What's everyone doing for organization for all the STUFF babies seem to need? I feel like there are a million little THINGS collecting, like pacifiers or burp cloths.
Are you hanging or folding clothes?
We finally got the wall painted this weekend and the crib put together! What's everyone doing for floor covering? Suggestions for blackout curtains?
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
We mostly fold clothes and just hang some of the nice stuff. I haven't gone through all the hand me down clothes we got since we mostly have everything away after baby #2.
We use the Land of Nod blackout curtains that have worked great over the years.
Ours is coming together!! We have our crib and glider put together. There's also some things put together in the nursery temporary that will eventually move to the living room (jumper, swing).
We installed a closet organization system that has shelves in the middle and hanging space on the sides. So I put some bins on the shelves to hide random stuff (bibs, pacifiers, etc). I might add drawers to the bottom shelves (easy add on item from the collection). I plan to hang dresses and rompers, and fold everything else. We don't have the dresser yet, but that will hold sleepers, pjs, onesies, socks, etc. I also just bought a cute three tier organization cart from Michaels that I plan to use to hold diapers, wipes, creams, etc.
oh, expert tip from my sister. We bought a cube shoe organizer that will hold pre matched outfits so they are together and easily accessible (and so she will match with dh dresses her lol).
Not sure about curtains yet, so I will be following for recommendations there.
Still haven't even started on it. DH is still cleaning out his office so we can get DD's new bedroom set up. We still have to buy her furniture too. I keep trying to not freak out because her current room is still set up as a nursery. The crib is just set up as the toddler bed. It won't be hard to get it ready for him. It'll be ready in a day. It's just starting to concern me that we're never going to get all of this done. Our yard sale isn't until 5/20. We can't even completely clear out DH's office until then.
We just moved so I'm exhausted, but also excited to now have a nursery. I'll post pictures as it comes along. We need to get a rug and shelving/organizing system. Otherwise, we have lots of stuff we just need to put it all together.
Our main focus has been my DDs "big girl" room because we are basically going to leave the nursery as is. However, we did get a new closet organizing system that has areas to hang, drawers and shelves for folded items. We got my DDs closet organizing system and the nursery's from Modular Closets and a couple things from Ikea. The nursery also has a dresser for storage as well. We have blackout curtains from Restoration Hardware that have worked really well for us with DD and so I am just waiting to order some for the nursery when baby arrives so I can make it gender specific (DDs will go with her to the the new room). I need to find a rug for the nursery as well, I'm looking for a beige/white or cream leopard or zebra type print.
After a lot of organizing and of course painting and crib-building, this is how far we got with the baby's room this weekend - mama is TIRED! I need another weekend to recover! Our glider/recliner is a more greenish dark blue, but I'm not sure where it's going to fit! This is the rug I'm seriously considering, but I'm not sure if it's too busy / too dark / not enough green... I'd like to find blackout curtains as close to the wall shade of turquoise, I think.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Still haven't even started on it. DH is still cleaning out his office so we can get DD's new bedroom set up. We still have to buy her furniture too. I keep trying to not freak out because her current room is still set up as a nursery. The crib is just set up as the toddler bed. It won't be hard to get it ready for him. It'll be ready in a day. It's just starting to concern me that we're never going to get all of this done. Our yard sale isn't until 5/20. We can't even completely clear out DH's office until then.
@PurplePoppy424 We're having a yard sale on 5/6! We've just been boxing up anything and putting it in the garage or basement though, as the yard sale is at my grandparents' house, so we have to move it anyway!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
@GlitterFish it looks great!!! I love the blue crib.
DH is still building the closet in our nursery. This weekend a few friends came over to help him hang drywall since I am pretty much useless with heavy lifting and anything that creates construction dust. He put one layer of drywall mud on it today, and will need to sand and put a few additional layers before he can paint the room. He's working so hard but despite that it is taking way longer than either of us thought it would to complete. Who knew a small closet could be so time consuming?
