July 2017 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 05.08

Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie

Re: Monday Bitchfest 05.08

  • It's snowing.   

    'Nuff said.
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • @stokesm21 - Snowing in may? Eff that noise. When I lived in alaska I would get so irritated if it snowed after my snow tires were off and all my snow stuff was packed away. 

    My sister is brining me a donut for breakfast-- not complaining. But she doesn't know exactly when she will get here, so I'm torn should I eat something now, or wait. Should I shower now, or wait? She never had good timing- so she'll show up mid shower or mid bite, I know it!
    ***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
    -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
    Beautiful daughter born February 2011
    **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

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  • @stokesm21 YIKES! The weather network was threatening us with flurries yesterday but I am happy to say that it was sunny most of the day and NO SNOW FELL. I was going to be rather stabby if it did. 

    My MBF is my MIL. Why must she ooze drama wherever she goes?!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
    DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
    #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
  • acstec1acstec1 member
    @kghusker1003 a vacation?!?! what kind of vacations do these people go on that they compare it to a hospital stay? I know when I worked as a floor RN, the lab orders automatically defaulted to 4:30am as well unless the doctor changed it and frequently they do not. You should be able to ask and see if they can push it up a bit. The thought is to have the information for the doctors when they round, but most don't right at 6 or 6:30. When I round, I don't start till at least 8, unless it is an emergency. 
  • BusyZeeBusyZee member
    Whichever one of these doctors that specifically put in lab orders to be drawn at 4:30 am can suck it. 

    The next person who tells me hospital bed rest is a vacation will get punched. 
     I'm so sorry about the lab orders that ridiculous .... 

    Lol@hospital bed being a vacation whaaaat!?
  • @acstec1 I did ask them to change it today and they said they would push it back until 5:30 when I'm woken up for monitoring. High risk team starts rounds at 8:15, my OB rounds at lunch time because he's usually in clinic.

     I'm assuming they mean it's a vacation because I don't have any kids to look after and have people waiting on me. 

    Me (K)-27 DH (T)-30
    2 Rainbow DDs L-10/26/10 and A-03/27/14
    2 Angels- 10/26/09 and 02/03/15
    Surprise BFP on 10/25/16!!! Baby Firecracker is due on 07/02/17! 
  • BusyZeeBusyZee member
    So I went through a relatively small boutique to get most of my baby gear because I thought the employees over there were much more knowledgeable and personable, some of them were specialists and the amount of information they had about the things I wanted was far more than just going through fifty employees in buy buy baby and baby's r us. That said, I'm getting very annoyed because they didnt clarify that the car seat I showed them was NOT going to be the one I'm going to get. Plus side of all this is they are giving me 100 in store credit but seriously, atleast tell me I won't be getting that one. they could've avoided not wasting both of our times. Now waiting on the stokke engineer specialist to give me a call after he's spoken to some engineers. I'm also annoyed that stores here don't carry a single thing that I want within the store, I have to buy the stroller and the car seat to see if I like it. This is my second round of doing this. 
  • LoveLee85LoveLee85 member
    edited May 2017
    My bitchfest is kind of unique but if you live on a dead end street, you might get my complaints!! You would think a dead end would be peaceful?! Well, we are the 2nd to last home toward the end. Even though there is a DEAD END sign, I think people believe it will connect to the bigger road West of it. Or, they are just being nosey, either way....our driveway apparently is the designated turn around point somehow?! 

    Also, I'm not just talking a quick turn around...our driveway is 3 and a half car lengths long, and 3 car lengths wide. The public somehow pulls alllll the way up, about 2 car lengths into our driveway. I have had multiple people back in to turn around, damn near* hitting our car in the driveway! I have had to run out screaming more than five times over the years. They run over our grass, flowers, get the dog barking like mad and it wakes up my baby. It's honestly infuriating. 

    My HUGE WORRY, now that we have a toddler who plays in our driveway and such(I'm out with him 100% of the time obviously), I'm terrified my back will be turned for one second and someone is going to run over my toddler while he plays in our driveway. I mean people are careless and if they are whipping in and out, they might not be looking for a tiny tot playing sidewalk chalk?! What can I do to get people to stop??? Other than installing a gate of some sort? 
  • acstec1acstec1 member
    @kghusker1003 well I guess an hour later is better than nothing, but still! Thinking of you! Hoping the rest of the time flies by!
  • @LoveLee85 Put up a sign? I kind of think a gate might be your only option that will actually be effective. Have you ever seen the Dane Cook skit about driveway intruders? It's quite funny. I'm sorry that people are so careless though. I will admit to being a driveway intruder, but I try to intrude as little as possible if I have to do it at all. And I do it slowly. 

