Starting a thread for June IUIs here.
Please share a little bit about yourself, including:
IUI number:
Date of planned IUI:
Any other background/details of your journey:
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why?
I'll start.
IUI number: This is my first:
Date of planned IUI: Not sure yet- guessing 6/6 or 6/7?
Other details: I just went in for monitoring today and start the letrazole tomorrow or Sunday. I'm also doing acupuncture for the first time. Cautious but hopeful.
I have always wanted to go to Italy. We were going to go last fall but ended up buying an apartment instead, so who knows when we will go. I imagine starting in Venice, staying near the water in little historic hotels and seeing sights, art, walking around, eating gelato and savory meats, and carafes of red wine. Then I would love to hit up Florence as well as explore the Amalfi Coast. One day!
Re: June IUI
IUI number: 1
Date of planned IUI: 5/31
Any other background/details of your journey: We aren't medicating for the first half of this cycle, I was on antibiotics to clear up endometritis. Went in for my 10 day follie check today and have a beaut on my right ovary of 15mm. Will trigger Monday and then IUI on Wednesday.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? Hawaii! I want a beach to be lazy on, and some beautiful waterfalls to play in.
Date of planned IUI: not sure exact date yet prob the end of next week
Any other background/details of your journey: Did femara last IUI this time medicated cycle femera with Gonal-f injections hoping to get more than 2 follies this time.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? If I could afford it figi we are taking a trip to mass next month to just get away for a few days.
I just got a call from the RE instead of instructions I got told my insurance is denying the IUI cylce coverage because the RE didn't submit the newest SA results that took us from severe MFI to much better (x25 count). We faxed it to our office and a different branch does the authorization. Now I'm waiting to hear if they have it or I need to resend. And I'm at work and its at home. Oh boy!
Date of planned IUI: I'm guessing 6/2 if all goes as planned (yeah right lol)
Any other details: Went for my baseline scan on 5/25. Lining was good and thin at 4.5 mm and my ovaries looked good. Taking Femara 7.5mg days 5-9. I'll go for my day 12 scan on 6/1. Had to take May off due to a cyst on my right ovary.
For a break from Fertility talk if I could take a trip anywhere right now it would have to be Puerto Rico. I have always wanted to travel there since I seen it on a travel channel when I was younger. Looks like a beautiful place to go.
IUI number: 3
Date of planned IUI: Around June 5th-ish
Any other background/details of your journey: I've been TTC for about 5 years but hubby and I didn't want to do treatments again since they stressed us out so much last time. *TW* I ended up getting pregnant in September on my own after 4.5 years, but unfortunately miscarried at 9w1d in November. The miscarriage is what ended up giving us a swift kick in the butt and pushed us into treatments again *End TW*. I am on letrezole + Ovidrel - my RE does not want to put me on injectables since I respond really well to letrezole and have had 5-6 mature follicles at each of my last IUIs, which were almost cancelled. I am currently looking into IVF if this IUI doesn't work but don't know that we'll be able to afford it. DH and I have only given ourselves 2 - 3 more cycles before we call it quits and move on with life. Hopefully I end up pregnant with a sticky baby before then.
Oh, too many places to mention!!! We are actually taking a family trip to Italy next summer for a few weeks and I'm really excited about it. Hawaii is another place I'd love to visit.
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Date of planned IUI: Not sure, likely mid June (waiting for AF to show up)
Any other background/details of your journey: I am having an HSG this cycle (I had an SHG before starting treatment). I want to make sure we're not wasting our time with another IUI (or maybe 2) before proceeding with IVF.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? I'd love to go back to England, but I think right now it would be nice to go to Colorado or Yellowstone and just enjoy nature. I've also always wanted to go to stargazing in Utah.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
eta later: I did some research and discovered some tubal issues can interfere with an embryo implanting so it sounds like I better just do it. I am so scared of the pain most people have mentioned.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
@greenhillgirl Sorry about your femara side effects! Are you taking them at night? I did and only side effect I had was hot flashes.
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19
@rel_1987 That sucks about the constipation. That's one I haven't had!
@kristimh80 Thanks. Yes, I am taking it at night but still having some issues. I put an arrow next tot he ones I've been experiencing intermittently haha! Luckily I have meetings at work where I can just sit and do nothing and pretend to be okay today. My arms, neck, and back especially hurt and Tylenol is only helping a little.
I am scheduled for my next appointment on 6/5 and possibly a trigger shot then, depending. We got the updated SA to the doctor and are waiting on insurance approval before I can get the trigger shot to have on hand. I hope they approve it soon and I'm not taking this drug for nothing!
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19
Date of planned IUI: still waiting on AF, cd 29 today, so I'm due for AF tomorrow. But doesn't seem like it wants to come. Gonna take a hpt of no AF by Friday. If it does start tomorrow I expect my iui to be June 10th or 11th (if I stim for 8-10 days, like I did the last time I did IVF).
Any other background/details of your journey: I have done 6 clomid cycles, 4 femara cycles, 1 IVF, all a bust no chemical pregnancies, no miscarriages... diagnosed originally with PCOS - they focused a lot of energy on me only to discover my hubby has a variocele causing some MFI. Now after I've lost 25lbs, and done all repeat tests - no PCOS for me. Trying iui, at least once before doing another IVF cycle. The doctor says that even with MFI issues it's still worth it to try iui. So here we are! 4 years of infertility struggle, and I'm bitter... and tired of it all, but still hopeful that I'll have my take home baby. Even to flip a hpt positive, will be a dream come true... and least we are moving in the right direction. That's my story.