Im still searching for an area rug but may wait until the baby is here so we know the sex and can pick our appropriate accent colors.
We just had a smallish hole there behind the dressers (about 12" by 18") that needed to be patched with drywall / joint compound and even that was a pain - so a closet is a big job! I missed my dad's instructions to "lightly sand" the first coat of mud, so I took the small orbital sander to it and filled the house with drywall dust! WHOOPS! Holy crap, that gets everywhere!
I've spent at least 2 full days looking at JUST BLUE area rugs! Ugh. That would probably be a decent task for middle of the night feedings though! haha
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
I'm nesting and it's driving me crazy because I have no where to put it. We did decide to move back to LA! Yay for a decision but that means I'm not going to try to wash anymore since I'm going to turn arons and pack it up and probably wash it again.
I have too much stuff to even put in the room at this point. Between the crib, dresser, armoire, changing table, glider & 2 cube storage things with 8 cubbies each, I now have stuff literally in the middle of the room. Needless to say I need to decide what to get rid of because the room is only 10 x 14ish. Still need to paint & put down carpeting since it's a basement apartment & the rug we have is old carpet remnants from Victoria Secret which don't cover the whole room. Uh I'm stressing since there's not much time left. I'm tempted to just paint myself while he is at work one day!
@Deedudas102586 It seems like most people are skipping a changing table if you can use an appropriate height dresser. If the room has a closet, can you get rid of the armoire and maybe put one of the cube things inside the closet?
I feel you on the space issue - my room is only about 10 x 12!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
For those looking for rugs, I found this site. I like them because they double as play mats and match my natural nursery theme. I dont personally know anyone who has one, but they have good reviews. I'm getting one, I'll let people know what I think.
Our crib is a LOT darker than I thought it would be and I don't like it. It's practically black and it was supposed to be cherry. I'll get over it bc it's too much effort to send it back, but dang it!
Currently the nursery is under a pile of building materials and tools. YAY!
But, we do have the crib and dresser (ordered and they have arrived), the bedding is currently in transit to our house, and we have stuff picked out that we need to get. We just need to clear out the room, paint and do the wood accent wall, and replace the carpet. From there I can put in the furniture and what we have so far.
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08 DD - 6 years old, March 17/11 #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Still haven't even started on it. DH is still cleaning out his office so we can get DD's new bedroom set up. We still have to buy her furniture too. I keep trying to not freak out because her current room is still set up as a nursery. The crib is just set up as the toddler bed. It won't be hard to get it ready for him. It'll be ready in a day. It's just starting to concern me that we're never going to get all of this done. Our yard sale isn't until 5/20. We can't even completely clear out DH's office until then.
@PurplePoppy424 We're having a yard sale on 5/6! We've just been boxing up anything and putting it in the garage or basement though, as the yard sale is at my grandparents' house, so we have to move it anyway!
@GlitterFish That's so funny that's the date you guys are having it! That was actually our original date, too, but DD's dance recital time ended up being in the earlier afternoon, so we had to move it to 5/20 instead. Hope your sale goes well!
I'm going crazy over here. Finally made a list of what every room needs for baby, but I have to wait for the shower (this weekend) to get stuff, and then buy things after, move furniture from my MILs, actually get DH to finish putting our bedroom back together, wait for my mom to put the floor down in the one room upstairs, and worst of all wait for the ants to leave my kitchen. So I'm stuck waiting on everyone else to get things done and I'm going totally nuts not being able to just set it all up. I guess nesting is kicking in. Here's my list of what has to be organized in every room.
