My coworker left his radio on and has been in a different part of the building all morning. Granted, it's not terrible music, but if you're not listening to it, don't make the rest of us listen to it.
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
My TW is this heat and humidity. I am so not used to it and took my kids to the zoo today. We were all miserable, until we found an ice cream stand. I got home and just crashed in the AC
Sadly my cousin.... I told her if my first born were a boy we were going to name it Elijah (this was before she got pregnant).. then in March when I saw her (and she is now pregnant at this time) I asked her what their name was (she;s having a boy) she told me the name. I was like cool bc I'm still using Elijah. I get a text with the arrival of their baby boy and GUESS WHAT NAME SHE USED. JUST GUESS.
My sister in law and brother in law gifted us samples of formula ya know just in case we are trying (TW they knew about our miscarriage in January but not that we are currently pregnant). What a punch to the gut.
Baby #1: BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012
Born: 6/16/2012 Boy!
Baby #2: BFP on 11/11/2016, EDD 7/25/2017 - MC 1/2/2017
@becausescience oh, trust me, I'm still planning on using it. The only reason I told her the 2nd time was bc she had her name picked out already. So I staked my claim on it and I'm still using it.
@KLmyz I'm not really all that petty (just a little) but I've had my heart set on this name for YEARS. And she's so wishy washy la de da whatever that she could care less really. My mom already knows about this so if this is a boy and someone decides to say something I'd hope she'd tell them what happened.
@vflux33 I know for a fact she won't acknowledge the conversations. The thing is she really isn't the type to do that kind of stuff on purpose... or I mean I thought.
@Ktjennks Wow that's terrible! I'm glad you are still using it! @hdaley That's also terrible. What is wrong with ppl?!?
I was supposed to get my first u/s tomorrow but my husband can't get an hour off work (he is a firefighter) so I have to move my appt meaning I have to wait one more day before seeing Fishy on an u/s. It's not the end of the world but I am worrier so the sooner I get reassurance the better.
Me: 36 DH: 37 Married: 5.27.16 Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
@Ktjennks don't worry I don't think your petty in any way shape or form. You should be able to use that name and not feel bad at all!! I was just agreeing with what @becausescience said
@KLmyz oh I know! sorry, I wasn't trying to imply you were thinking I'm petty. I was trying to explain (but did poorly apparently) That I'm usually not all that petty but this does make me want to be a bit petty.
My coworker left his radio on and has been in a different part of the building all morning. Granted, it's not terrible music, but if you're not listening to it, don't make the rest of us listen to it.
I'm my own TW today. I work from home and I play with DS (almost 11 months) a little before I take him to daycare. Well, this morning, he cut his finger on the back of a computer tower in my office. It is not being used, so I moved it to a closet until DH can dispose of it. I know things happen, but I still feel awful.
had to reorder my crinone progesterone today. When I ordered it a month ago the copay wasn't $65. Today the copay was $165. Thank you fiscal year. Thank you health insurance for adding new $100 deductible. This is for a 30 day supply. So it costs me over $5 a day for progesterone. Wtf. I asked how much it would be out of pocket and they said $800 something. DIdnt realize I wasn't inserting liquid gold in me
***TW*** Me: 36 DH:35 Married: 7/10/2016 TTC#1 - May 2016 BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016 BFP 5/5/2017 - CP IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161 Adam Born on 3/18/18
@Ktjennks: I think not telling you beforehand is what makes it rude and inconsiderate. FWIW, my first cousin, whom I see regularly and lives in the same city as me, has my first name - alternate spelling and all. It's honestly no big deal. If you love it, go for it.
Today's TW is my doctor. I just switched practices in January and have been happy with her until today. I called late morning to see if my betas were back from yesterday. They were in but hadn't been reviewed yet. When she called me back she only reported my hcg level, up to 1000 but not increasing as it should. She said we'll wait for the next set which I'm getting tomorrow and the u/s on Monday for more information. Since I had the bloodwork order in my hand on Monday I know she ordered progesterone to be reported too, however she didn't share that info. I had to ask. Her response, "Let me check. Oh, it's low." She tells me the number. I asked her how it compares to the last draw. "Let me check. Oh, it dropped." Tells me last numbers as well. At this point she tells me again we'll see what the next betas show and next week's u/s and says that could indicate a miscarriage will happen. I asked her if there was anything we could do for decreasing progesterone levels. This is when she suggests a prescription for progesterone. Why do I feel like I had to pull all of that from her. She's been ordering hcg and progesterone betas. You would think she is actively reviewing both and being proactive and attentive to the results. Why did I have to suggest/ask??
Well I'm thinking of it, the pharmacy is a TW today too. E-script sent over. I call hours later to see if it's ready only to find out they'll have to order it and it won't be in until 1:30 tomorrow. Not going to work. After a few phone calls I was able to find another pharmacy that had it. Transferring a prescription from one pharmacy to another was not an enjoyable experience. It only got transferred after calling the original pharmacy on my cell while standing in the new one and putting the pharmacists on the phone with one another. Annoying and way more time consuming than it should have been.
@notthefather that's what upset me the most! I got the text and he. I read the name I literally had to read it a few times to realize I was in total shock. But yeah I mean I'm still using it, but it's just a little upsetting.