    First, I'm just grumpy in general. Second, I'm having major step MIL problems. I've complained heartily multiple times about her, and it seems that as I had thought, my patience for her has completely run out. Everything she does just ticks me right off, and I'm normally openly sarcastic with her now, where as previous to her shower shenanigans, I tolerated her and was nice to her face. She hasn't changed, my tolerance has. And I don't know what to do about it. I was taking the approach of "I have to deal with her for multiple years, so I would rather be nice" hence the tolerance previous to this, but she just p**sed me off past the point of no return, and now I can't tolerate the smallest stuff from her without getting my feathers all ruffled. I never much liked her, but now I truly hate her, and don't really care what I say to her, but I'm still stuck having to interact with her. F me. It doesn't even seem like she does most things with intentional malice, she is just a self absorbed human and doesn't even realize what she is doing. This is only going to get worse when she eventually picks up on my disdain for her. How do y'all deal with crap relationships with in laws? (FTR its not like my husband likes her either so no worries there). 

    I definitely need a whamulance today. Every little thing is just making me grumpier and grumpier. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • Round #2:  My other bitch is that I am so angry at the lack of compassion from people around here.  My area is going through a lot of flooding right now.  So much so that the communities on the other side of the city I work in, have declared a state of emergency.  Entire cars are completely under water.  I live in a small town outside of the city with a lot of communities here being on the water as well.  Basically every community on this river (and it's a long ass river) are flooded.  I cannot believe the amount of people who are responding by saying, "Well, that's the price you pay for waterfront living!"  Other people are chiming in how they hope the insurance companies don't cover the damage to their cars because they were "stupid enough" to leave them in the flood zone.  Those people's cars were already damaged ... they didn't just "leave" them there.  I chalk it up to jealousy.  Sure, waterfront living comes with risks but this hasn't happened here for over ... 60 years I think?  The problem is that the snow melted really quickly then we got hit with a ton of rain then it snowed again, melted quickly again and it basically has not stopped raining since.  The water level of this river is up probably about 10ft above normal.  DH spent the weekend out helping to sandbag and such as did a bunch of his friends and even my Dad!  Since I can't do anything physical like that, I spent a few hours on Saturday making sandwiches for the volunteers then went out delivering.  I made more yesterday which DH took to a site.  He's going through a slow period at work so he's currently about an hour from home helping in those communities as we speak.  

    I'm just so saddened by the crap coming out of people.  What if that was you?  Your family?  Ugh.  People can be such assholes.  *angry*face*  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • stokesm21stokesm21 member
    edited May 2017
    @LoveLee85 Is there one of those big yellow signs at the beginning of the street saying, "No Exit"?  If not, I would definitely ask your municipality to put one up.  If there already is then, people are just so stupid!  I'd like to say some sort of sign on your own lawn saying something to the extent of 'no turning around' or 'private property' etc. would work but I doubt it would.  And having to put up a gate would be terribly expensive.  Around here we have, "Slow Down.  Kids at play" signs in most communities.  Maybe something on your own lawn/end of driveway might help?  The unfortunate part is that people probably won't read any sign so that's going to be the struggle.  Have you considered parking your vehicle at the end of the driveway almost centered so that people can't turn around in it?  You shouldn't have to do that but it might be your only option. 

    @kerils If it makes you feel better, I'm currently on the same bandwagon.  My SMIL and I were really close until I got pregnant.  It seemed like everything changed!  Just last week she actually wrote that she hoped that I deliver early because they are going to be "around" at X time.  I'm infuriated that she actually wished my baby to be premature to fit into her schedule!  (In all honesty if LO came at that time she'd be perfectly healthy but I'm sure you get what I mean/my frustration)  The amount of stupid sh!t that has come out of her these past 7 months just really has me not liking her.  After the "coming early" thing I completely stopped talking to her.  That was the last straw for me.  She's not self-absorbed like yours but has never actually had kids of her own so the stuff she does/says just has me shaking my head.  DH wasn't raised close to his family so he doesn't give a sh!t about any of it (which infuriates me as well haha!) so he is zero help.  I've just resolved myself to the fact that whoever wants to be in LO's life will be.  I think if you're that frustrated and fed up with her then there is no shame in refusing to engage with her.  We're adults and past the point where we need to be nice.  If I don't like someone, I don't like them, and family or not, I'm not going to go out of my way to pretend.    
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • @LoveLee85 - maybe traffic cones to block off your driveway? You can usually get cheap ones. I wonder if that would keep people off your driveway, especially if you are outside playing with DS. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
    DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
    #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
  • @stokesm21 We had some pretty dramatic flooding in our area, but nothing near like it sounds you had. We live on a pretty big dammed lake, and we deal with flooding to some extent each spring. This one has been especially rough. Thank you for doing what you can!

    My MBF is my husband's work. Some back story: we live in a very touristy area with seasonal fluctuations. This means that my husband works different jobs in the summer (charter boat captain) and winter (banquet coordinator) with several weeks between seasons with little to no work. It is not an ideal situation, but we make it work. The problem is that during those off periods, he does not qualify for insurance. In the past, we have just crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. This time, it is really important for me to have insurance. He talked to HR and made it clear what was going on and what he needed from them, and they were able to pull some strings and get him a temporary position in another department until the summer season started up. He has been in this other department for several week now. I happened to look at his paystub today, and noticed that the benefits were not taken out of his check last week. It turns out that the new department put him in as a part time employee, therefore he is not eligible for insurance and we have not been covered since mid-April. I have a couple of really important appointments coming up, and I do not think the insurance will be reestablished by then. Argh! I now have to spend the rest of my afternoon trying to figure something very temporary so I can keep my appointments for the next few weeks.

