look at our budget too with having two in daycare. I know we have places to cut back, but it still makes me nervous that we won't be able to save much.
How far along are you?
How old are your other kids?
11 months this Saturday
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
How much napping should an 11 month old get in during the day. She normally sleeps 11-12 hours at night and takes a 1.5-2 hours nap in the morning. But getting her down for an afternoon nap is the worst. I can tell she is tired, but she just resists.
Also, I'm feeling like a failure at introducing a sippy cup. I've tried a straw cup and the munchkin 360 and she just doesn't seem to get them. And TBH I tried the straw cup and I found it hard to suck water from. I just ordered some "training" cups that are more like standard sippys but have the silicone mouthpiece. Maybe she'll take to those.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Still pretty much in disbelief. If the u/s goes well in 2 weeks I think it'll set in and I'll get more excited.
see above
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
We gave DD 1 Reese's Pieces for #1 and 2 for #2. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it worked! We don't generally do food as rewards, but it was a tried and true method that we weren't going to mess with for potty training. She was always dry at wakeup, so nighttime was a lot easier than we anticipated (until recently--see above). She went to the store to pick out her own little potty chair, new underwear, and a reward for when she could go a whole week without an accident. It was the right motivation for our DD, and I know it's worked for others, so if the three-day doesn't pan out, there are other options, too!
I "think" 5+1 but won't know for sure until I have my appt.
How old are your other kids?
Just turned 1 in the beginning of July.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Just the norm. I worry about sharing my attention with another kid.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I'm excited to complete our family! We are done after two.
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
@LiveNLove44, I also get that feeling sometimes. I feel very fortunate that we have a happy, healthy, relatively easy baby. What if we don't get so lucky this time?
How far along are you?
How old are your other kids?
11 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I feel like we're in a pretty good routine right now. I know adding a newborn to the mix is going to kill any sense if routine we have now.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I'm just looking forward to seeing DS interact with his little sibling
At daycare drop-off this morning, DS started crawling toward me saying "Mama". He doesn't say Mama regularly yet, so this melted my heart and broke it all at once.
How far along are you? 9 weeks
I feel awful, he is just going through a phase of tantrums right now but I hate that he acted out like that at daycare. I made him apologize this morning as soon as we got in, but I couldn't really discipline him because I don't think he actually remembers what he is in trouble for a few hours later. Any tips for helping with acting out in this way if I'm not actually there to discipline him when it happens? (They do put him into time-out which is what we would do at home as well, I guess I just feel bad that someone else is having to discipline him instead of me.)

How old are your other kids? 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? My son bit his daycare teachers yesterday more than once
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : My son has started showing a lot of interest in potty training and I'm pretty hopeful that he will be out of diapers before this baby arrives
EDD March 12, 2018
He luckily has not been biting other kids, he had a note about biting once or twice a few months ago but both times were isolated incidents. I don't know if it is better or worse that he is biting his teachers instead! Yesterday one of the teachers was laying on her belly playing trucks with the kids and he walked over and BIT HER ON THE BUTTCHEEK. They said he isn't doing it when angry or frustrated, he just seems to think it's funny. I'm hoping this is a quickly passing phase, lol!
EDD March 12, 2018
I really liked the book I read and found her logic of potty training to just "make sense" with what I expected. I was super nervous going into it. Did DS pee on the floor? Yup. Did he poop on the floor? Yup. Did we face obstacles? Absolutely. But I think overall he's doing very well with it and I really can't complain.
8+5 (finally have an official due date!
How old are your other kids?
12 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
DS has been in an awful mood the past week. He's in the middle of a leap and teething but geez... sometimes I wonder how I'll handle two!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I'm really excited to see DS interact with his sibling. He loves other kids!!!
Ready to be over this exhaustion!! On the plus side, DS FINALLY seems to be in a good sleep routine! Hopefully it lasts!
How old are your other kids? 3
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? It hasn't fully sunken in yet and we are not telling DS until it's for sure a sticky bean. DS has been going through a potty regression at night time. He usually wakes up and goes but lately he's been sleeping through it and waking up wet around 3am. It's been 5 nights in a row now so I've decided I will start waking up around 2am to take him to the potty, not fun but better than stripping all the sheets every night!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Similar to @livenlove44 I'm looking forward to completing our family. After this baby we will get a dog and then we are done!
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions: I know I'm not very far along at all but I wish I had some symptoms! With DS I was incredibly exhausted and nauseous. Right now I got nothing and it's making me nervous!
How old are your other kids?
2yo DD
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
My daughter has been really testing me and pushing her limits with me lately. She's not doing this nearly as much with my husband but he's always been the more stern one. I know I need to get better at being more firm with her - this has been my wake-up that she's truly not a baby anymore and a full on testing toddler now!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DD loves babies and loves taking care of her stuffies like they are her babies. She's very sweet, gentle, and caring with them. Excited to see her as a big sis!
I work in health care and so does my husband. One day a week we end up working in the same tiny cottage hospital (I'm talking as small as they get - usually only 10-15 staff in the building at once so eveyone knows each other super well and my husband is there full time so he knows everyone really well). Had to get bloodwork done and it was easiest to do it there. Then got a horrible back spasm in the afternoon that made it uncomfortable to even sit, so ended up in the physio's office. Long story short with both these things 4 of our coworkers found out I'm expecting ! We have told no one at all yet so really hoping word doesn't spread! It likely won't as they all take confidentiality seriously but one of them was so excited I'm just hoping she doesn't accidentally slip up!
How old are your other kids? : DD1 will be 6 on the 31st, and DD2 will be 18m on the 29th
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? : DD1 is currently potty training DD2, wake me up when this one is ready to come out.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : The kids argue all day long , the baby wants to do EVERYTHING her sister does, and her sister doesn't want any stinkin' baby cooties. I am tired.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions: I am tired.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
7w5d (not official)
How old are your other kids?
