March 2018 Moms

hCG numbers tripled

Hi everyone! I'm new to the board, and have 3 boys ages 6, 4, and 2. I have a question about beta levels. My hCG number went from 539 (4 weeks, 2 days) to 1521 (4 weeks, 4 days) in 48 hours. I am worried this could be a molar pregnancy. Did any of you have numbers that tripled within 48 hours and all was okay? The other possibility is multiples I guess. I am somewhat beside myself. I have an appointment on Friday where they will do an ultrasound, but it feels like forever from now!


BFP #1: 10/15/10- DS born 6/29/11

BFP #2: 6/26/2012- DS born 3/11/13

BFP #3: 2/26/14- MMC and D&C 4/11/14

BFP#4: 9/1/14- MC 9/6/14

BFP#5: 10/3/14- Due Date 6/15/15

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: hCG numbers tripled

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    Everycol0rEverycol0r member
    edited July 2017
    Hi there! I'm sorry I can't be of help, as I'm not really sure, but you could possibly try asking in our weekly questions that is here:
    LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"


    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)

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    My numbers didn't triple like that, but they were very high from the get go (before period was even due). 1 baby in uterus. 
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    Mine triples, one baby. 
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    My beta went from 17 at 3w6d to 70 at 4w1d. 

    Your numbers seem within normal range and you have a doubling time of 30ish hours. I read somewhere that abnormally high betas in molar pregnancy have doubling times of like 10 hours so they can be up in the tens of thousands range really early. 

    Try not to worry! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    You're fine! Sounds like you have a strong baby in there! 
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    kby721kby721 member
    Mine tripled around 4 weeks and I had the same panic. I went in at 5 weeks for an ultrasound and all was good. I get weekly betas but I asked them to stop calling me with my numbers and go by no news is good news. I'm a chronic googler so sometimes the less I know the better. I think youll be fine but glad you're getting an ultrasound tomorrow to put your mind at ease. 
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    My last two pregnancies had hcg numbers that doubled in about 28 hours.  Those were healthy.  This one is doubling between 24 to 26 hours.  I wouldn't be incline to believe it was a molar pregnancy. 
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    I had a similar doubling time (31 hours) for my first two betas but it slowed down in week 5. One baby in uterus and all is well so far. Please keep us posted on how your ultrasound goes!
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    So impressed with the knowledge you all have. 

    The worrying is so tough, isn't it!

    Happy for good results, @EricaD777!
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