Actually I have a trip planned to Germany in August, flight is booked and going for 10 days and I'm going to Calgary, Alberta Canada at the end of June... just before my beta will be scheduled prolly. I will be coming back from that 4 day trip and having my beta drawn hopefully if all goes to plan.
TTC since March 2012
2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
3 failed IUIs in 2015
October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....
AFM: I scheduled my HSG and I'm praying it isn't too bad. I'm also having CD 3 u/s and lab work done tomorrow (per my request). I know a lot of offices do this automatically, but mine doesn't. I want to make sure I ovulated and don't have any cysts.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
Sorry about your femara side effects - hope they don't last too much longer!
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
IUI number: 6
Date of planned IUI: Around 6/9
Any other background/details of your journey: This is our 25th cycle trying, and our last IUI before moving on to IVF. DH has low motility/morphology. The motility has been greatly improved by 6+ months of clomid. Our first three IUIs last fall were pre-clomid, and were essentially a waste of time because his count was so low. My insurance covers IUI so I'm really hoping 6th time is the charm! I'll be taking 2.5mg letrozole, and probably triggering with ovidrel if I don't O unexpectedly--as happened last cycle!
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? We're actually going to Norway this summer, which I'm really looking forward to doing. I've wanted to go for ages. Really looking forward to touring the country and seeing the ancestral home.
IUI number: First one
Date of planned IUI: Thinking likely second week of June
Any other background/details of your journey: This is our first intervention. When AF decides to show (feeling crampy so should be soon), I will begin Clomid on Day 3 of my new cycle. Then 12 day scan, trigger and IUI.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why?
GREECE! I have always wanted to go and could use some more sun and delicious greek food
Me: 28 Him: 30
Married: 11/15/14
TTC: 02/2016
IF DX: MFI (low count & morphology) & mild PCOS
June 2016 BFP - MC @8w2d
August 2016 BFP - MC @6w1d
June 2017 - 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP 7/6/17!!
Beta #1 = 422 (14dpo), Beta #2 = 810, prog - 12.3 (16dpo), Beta #3 = 5023, prog - 18.9 (20dpo)
IUI number: 4 (I've also done several medicated TI cycles)
Date of planned IUI: June 14 or 15
Any other background/details of your journey: Our dr will most likely only approve 1-2 more cycles since we are not going to pursue IVF. Feeling very nervous and scared this won't work.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? Italy. In a heart beat. My husband and I are planning a big Europe trip for our 10 year anniversary (in 2 years) and I CAN NOT wait!
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
IUI number: 3
Date of planned IUI: around June 14/15
Any other background/details of your journey:
DH have been trying for over four years. Really hoped this last cycle would be the one. Everything looked perfect. We have a dx of male infertility and are using a donor. We have two more rounds of IUI before we have to have the IVF discussion.
For a break from all the fertility talk, if you could take a trip right now where would you go and why? Hawaii for sure. It's on our bucket lists. I could go for a beach and a drink right about now.
I'm having a rough day. Had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop this morning at work from the Femara and my neck is really tender and sore, both the skin to the touch and the muscle. It's my last day of the Femara! (Last night but feeling it today). The insurance went ahead and denied our IUI cycle, saying it is not medically necessary, despite only looking at the first SA with severe MFI and not the improved SA #2 with mild MFI. The RE authorization department woman is amazing and helping walk through me- she is responsive and caring. She is resubmitting and asking them to look at second SA but says since our motility is still on the low side they may deny. I should know by the afternoon.
If they deny, we have agreed we will go ahead and convert to timed intercourse cycle so that they pay for all the meds and monitoring. I'd rather just save the money for when we get me on his insurance and have 75% IVF coverage and have to pay the remaining 25% than pay for full IUI stuff if they won't cover any.
So disappointed. Trying to hold my s@!# together at work.
It's sunny here- take care ladies!
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
B2B IUIs this cycle with my first one being tomorrow and the second one on Saturday. We are actually out of town on Saturday (triggering this early caught me off guard) so DH and I are trying to decide if it's worth it for each of us to make the 1.5 hour trip to the clinic separately (him in the morning for his sample and me at noon for the IUI) or if we should just do one IUI and then TI on Saturday.
I have my IVF counselling appointment next week since that seems to be the next step. Still don't think we can afford it (and currently fighting the insurance company to see if they will cover it) but might as well take the necessary steps just in case.
Good luck this week @rel_1987 - I see we're in a little bit of a similar situation
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Good luck to all everyone else! Keeping my fingers crossed and wishing you all the best.
TTC since March 2012
2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
3 failed IUIs in 2015
October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....
@rel_1987 - My RE triggers me 24 hours before IUI.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
@rel_1987 My clinic does b2b IUIs so I trigger between 5pm and 10 pm the night before the first IUI and then have an IUI the next day as well (both are at 12 pm).
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
Most annoying thing ever! I was off work yesterday for my 10 year college reunion 2 days of events and had to wait for my trigger shot rx to come from FedEx. It was supposed to come by 8pm. I waited til 3 and then got a message saying resident wasn't home and they couldn't deliver. The FedEx person doesn't feel like selecting our apartment on the buzzer system and just leaves a slip. We went to a reception by bus train and shuttle at my college north of NYC and then had to leave before dinner that I paid for started to take a $35 cab to the middle of nowhere to the FedEx place to get the shot and go home and refrigerate it. I missed the class and showing my husband the campus and the dinner BBQ but at least we have today. I want to file a complaint with FedEx but haven't had time. Jerks!!!!
Does anyone know why the doctor can't just order and do the shot?
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
I got up at 5:45 this morning for my monitoring and hope my follicles are big enough to do trigger. That would make one thing nice and easy. How is everyone else's monitoring going?