1. We don't let M watch tv or put shows on for her. I have friends that do and it doesn't bother me, you do you boo. But we won't be for M. At least not for a while longer.
2. I've never enjoyed Orange Is the New Black. To me, it's vulgar, crude, and raunchy. I just don't get the appeal. And I swear I'm not a prude.
I hate OITNB too!! It seems like thay show stuff just to be crude, not to aid the story. I dislike most donuts, I only like chocolate or homemade cinnamon/sugar.
My UO is that I'm really pretty sad that my husband (at this point) doesn't want to try for another baby. Period.
I was my mom's only child and I was often the only kid around growing up. My mom had to work a lot being a single parent, so I spent a lot of time at my grandfather's house. Anyway, I kind of always wanted to opposite for my offspring. I'm of course hoping for a change of heart but for now it is what it is. We've got one and she's amazing! Maybe she'll break the trend and go on to have like 6 kids, lol.
1. I hate planning parties, including this one year old party.
2. My friend who had a baby 13 months ago is due in August. We threw her a very nice huge baby shower before her 1st was born. She wants us to throw her another one next month. I just don't think you should host another baby shower if your kids are so close in age. (Or expect people to dish out money for it.)
@babycakesday...agreed! Unless it is a different gender, then maybe something small to get a few gender specific items if you want, but not a huge one. And you certainly aren't supposed to ASK for a baby shower!!
@FTM53 I know. Or like something small for diapers and wipes or something maybe. But she's team green. She even created a registry with things like another monitor, another pack n play, another single stroller, exersaucer. Our friend told her off a bit last night at dinner. Apparently, she donated a bunch of things expecting to get new ones at the baby shower.
@babycakesday- I can't even imagine. My friends and I throw a big shower for the 1st baby. For each additional baby we celebrate by going out to lunch together and buying the baby something small like an outfit. I hope your friend is ready to buy her own items.
@babycakesday...and here we are with a crib that goes to a toddler bed and into a full sized bed. And a stroller with a second seat AND a little standing roller incase we have 3 and they all want to be on/in it! Future baby 2's closet is already filled with most of the stuff that DS1 has out grown. I even kept a bunch of my favorite clothes and any that were gender neutral....
DS and I sleep in a separate bed and room from my husband. I still nurse him when he wakes at night. I find myself lying to people (really just my parents) when they ask about DS and sleep because I don't feel like getting lectured about how "wrong" I am.
I'm in the same boat @dachshundmomma. My husband is on the guest bedroom right now and has been for about 6 months. My mom told me it's not good for our marriage. F that. It works for us for now.
i dislike hosting parties. I get too anxious about it!
We've spent a lot of this year sleeping in separate areas of the house, DH sleeps on the couch when he has trouble sleeping or when the baby is having a rough week of sleep and I need to get up a lot. It works for us too, I don't think it has any negative affect on our marriage and it's much better when we can get sleep that way! No judgement here!
Mine is similar in that we rarely eat dinner together. Or at the table. Both of our families were good about eating together at the table growing up, but honestly I never felt like it was this big bonding time like other families seemed to consider dinner to be. Game nights or activities were much better for bonding in our family. Part of that might have been that my family was pretty quiet and we were a bit surly as teens, lol. Anyways, around here dinner is our unwind time and we tend to eat wherever we want and usually in separate places unless I specifically plan a nice dinner to eat together, like grilling out or celebrating. It is good for us, and then we usually hang out afterwards and talk or watch a movie or something once we've all had some good time to relax. I don't think it's an indication that a family is not close or is not taking time for each other if they don't necessarily choose to eat together all the time. Maybe that will change when our kids are older, but for now this works just fine for us!
Married 6/1/13
BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
BFP #4 4/2015 MC 7/1/15
BFP #5 10/21/15 EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow!
Um that party request is nits. Who does she think she is?!? I could never imagine ASKING for another shower. Especially so close to my first!! Glad one of your friends spoke up on your behalf and put her in her place.
Oh oh man I hear you on the dinner dining @winnie1122. We've always been couch, tv watching eaters. It's getting increasingly more difficult with L's mobility. I said to my husband the other night we might want to look at sitting up at one of the tables, lol. Neither of us are super excited about it but I'm hoping it might help with all of us getting to eat more peacefully!
