July 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-In 5/23

Happy Tuesday!

This thread is for July moms who have previously suffered a loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc).

Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? 

When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 

Any questions you want to ask the group?

GTKY: Any plans for Memorial Day?  Any favorite mock-tail recipes to share?


Re: PGAL Check-In 5/23

  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    mmc in July 2016, passed naturally at 12w

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    One of the mamas in my birthing class (it's a six week thing), had her baby this week - 5 weeks early.  Her guess date was 3 weeks before mine.  And thanks to modern medicine, he stayed 2 extra days and is home already... Until now I've been "Eh, I've still got two months.  First babies always come late anyway..."  Now I'm suddenly anxious about how much we don't have done and needing to do ALL the things.  Or, as DH has put it - my nesting has suddenly kicked in like a lightswitch.

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?
    Biweekly check-in next week.  Next milestone is probably placing the massive order from Amazon with my completion discount, so that I can finish the nursery.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 
    Adding to my baby-brain memory lapses, I now have a fabulous lack of coordination.  Luckily no wipe outs (knock on wood), but I've run into a few walls and dropped my lipstick wand thing this morning, resulting in lipstick all down the front of my shirt all day.

    Any questions you want to ask the group?

    GTKY: Any plans for Memorial Day?  Any favorite mock-tail recipes to share?
    We'll be driving a few hours to spend the weekend at DH's brother's house, with one of his sisters who will be visiting from several states away.  It's also our wedding anniversary, so trying to sneak in some babymoon/date-night time.  As for the mock-tails, I've been surfing Pinterest for recipes but haven't tried any yet.  So this week's question is a bit self-serving - need something for me and the nieces/nephews!
  • @optbaby2017 Happy anniversary! Hope you can sneak away to celebrate!

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    3 mc in 2016

    How far along are you? 31+3

    How are you doing? Pretty well. Tired from not sleeping enough, but I've just excepted that as reality. 

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to? Next appointment will be in a week... Next big milestone in my head was probably 36 weeks. Ultrasound for size/position that week plus that's when I plan to start getting ready the final things like a hospital bag and instal the carseat. But now you've got me thinking/worrying about about an early baby. My nephew was 4.5 weeks early. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: We ordered a new washer/dryer! Ours was ancient but we moved it anyways and now it's acting up. Will be good timing to start washing baby things when it comes. 

    Any questions you want to ask the group? Not now

    GTKY: Any plans for Memorial Day?  Any favorite mock-tail recipes to share?
    We have our childbirth class at the hospital for most of the day Saturday, so we'll be staying in town for that. Plan is also to make some more progress on settling into the house and to work on finishing up the nursery.
    I'm too lazy to make mocktails for myself. I just drink San Pellegrino limonata when I want to feel like I'm getting something close to a cocktail with the sweet and the bubbles. 
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  • fioripfiorip member
    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    MC at 6 weeks
    Premature labor at 22 weeks
    Preterm premature rupture of membranes at 17 weeks

    How far along are you? 
    33.1 weeks!
    How are you doing? 
    Anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little one, I feel there's sooo much I haven't done and constantly fear I might go into labor at anytime. 

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?
    34 week appointment next. Looking forward to my last U/S on June 7th. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 
    This New Jersey weather is crazy! Last week it was 90 degrees and this week's been raining and down to 54, what the hell? 

    Any questions you want to ask the group?
    GTKY: Any plans for Memorial Day?  Any favorite mock-tail recipes to share?
    Well despite my pleads not to have a babyshower, since my brother and his family are in town, my mother doesn't want to "waste the opportunity" and is throwing me a family brunch/babyshower on Sunday. Even though I was against it, it makes her happy so I'm just letting her be. 

    Happy anniversary!! @optbaby2017
    I'm 29, husband is 30
    Together since 2006
    Married 01.17.15  <3

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

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