Clean sheets
Clean pillow covers
Mattress Protector
Burp Cloths
Basket for Burp Cloths, Blankets, Nursing Pads and Bibs
Mama Carrier
Easily accessible snacks and water for mama
Coconut Oil
Clean counter for Changing
Pads (up and down)
Changing Station
Clothes (All sleepers, 3 dailies, socks)
Diaper Genie with Bag
Living Room:
Pack n Play
Basket of Burp Cloths, Blankets, Nursing Pads and Bibs
Clean Blankets for Mom
Easily Accessible snacks and water for mama
Changing Station
Clothes ( 7 dailies, socks, hat)
Wet Bag
- Pre prepped food (see spreadsheet)
- Paper products (see spreadsheet)
Daddy Carrier
Laundry Room
New Detergent
Water Softener
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
I am jealous of you guys having your shower soon (or those that already had it!). I am on a buying hold until after the shower (May 21). I just want to go buy everything and get it done! haha
@rae1-3 I actually asked for my shower to be early. I wanted it two weeks ago, but I had to wait for my moms work to be finished being super busy. I just looked at all these photos of women at their baby showers and they all looked so hot and uncomfortable, so I called it quits and said I wanted it before I got to that point. Start of 7 months was what I wanted to hit, so 7.5 months works. Plus, having to wait until late May to buy everything would make me crazy. I just went to a baby shower that was 4 weeks before her due date, and I was in shock that it was so late. What if she didn't even make it that far? And two weeks minimum to set everything up??? No freaking way.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@rae1-3 - that's the same day as my shower. It was hard for them to schedule a day bc of Mother's Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend. I would have preferred a couple weeks sooner bc I feel rushed to get everything done and I can't until after that. I want to do it now - by at least we'll have stuff to do to get us through the final month!
Our crib is a LOT darker than I thought it would be and I don't like it. It's practically black and it was supposed to be cherry. I'll get over it bc it's too much effort to send it back, but dang it!
If it's not costing you then just return it! You don't want to be stuck with it if you don't like it? I'm sorry that happened!:( If you by any chance got it from amazon and with prime they come pick it up for you (I'm waiting for someone to come pick up my dresser right now)
@rae1-3 - that's the same day as my shower. It was hard for them to schedule a day bc of Mother's Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend. I would have preferred a couple weeks sooner bc I feel rushed to get everything done and I can't until after that. I want to do it now - by at least we'll have stuff to do to get us through the final month!
Exactly! Two of my sisters were out of town the first weekend in May. Then the second weekend is Mothers Day which I didn't want to do. And the last weekend is Memorial Day lol. So the 21st was really the only Sunday in May that worked. I am kind of wishing now that we would have done this coming weekend instead! Oh well.
Our crib is a LOT darker than I thought it would be and I don't like it. It's practically black and it was supposed to be cherry. I'll get over it bc it's too much effort to send it back, but dang it!
If it's not costing you then just return it! You don't want to be stuck with it if you don't like it? I'm sorry that happened!:( If you by any chance got it from amazon and with prime they come pick it up for you (I'm waiting for someone to come pick up my dresser right now)
I know you're right about this... but we already put it together! My husband doesn't mind it (he wanted dark wood anyway) so I'm just going to live with it. It's not THAT bad. I just really wanted white in the first place so I'm irritated. We found white wicker furniture that I love and a white crib would have looked soooo good with it. At least H admits that it looks ridiculous mismatched. I just keep telling myself that the crib is short term so it doesn't matter in the long run. I love that I always end up being right, but I need to start just sticking with my gut and not letting him make decision. Hahaha. I just wanted him to feel like he had some say in what we are doing. I just wish I could have predicted we would fine this white furniture!
Hahaha @ginger1228 your really very nice. I make all purchase decisions and my H has given up (also he doesn't care too much which makes it easier for me). I hope you begin to like it if you've made up your mind to keep it:)
@BusyZee - I've decided after this to stop being nice. Hahaha but he's basically letting me pick the name (of course with some of his input) so I thought I could let him pick the crib color if it meant that much to him.
Of course he's trying to turn it around on me bc I picked the style of the crib and apparently their definition of cherry isn't the same as anyone else's bc it's DARK. So now it's my fault the crib is so dark. (Disclaimer: Our blaming each other is all in fun!)
