1st Trimester

Foods that helped with morning sickness

So I'm about 8 weeks and am struggling with this constant sick feeling. I had about two weeks of being totally incapacitated - sleep, vomit, try to eat, sleep, vomit, repeat. I finally got a recommendation from my Dr to try taking a unisom tablet + vitamin b6 pill every night which has helped significantly. In the meantime, I wanted to share my list of foods that definitely helped me:

Saltines and ginger ale, the go to combo, but this only worked for a few days. After a couple of days of ONLY eating saltines and ginger ale, the thought of them actually caused sickness. Blegh!

Sparkling water. I got really sick of the ginger ale but needed to keep my hydration up and needed the carbonation to settle my stomach. Sparkling water to the rescue! I found the lemon lime and raspberry flavors helped the most.

Lemon Italian ice. Good lemony snack that also helped with hydration.

Meal replacement bars and granola bars. Mostly the granola ones, but it became easier to have those on the side of my bed than the crackers, and the protein boost helped me a lot.

Gerber baby cereal. I discovered this one much later. I remember well into my childhood eating the gerber baby cereal, made with milk and warmed, so it was a healthy treat that was bland enough to stay down, and easy to consume. I still occasionally have a bowl at night when I'm struggling with insomnia. 

Applesauce. Again, easy to consume, lots of hydration.

Fruits. I basically went through a container of cut fruit a day. Watermelon was big, same with strawberries, cantelope, honeydew, cherries, and peaches. 

Anyone else care to share what worked for them?
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