I think DH and I have finally settled on Darren as a first name for DS coming in July.
What would you suggest as a middle name? Our last name is super short (3 letters and 1 syllable), but we are also using my maiden name as a second MN (maiden name is long and 3 syllables). We like classic names.

Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Re: MN for Darren
Especially if the purpose is to keep the name going, as second middles can get dropped from paperwork.
TTC since September 2012
Darren Alexander
Darren Nathaniel
Darren Gregory
Darren Francis
Darren George
Darren Paul
Darren Charles
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)