Baby Names

Middle name suggestions for Eleanor?

Hi there, 
We're having a girl in August and our front-running name is Eleanor. Our last name begins with a P. Names that start with "S" or "A" are out because we don't like the initials ESP or EAP ("extrasensory perception" or "employee assistance program" hah). 

Victoria might be an option; I really wanted Riley as a family name but DH doesn't. Kind of stuck- any ideas? For what it's worth, I'm of English and German descent and DH is of Italian and Ukrainian descent, so names of a European etymology probably are best...


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Re: Middle name suggestions for Eleanor?

  • Fwiw I would never have thought of either of those acronyms??? Maaaayyybee ESP but not the other ever

    Eleanor claire
    Eleanor Diane
    Eleanor Maureen
    Eleanor Lorraine
    Eleanor Nadine
    Eleanor Raquel
    Eleanor Blaire
    Eleanor Helene

  • @bbiutmcph Oooo those are different, thanks! Blair(e) reminds me of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl- I like it.

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  • Loading the player...
  • Eleanor Claire 
    Eleanor Wren 
    Eleanor Louise
    Eleanor Elizabeth
    Eleanor Brynn 
    Eleanor Kate 
  • Eleanor Florence
    Eleanor Fleur
    Eleanor Mae
    Eleanor Aurora
    Eleanor Faye
    Eleanor Pauline
    Eleanor Blythe
    Eleanor Frances
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  • I like the suggestions Eleanor Nadine & Eleanor Faye
  • Wow, great suggestions that we never would have thought of!  Kate is something we've bandied about. Thank you :) 

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  • mb0112mb0112 member
    If Riley is a family name I like it.  I also wouldn't avoid ESP or EAP initials but here are some suggestions

    Eleanor June
    Eleanor Clarice
    Eleanor Ruth
    Eleanor Rachel
    Eleanor Paige
    Eleanor Julia
    Eleanor Noelle
    Eleanor Beth
    Eleanor Mae
    Eleanor Corinne 
    Eleanor Jacqueline

  • Paige is a favorite of DH's and I'll remind him of that as a middle name option. (He didn't want initials PP because kids are cruel.) Noelle is intriguing... Thanks! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • TXMama has a great list above. I would add Eleanor Jane to it. 
  • We are considering Eleanor for our daughter as well. Middle name options so far include:
    Eleanor Elizabeth
    Eleanor Rose
    Eleanor Anne 
    Eleanor Ruth 
  • Eleanor Bernadette
    Eleanor Genevieve
    Eleanor Therese
    Eleanor Beatrix
    Eleanor Cordelia
    Eleanor Aileen
    Eleanor Cecile
    Eleanor Kathleen
    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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  • My mom's name is Eleanor and her middle name is Elise which I find quite pretty. 
    *****Losses Mentioned*****BFP MENTIONED*****ALL WELCOME******ALL ABOARD!!

    Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
    Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
    Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.

    DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!

    Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!

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