June 2017 Moms

24 hour urine

Hi ladies! This is my first post on this board and just looking for any experience with preeclampsia or a 24 hour urine test. I am currently just over 33 weeks and spent some time in L&D last week related to a fall. However, while I was getting monitored my BP was through the roof! My BP was 110/50 at my Dr appt Monday (4/24) and 190/80s on Thursday. I didn't feel overly stressed or any s/s of high BP, they monitored it for nearly 2 hours and ended up taking meds to have it come down. All my labs looked fine so I was sent home with a 24hr urine and told to follow up today with the office for results, I'm currently waiting for the RN to call with results. My portal on my Dr website says my creatinine clearance was 196 which it's higher than it should be (per Dr Google). Anyone have any tips or experiences with anything like this? Thanks!

Re: 24 hour urine

  • I just dropped off my 24 hour urine test at the lab this morning and will hopefully be getting my results tommorow. They sent me to L&D after a reading of 138/93 in the office on Friday .  I was so upset when I got to L&D my first readings there were 150/105, but the came down significantly back into the normal range when I was laying down.  All my blood work/urine test Friday also came back good.   It sounded like they wanted to keep me in the hospital overnight for the 24 hr urine, but I promised to be good with strict bedrest.  I am also just over 33 weeks now.  I had a similar experience with my first pregnancy with blood pressures rising at 33 weeks.  I went in for non stress tests every few days, bed rest at home.  Also did one 24 hr urine then. I never developed any other symptoms of pre-eclampsia.  I was induced at 37 weeks but went on to have a csection.  After the delivery I was then put on medication for high blood pressure just for a month and then it stayed at a normal level on it's own.  Rest laying down as much as you can and stay well hydrated. Keep us updated!
    DD: born August 2014
    BFP #2: 10/10/16
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • JessyKVJessyKV member
    I had high blood pressure with my first pregnancy and they ended up scheduling my c section (she was also breech) at 39 weeks.  I was also on high blood pressure meds for 6 weeks after delivery.

    With my second pregnancy I took baby aspirin and had no BP issues.

    This pregnancy I haven't been taking baby aspirin and my BP has been elevated my last 2 appointments so I just started taking baby aspirin again to hopefully keep it in check and not have to be induced.  My chiropractor also recommended taking a magnesium supplement.  Maybe you could ask your doctor about taking one of those. 
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  • This could have been posted in the symptoms thread.  These kinds of things are discussed over there. 
  • Thanks ladies for your insight! I spoke with the office yesterday and they said my results came back ok, they we're on the high end of normal so we are just monitoring at this time. Thanks for sharing your personal stories with me!
  • Happy to hear all came back normal! I was sent by my Dr. to L&D twice in the last two weeks for high blood pressure, swelling, headaches and each time all my labs came back clear. But my BP still jumping up high intermittently. I'm 34 weeks today, got steroid shot for little guys lungs just in case we end up delivering early. I've been put on moderate/partial bed rest. I guess the plan is to just monitor me as well. Here's to hoping we can cook our babies as long as possible with no complications!
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