We don't do CIO. I'll let them fuss for a minute or two, but if they are actually crying I go in to soothe them right away. But, they rarely cry in their beds unless they're actually upset or hungry, which makes it easier to not do CIO.
@austinjl@DachshundMomma We cosleep most of the time and SO sleeps in our spare room when he works the late or early shift which is 90% of the time. It mostly works for us but I do miss cuddling with my husband. We're on a mission to get Will into his crib because my mom will be watching him when I go back to work in a couple weeks and refuses to to sleep. But I refuse to let him CIO. We're making huge strides from not being able to put him down at all to him doing most naps and 2-3 hour stretches in the crib at night.
@TiffRox81 Girl, we put a mat down under L's high chair and put him in the living room eating with us. Then clean him/it up, fold it down and it fits back in the other room lol Other places, he sits in one of those small high chairs that straps to any chair so he can sit any where with us. We aren't table people.
We all sleep together, but L and I sleep SO much better after Daddy leaves for work. L goes down very late for a baby and sleeps in crazy late, zero cares are given. It fits our life, he's still sleeping an approximate amount, he's healthy and that's all that matters to me.
Apparently my UO is that I love OITNB and House of cards...haha.
I also hate party planning - I get so stressed out.
my UO for real is maybe a FFC, but I pay my nanny to come for a day at least every other week so I can just have a 'me' day. I clean, do house projects or crafts, garden, or just go somewhere and chill sans baby. I didn't do it before about 7 months, but I was getting mega cranky with no alone time and my husband made me and now I'm hooked.
It helps me know that we aren't the only ones who sleep separate. I figure were both getting a night of sleep so we aren't cranky (hypothetically). I too miss cuddling my husband but I equally hate walking between rooms 10x a night half asleep lol
I hate restaurant high chairs. They're horrible. The straps are gunky and disgusting and so incredibly short. S is a week shy of 1 and the straps this weekend were INCHES short of being able to buckle. Who came up with those??
@mnkenned I'm with you on the me time. I stopped working in April and have kept DS in daycare. I'm not strict about it and will keep him home anytime, but I actually have a clean home, All laundry is done, Errands are taken care of quickly, I usually get a little nap, good wholesome meals are ready when DH gets home and I'm not cranky and physically/emotionally exhausted. And DS is happier, too. I initially tried to keep him home, but he was miserable and crying going in and out of the car for errands and having to play by himself while I folded laundry/cooked/cleaned. Both DH and DS are very high demand of my mental/physical/emotional energy and I LOVE it, but I need the recharge time or I'm awful. I've also gotten to take over things at home like day to day finances so DH can relax and have time with DS, too
I'm so sick of gender reveal parties and couples saying they "have" to find out what they're having. "I'm a planner" is such BS ... I'd like to consider myself one of the most organized people when it comes to planning things and guess what TEAM GREEN who has a daughter that wore light blue, green & yellow. You get so many clothes from people when baby is born it really doesn't freaking matter. Oh! You're having a girl? Have fun getting only pink things at your shower and being screwed if you have a boy the next time around.
@TiffRox81Its super nice and convenient, but you get a lot of mom shade, too. I feel like I'm always explaining that I'm waiting on my contract job to start and if I take him out loose his spot and have to go back on the 4 month waiting list
I hate restaurant high chairs. They're horrible. The straps are gunky and disgusting and so incredibly short. S is a week shy of 1 and the straps this weekend were INCHES short of being able to buckle. Who came up with those??
Me too! Look into Phil & Teds Lobster chair. We take that thing everywhere.
@TiffRox81Its super nice and convenient, but you get a lot of mom shade, too. I feel like I'm always explaining that I'm waiting on my contract job to start and if I take him out loose his spot and have to go back on the 4 month waiting list
Not going to lie, I was going to ask if you were a SAHM, and he went full time (which....I may have been judging and totally jealous of at the same time), or if it was a drop in thing a couple days a week.
I totally forgot you talking about the wait list for daycare and the contract job. It's a pretty good job too right?
@LDSJM123 haha! At least you're honest. Yes currently i am a SAHM with my kid in daycare full time. But I DO take him out often for neighborhood play dates and keep him home anytime he's had a rough night or just cause. He seriously is only there because they are the best and I don't want to lose his spot.