Today's TW is my doctor. I just switched practices in January and have been happy with her until today. I called late morning to see if my betas were back from yesterday. They were in but hadn't been reviewed yet. When she called me back she only reported my hcg level, up to 1000 but not increasing as it should. She said we'll wait for the next set which I'm getting tomorrow and the u/s on Monday for more information. Since I had the bloodwork order in my hand on Monday I know she ordered progesterone to be reported too, however she didn't share that info. I had to ask. Her response, "Let me check. Oh, it's low." She tells me the number. I asked her how it compares to the last draw. "Let me check. Oh, it dropped." Tells me last numbers as well. At this point she tells me again we'll see what the next betas show and next week's u/s and says that could indicate a miscarriage will happen. I asked her if there was anything we could do for decreasing progesterone levels. This is when she suggests a prescription for progesterone. Why do I feel like I had to pull all of that from her. She's been ordering hcg and progesterone betas. You would think she is actively reviewing both and being proactive and attentive to the results. Why did I have to suggest/ask??
Well I'm thinking of it, the pharmacy is a TW today too. E-script sent over. I call hours later to see if it's ready only to find out they'll have to order it and it won't be in until 1:30 tomorrow. Not going to work. After a few phone calls I was able to find another pharmacy that had it. Transferring a prescription from one pharmacy to another was not an enjoyable experience. It only got transferred after calling the original pharmacy on my cell while standing in the new one and putting the pharmacists on the phone with one another. Annoying and way more time consuming than it should have been.
End rant.
I am very sorry. I have had a couple experiences similar to this with the nurse. This isn't your first rodeo, nor was it mine, and I wish these providers would attempt to handle us with a little more care. Help us achieve the best results for our babies without asking and keep in mind our emotions and worries are intense right now. I plan to speak with my physician about this once I am a little further along. I am still a little upset about some of this stuff. I hope tomorrow is better. You deserve a good day!
@raeliz13 So sorry you had to go through that, as if things are frustrating enough. I swear, it seems like these people are so desensitized to their field. They don't understand how heart wrenching it is when we are in an unknown spot. You should never have to pull teeth to get your personal information.
***TW*** Me: 36 DH:35 Married: 7/10/2016 TTC#1 - May 2016 BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016 BFP 5/5/2017 - CP IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161 Adam Born on 3/18/18
@SP128!!! Aren't meds really fucked up. My DS got an outer ear infection (Swimmers ear). The bottle of ear drops was no bigger than a cotton ball!!! $208!!!!!!
Baby #1: BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012
Born: 6/16/2012 Boy!
Baby #2: BFP on 11/11/2016, EDD 7/25/2017 - MC 1/2/2017
@Ktjennks I went through this same thing during my last pregnancy only it was with both of my SILs. We all got pregnant around the same time and we all wanted to use the same name if we had boys. Well, two of us (me and dh's sister) ended up having boys. We didn't use the name because we went with a different first name. So I know how you feel!
Today my TW is all the stupid admin ladies at school registration today. I have no idea why but they have to make everything extremely difficult. I know they're trying to do a million things at one time but it would be appreciated if you could focus on the person standing in front of you instead of your friend that's behind me. Ugh.
DD born August 17, 2010 DS born October 13, 2014 Baby #3 due March 2018
@raeliz13 Wow that's horrible. You should not have had to press so hard. My OB once sat on test results she had for me for a week and I was pissed, but it wasn't for something that important. I'd be furious.
@raeliz13 I'm sorry. I agree with @DDRRT1982 you deserve more compassion and care and a better day tomorrow. I'd be tempted to switch doctors as soon as was feasible.
@raeliz13, throughout my last two pregnancies, I had a couple experiences like yours with my health care team, and it's so unsettling. I'm sorry you didn't feel more supported!!
Re: TW Tuesday
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
Baby #1: BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012 Born: 6/16/2012 Boy!
Baby #2: BFP on 11/11/2016, EDD 7/25/2017 - MC 1/2/2017
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
@kiki75 I totally agree
@hdaley That's also terrible. What is wrong with ppl?!?
I was supposed to get my first u/s tomorrow but my husband can't get an hour off work (he is a firefighter) so I have to move my appt meaning I have to wait one more day before seeing Fishy on an u/s. It's not the end of the world but I am worrier so the sooner I get reassurance the better.
Married: 5.27.16
Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
This is the worst!
@hdaley they are so generous, not
had to reorder my crinone progesterone today. When I ordered it a month ago the copay wasn't $65. Today the copay was $165. Thank you fiscal year. Thank you health insurance for adding new $100 deductible. This is for a 30 day supply. So it costs me over $5 a day for progesterone. Wtf. I asked how much it would be out of pocket and they said $800 something. DIdnt realize I wasn't inserting liquid gold in me
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
EDD March 12, 2018
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
Well I'm thinking of it, the pharmacy is a TW today too. E-script sent over. I call hours later to see if it's ready only to find out they'll have to order it and it won't be in until 1:30 tomorrow. Not going to work. After a few phone calls I was able to find another pharmacy that had it. Transferring a prescription from one pharmacy to another was not an enjoyable experience. It only got transferred after calling the original pharmacy on my cell while standing in the new one and putting the pharmacists on the phone with one another. Annoying and way more time consuming than it should have been.
End rant.
I am very sorry. I have had a couple experiences similar to this with the nurse. This isn't your first rodeo, nor was it mine, and I wish these providers would attempt to handle us with a little more care. Help us achieve the best results for our babies without asking and keep in mind our emotions and worries are intense right now. I plan to speak with my physician about this once I am a little further along. I am still a little upset about some of this stuff. I hope tomorrow is better. You deserve a good day!
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
Baby #1: BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012 Born: 6/16/2012 Boy!
Baby #2: BFP on 11/11/2016, EDD 7/25/2017 - MC 1/2/2017
Today my TW is all the stupid admin ladies at school registration today. I have no idea why but they have to make everything extremely difficult. I know they're trying to do a million things at one time but it would be appreciated if you could focus on the person standing in front of you instead of your friend that's behind me. Ugh.
DS born October 13, 2014
Baby #3 due March 2018