May 2017 Moms

**Overdue Thread**

bacorreabacorrea member
edited May 2017 in May 2017 Moms
We are officially in May! That means that many of us may just wave hello and goodbye to our due dates before our babies decide to show up! This is a thread to commiserate! What are you doing to help get labor started? Sex? Pineapple? Curb walking? Let's get these overdue babies out! 

*The safe way, please don't drink castor oil.*

Re: **Overdue Thread**

  • I am officially overdue and will be welcoming a May baby. My due date was April 24th. Induction scheduled for May 4 (day after my birthday) if she doesn't come before that.
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  • Yea all sorry from the April board and once I realized I was having a May baby I started checking out this board some too! I actually thought I put that in my original bad
  • pshaortao said:
    hp_momma said:
    I am officially overdue and will be welcoming a May baby. My due date was April 24th. Induction scheduled for May 4 (day after my birthday) if she doesn't come before that.
    So are you from the April board then? 
    Also wondering this. Sorry but I'm like.. who are you? It seems like you only started participating only to be on the overdue threads in both april and may and nothing else.
    As far as participating I haven't participated much on either board until now due to working and being a STM of an 18 month old. Figured there could be useful information/advice on both boards. :)
  • I'm not overdue but here's an interesting article/tidbit/recipe for anyone trying to hurry things along.  :)
  • @emilyalso That's awesome! I just sent that to DH so he can be ready to make it if needed.
  • emilyalso said:
    I'm not overdue but here's an interesting article/tidbit/recipe for anyone trying to hurry things along.  :)
    I've heard of this! There is bakery in my hometown Charlottesville, VA that has lemon cupcakes that they claim starts labor! I may have my Mom grab some next week! 
  • There is a salad in my area that has the same claim. Everyone keeps offering to take me. 
  • @nda_roxybabe I heard chocolate croissants also help *in a nonchalant story of way*
  • @rebecca517-2 Do you know what about the dressing is supposed to induce? What kind of dressing is it?
  • @jayandaplus I don't. It's a balsamic vinaigrette. I could probably do some research and see if anyone has looked into it but I haven't. It was a little too dressingy for me so I shared a pizza with my mom. 
  • m3ganmcm3ganmc member
    Sad to be a contributor to this post but hello ladies...2 days past. My sister sent me this last night:
  • Are y'all doing anything to "help" labor start? 
  • @bacorrea I'm eating 6 dates every day!  Mostly bc I like them and they help with "regularity" but it can't hurt!  
  • @bacorrea I'm eating 6 dates every day!  Mostly bc I like them and they help with "regularity" but it can't hurt!  
    Ok I bought some dates (even though I'm not overdue yet!) and want to eat them... but I'm scared. They look like bugs! Do you just eat them plain? Any tips for recipes or should I just go for it?
  • @livin541 I don't love dates but I've been eating 6 a day since 36 weeks. They look gross but they're not bad. too sweet for me but I just eat it quickly. They're good in a smoothie and add a lot of sweetness. 
  • livin541 said:
    @bacorrea I'm eating 6 dates every day!  Mostly bc I like them and they help with "regularity" but it can't hurt!  
    Ok I bought some dates (even though I'm not overdue yet!) and want to eat them... but I'm scared. They look like bugs! Do you just eat them plain? Any tips for recipes or should I just go for it?
    @livin541 I like dates plain...they're sweet. Here's a random recipe, too, if you have a sweet tooth.
  • m3ganmcm3ganmc member
    Ugh...everything. Walking, walking the curb, spicy food, pushing pressure points, lunges. Vacuuming seems to cause the most movement/twinges. 

    Full moon is may 10th...
  • Yes My mom is a huge believer in the full moon effect 
  • @nda_roxybabe Are you done working?
    I'm about to go on a 3ish mile walk, after eating my pineapple and drinking my RRL tea and having evening primrose oil, diffusing jasmine and basil essential oils and doing some nipple stim. I'm exhausting myself trying to get this baby to come out. The cramps are so uncomfortable but it's been like this for weeks! I'm just turning bitchier and crankier by the minute.
  • @jayandaplus Nope, working up until baby comes out. This week is going to be rough too because all my guys are out, so not really anything to do.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • Well... guess I officially belong in here now :disappointed:
    Me - 22  |   DH - 32   |  Married - 24 May 2014
    DS - January 2014 
    TTC#2 - December 2015
    BFP - 6 March 2016  |  MC Confirmed - 21 March 2016
    TTCAL  |  April 2016
    CP  |  June 2016
    CP  |  July 2016
    BFP - 25 August 2016  |  Due Date - 11 May 2017
  • @PartiallyDomesticated booo :( 
    I've got no tips as apparently nothing has worked for me. Just hoping you ladies go soon!
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • kat81 said:
    Today's my due date! So I guess I'm not overdue yet but unless labor starts later in the day today I will be officially overdue. I'm feeling totally ok about it, though, because mentally I think my real due date is 5/12 or 5/13. And there's something I'd like to go to on 5/13 so I don't mind if the baby comes 5/14 (then I will start getting impatient, though!)
    I feel you! Tomorrow is my due date and I need this baby to wait until 4pm tomorrow, after that, I will be doing everything to try and get him out! 
  • @rosemarylaff Congrats on your last day of work!
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