Yes, it's an amazing job. I'll be making the same amount of money as I was working 40-50 hours a week and I'll only be working 15-20. It's closer, we share the same therapeutic philosophy, and they are super laid back - have even said I could bring DS to the office if I ever needed to. Just waiting on the stupid State funding...
My kid will not keep headbands (or sunglasses) on to save her life. Not even seconds after I put one on her she is pulling it off and strangling herself. Bummer.
Re: Unpopular Opinion
2. I've never enjoyed Orange Is the New Black. To me, it's vulgar, crude, and raunchy. I just don't get the appeal. And I swear I'm not a prude.
I dislike donuts, everyone goes nuts for them at the office. They always look good, but I just don't like them.
I dislike most donuts, I only like chocolate or homemade cinnamon/sugar.
I was my mom's only child and I was often the only kid around growing up. My mom had to work a lot being a single parent, so I spent a lot of time at my grandfather's house. Anyway, I kind of always wanted to opposite for my offspring. I'm of course hoping for a change of heart but for now it is what it is. We've got one and she's amazing! Maybe she'll break the trend and go on to have like 6 kids, lol.
2. My friend who had a baby 13 months ago is due in August. We threw her a very nice huge baby shower before her 1st was born. She wants us to throw her another one next month. I just don't think you should host another baby shower if your kids are so close in age. (Or expect people to dish out money for it.)
i dislike hosting parties. I get too anxious about it!
Mine is similar in that we rarely eat dinner together. Or at the table. Both of our families were good about eating together at the table growing up, but honestly I never felt like it was this big bonding time like other families seemed to consider dinner to be. Game nights or activities were much better for bonding in our family. Part of that might have been that my family was pretty quiet and we were a bit surly as teens, lol. Anyways, around here dinner is our unwind time and we tend to eat wherever we want and usually in separate places unless I specifically plan a nice dinner to eat together, like grilling out or celebrating. It is good for us, and then we usually hang out afterwards and talk or watch a movie or something once we've all had some good time to relax. I don't think it's an indication that a family is not close or is not taking time for each other if they don't necessarily choose to eat together all the time. Maybe that will change when our kids are older, but for now this works just fine for us!
Oh oh man I hear you on the dinner dining
@winnie1122. We've always been couch, tv watching eaters. It's getting increasingly more difficult with L's mobility. I said to my husband the other night we might want to look at sitting up at one of the tables, lol. Neither of us are super excited about it but I'm hoping it might help with all of us getting to eat more peacefully!
We cosleep most of the time and SO sleeps in our spare room when he works the late or early shift which is 90% of the time. It mostly works for us but I do miss cuddling with my husband. We're on a mission to get Will into his crib because my mom will be watching him when I go back to work in a couple weeks and refuses to to sleep. But I refuse to let him CIO. We're making huge strides from not being able to put him down at all to him doing most naps and 2-3 hour stretches in the crib at night.
We all sleep together, but L and I sleep SO much better after Daddy leaves for work.
L goes down very late for a baby and sleeps in crazy late, zero cares are given. It fits our life, he's still sleeping an approximate amount, he's healthy and that's all that matters to me.
I also hate party planning - I get so stressed out.
my UO for real is maybe a FFC, but I pay my nanny to come for a day at least every other week so I can just have a 'me' day. I clean, do house projects or crafts, garden, or just go somewhere and chill sans baby. I didn't do it before about 7 months, but I was getting mega cranky with no alone time and my husband made me and now I'm hooked.
End rant.
Not going to lie, I was going to ask if you were a SAHM, and he went full time (which....I may have been judging and totally jealous of at the same time), or if it was a drop in thing a couple days a week.
I totally forgot you talking about the wait list for daycare and the contract job. It's a pretty good job too right?
Yes currently i am a SAHM with my kid in daycare full time. But I DO take him out often for neighborhood play dates and keep him home anytime he's had a rough night or just cause. He seriously is only there because they are the best and I don't want to lose his spot.
Yes, it's an amazing job. I'll be making the same amount of money as I was working 40-50 hours a week and I'll only be working 15-20. It's closer, we share the same therapeutic philosophy, and they are super laid back - have even said I could bring DS to the office if I ever needed to. Just waiting on the stupid State funding...