7yo and will be 1yo on Saturday
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Nap time=rest time for everyone, everyday. Which means my oldest has to come inside instead of playing with his friends. It makes me feel so guilty...but it's crucial to my survival right now.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I love how our youngest already idolizes our oldest.
I love the weather this summer here! Warm days and very cool nights. I don't like the extreme heat at all.
6w 5d (dating u/s in 2 weeks)
How old are your other kids?
DS will be 2 in august
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
DS will be going to a new daycare in sept. He's been at the one he's at now since birth, but he's graduating that place. Just slightly nervous about it
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
At the dr.s office today with DS he saw a couple of babies, he was soooo obsessed, and actually said the word baby a couple of times. It was a really big deal as he isn't saying many words yet!!
It made my heart melt and was really excited that I'm gonna give him a sibling!
still don't have any ms, while I'm loving it, it is a bit nerve wracking....
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Just wondering when to tell DS...the kid has the biggest mouth so once he knows we're pretty much done keeping it a secret. But I want so badly to tell him! I think he'll be really excited because he's all about babies right now!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DS pooped in the potty tonight! This has been a real struggle for him. (Long story short: been potty trained since Christmas but never really got the hang of going poop on the potty.). We've tried everything, so I'm really hoping that this is the light at the end of the tunnel and not another 1 step forward, 2 steps back situation.
I spend all day exhausted, but as soon as I get in bed I'm wide awake! At least I have the internet to keep me occupied.
I still don't know yet. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow.
How old are your other kids?
2.5 years old
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I've been having some anxiety thinking about how my daughter will no longer have my full attention.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I know my daughter will be so happy when she realizes a real live baby will be living with us.
I'm over the nausea and exhaustion!
How far along are you? 6 weeks, 6 days
How old are your other kids? 4
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? My daughter is pretty independent at this point and I hate to think of starting all over. I also feel like I don't remember anything about pregnancy/caring for a newborn!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM: We are also completing our family! We are definitely done after this one and I'm excited to have that missing piece with us.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions: I can't wait to tell my daughter about the new baby! I'll be tempted to tell her next week, assuming all goes well at our Monday appointment, but think after my 12ish week appointment may be safer. Within the past week she started asking about death and saying she's scared to die. I don't know where it came from but makes me think I should wait longer in case this pregnancy does not end well.
EDD March 12, 2018
7w 6d
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I'm really just concerned about adding another child to the mix, starting over, going through the first daycare winter (THE WORST), and dealing with my anxiety through it all
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DD loves playing "mommy" with her babies. Particularly one, who she calls "baby sister". We think she is starting to get this whole thing, which will be fun.
I'm so anxious for our first appointment with the OB next week. I keep having these "twins" feelings and it's driving me crazy. Fingers crossed for ONE baby!
How old are your other kids? coming up on 15 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? I totally lose mom of the year. I was sitting on the couch while DD played in the living room, and I totally fell asleep for 15 minutes! I was shocked. Fortunately, everything is gated and safe, but oops. The fatigue is so bad right now.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions: Any other STM+ have a different excitement this time vs. the first time? Not that you aren't excited, but I remember every day, I'd look at my bump app and see what was happening. I checked it the other day, and it said my baby is the size of a blueberry. Baby #1, I was like oh so cool! Let me go get a blueberry out of the fridge. Wow! I can't believe that's in me. Baby #2, I'm like oh that's cool. How many more weeks until the second trimester when I will quit feeling like shit? I just remember it being so much about the journey, but this time around, I feel as if I'm putting on my game face to get through it.
How far along are you?
I am approx. 5w 4d (waiting for doc appointment for official EDD)
How old are your other kids?
My DS is 23 months (2 on Sept 1st)
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Currently, my DS sleeping is not that great at night and it is not helping this fatigue I have going on. We have been on a couple vacations which I am HOPING is causing this...but because I am exhausted I have been bringing him into bed with us at night to sleep because he sleeps so much better (and so do I)... I love when he sleeps with us (I know some people don't believe I should do this but it works for us) for us at the worry is when the baby comes how is it going to work if he still wants to sleep with will be in our room in a bassinet or when I'm super prego and my belly wont fit him and me and my DH? We used to have this sleep at night thing down in our crib... this summer has created a mess lately and I'm TIRED.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I have started back up with my DVDs for First Trimester (thanks to a bunch of you ladies on here). This was just last night but it made me feel like at least I was making a little progress towards a healthy weight gain this pregnancy...just need to keep it up.
Between 8 and 9 weeks??
How old are your other kids?
Almost 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
We are at the end of our visit with family so there's been lots of testing me and I know that I'm extra grumpy right thanks to this awful headache and being so tired all the time. Hopefully DS evens back out when we get home.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM:
This LO is very much wanted and I'm looking forward to seeing DS as a big brother. And I'm looking forward to a squishy baby face again.
I am sick of this headache. I don't have any essential oils to rub anywhere And Tylenol doesn't usually help plus they don't recommend it now. I'm currently letting DS watch all of the Mickey Mouse while I lay on an ice pack.
How old are your other kids? DS is 2
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? I'm exhausted and less patient than I should be with DS. And, he's starting daycare next week. We completely changed up his caregivers/routine this week and he is NOT having it. He's misbehaving with me but won't even tolerate my husband, so it's been a challenge. My husband is very involved/hands on with him, so it's not that he's used to me being the primary.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I'm SO excited for DS to be a big brother. I was an only child, but my husband has an amazing relationship with his brother and I want that for DS.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions I need to pee but the bathroom is really far from my office.
Pregnant with #2:
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18