    Sorry for the novel. TLDR: My husband's employer discontinued our insurance in the middle of my pregnancy, and I am not a happy mama.
  • My appetite is my MBF.  I want to eat all of the food.  ALL OF IT.
  • MBF - Thanks to the very tasty lunch I got from a food truck, I now have indigestion and probably heartburn. FWP, I know, but I am so uncomfortable. 
    Married: 10/13/2013
    TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
  • My appetite is my MBF.  I want to eat all of the food.  ALL OF IT.
    This. I literally finished my lunch and was immediately looking for something else to eat! I bring enough food and snacks to work to feed a small family. 
  • My appetite is my MBF.  I want to eat all of the food.  ALL OF IT.

    I had eaten all of my morning snacks, my lunch, and afternoon snacks by 10:30 this morning.  Also, I now want food truck food so bad @star_beagle !
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @LoveLee85 Maybe a chain across the driveway?  There's a house near me that has that, with a huge No Trespassing sign on it, and I think it's from people turning around in the driveway.
  • My BF is minor compared to these, but I'm so sick of people walking on the wrong side of the road and then expecting me to go around them. I walk at a park and there's a road that goes through it bc it's also state hospital grounds. WALK FACING TRAFFIC PEOPLE. I've stopped moving out of the way. I don't know why I get so irrationally angry about it. 
  • My appetite is my MBF.  I want to eat all of the food.  ALL OF IT.
    This.  I'm embarrassed at how much food I ate yesterday.  And I don't think I've ever drank so much in my life?  I cannot even count the amount of glasses of water and milk I went through.  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • @stokesm21 - I think I drool every time someone mentions milk. My stomach hasn't been able to handle milk since around the beginning of 2nd tri and I miss it so much! I know I've complained about it a lot, but I think I miss milk more than alcohol. 
  • @ginger1228 Oh no!  I seriously feel for you!  I do not drink that much milk normally, I just put it in my cereal but since I've been pregnant I've been going through bags and bags of it.  It's the weirdest thing!  (Mmmm, Canadian ... we have bagged milk lol!)  I cannot stand being out of milk and must go get some immediately when that happens lol!  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • My MBF is pretty tame, especially since some have legitimate concerns. My back is killing me!!!! I can barely get through work (I work mostly on a computer). I can't get comfortable. 

    And, yes to wanting all the food! I was going to save my DH some cookies, but I changed my mind. I justify it by saying I baked them, haha. 

    @kerils I'm sorry to hear things are getting worse. Does she live close by? Maybe you and you DH need some time away from her. I'd avoid her as much as possible, at least until you can have wine!!
  • @stokesm21 our grocery store had chocolate milk on sale and I bought a bunch. Every morning I would take a travel mug of chocolate milk with me to drink while on my way to work. I ran out and it's not on sale anymore....I was so bummed this morning driving to work with no chocolate milk  :'(
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
    DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
    #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
  • @hyperangel_8509 - rude. ;) Chocolate milk sounds sooo good. It's just not worth the nausea though. 
  • @hyperangel_8509 Yesssss!  I never buy the bags of chocolate milk, only the cartons that go on for $1 but I saw the bags on sale a few times and totally grabbed that sh!t!  LOL :P 
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • @ginger1228 Sorry  :s Have you tried any milk substitutes to see if they would ease your pain? I love coconut and cashew milks. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
    DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
    #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
  • @hyperangel_8509 - I keep meaning to try some of those and I always forget to look when I'm at the store. Even if I don't like the flavor a lot, I could probably handle it in cereal. I miss my Raisin Bran!
  • Dovahkiin_99Dovahkiin_99 member
    edited May 2017
    Lol at bagged milk. I vividly remember that when I was a kid, but we don't have it anymore. Must be an Ontario thing. 
  • This hunger is NOTHING compared to the breastfeeding hunger. I ate amounts of things I couldn't believe. 3 bowls of cereal, 14oz steaks (rare, of course), an entire rotisserie chicken once. It was out of control!! 

    +1 for milk making me so nauseous. Ice cream especially! 
  • Yes @nktrodden826! The breastfeeding hunger is insane! I would keep snacks in DS's nursery and would literally eat ever 2hrs when I was up at night breastfeeding him. I felt ravenous 
  • lph4248lph4248 member
    +1 for even. more. hunger. I'm genuinely concerned if my appetite is only going to get more intense with breastfeeding. Like, every day is a freakin' struggle between eating enough for this growing LO and not eating so much that I veer into excessive weight gain territory. I gain weight easily and my appetite has always been bigger than I need to sustain my activity level, but I know breastfeeding takes a lot out of you. I just want to adjust in a healthy way.
    ~DD arrived July 4, 2017~
  • I've been way hungrier lately too.  I have noticed that I have gained weight in my face in the last couple of weeks.  It's not a big deal, but I have a really round face already so I generally hate gaining weight in my face. 

    I really should stop hitting that candy though.
  • BusyZeeBusyZee member
    Iv been starving for three days. No amount of food is enough ATM. 
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