@rae1-3 & @ginger1228 I'm a May 21, too (well, my shower for DH's family is May 6. I kinda sabotaged MIL so that she would have to have her own shower since she did nothing for our wedding shower and bitched about what little she did do. sorrynotsorry.) I, too, would have preferred it sooner, like this past weekend, but I think it's turned out to be a blessing in disguise since we don't have the nursery ready yet.
My goal was/is to have the nursery ready by then so after the showers, we can just set everything up and put things where they need to be. I only want to be washing clothes after June 1 - otherwise the house and everything in it is ready for baby!
@ginger1228, I forgot to add that we did white wainscoting and it really helped lighten up the room, and it was a nice contrast to the dark wood furniture
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08 DD - 6 years old, March 17/11 #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
@ginger1228 okay so, I am not sure so many suggestions will help or annoy you but incase i had to get a darker crib (the one I liked at that time had limited stock so I was worried) I was going to tie up lemon and white flower trails on the legs (wherever baby couldn't reach) and gold and silver ropes aswell To lighten/brighten it up.
Guys, I don't even know when my shower will be. It was supposed to be memorial day weekend but my in-laws have a wedding to go to out of town so I haven't heard anything since. I honestly would be fine without a shower, but now I just feel like I'm in a weird limbo where I don't know if I should start buying stuff or wait, and I don't want to be naggy by repeatedly asking people what's up with the shower (since obviously they don't *have* to throw me one, so whatever they do is out of the kindness of their hearts)...
TTC history in spoiler
Me: 31 Him: 37 Married: Oct 2015 Baby G born June 2017 TTC#2: July 2018 BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19 BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
@BusyZee - I'm open to all suggestions! I hadn't thought about getting a skirt for the crib, but that might work too. I'm cheap though, so I might also just get over it.
@manillabar - limbo would drive me nuts! I'd want to know if either I'm having one or I'm not. Not knowing to be able to plan for things is so annoying.
@manillabar I totally agree with @ginger1228, you are a saint for dealing with that limbo, that would make me crazy! Can you get your husband to ask? Maybe in the interim you can put everything together on a registry that you could just buy in one big batch with the registry discount if you don't end up having the shower?
@lanie1000 and @chamomile-2 it's funny you two should say that because I did sort of hint to my husband yesterday that maybe he should ask. I'll just straight up ask him to ask what the plans are!
TTC history in spoiler
Me: 31 Him: 37 Married: Oct 2015 Baby G born June 2017 TTC#2: July 2018 BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19 BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
Re: Nursery thread
Are you hanging or folding clothes?
We finally got the wall painted this weekend and the crib put together! What's everyone doing for floor covering? Suggestions for blackout curtains?
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
We use the Land of Nod blackout curtains that have worked great over the years.
We installed a closet organization system that has shelves in the middle and hanging space on the sides. So I put some bins on the shelves to hide random stuff (bibs, pacifiers, etc). I might add drawers to the bottom shelves (easy add on item from the collection). I plan to hang dresses and rompers, and fold everything else. We don't have the dresser yet, but that will hold sleepers, pjs, onesies, socks, etc. I also just bought a cute three tier organization cart from Michaels that I plan to use to hold diapers, wipes, creams, etc.
oh, expert tip from my sister. We bought a cube shoe organizer that will hold pre matched outfits so they are together and easily accessible (and so she will match with dh dresses her lol).
Not sure about curtains yet, so I will be following for recommendations there.
Our glider/recliner is a more greenish dark blue, but I'm not sure where it's going to fit!
This is the rug I'm seriously considering, but I'm not sure if it's too busy / too dark / not enough green... I'd like to find blackout curtains as close to the wall shade of turquoise, I think.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
DH is still building the closet in our nursery. This weekend a few friends came over to help him hang drywall since I am pretty much useless with heavy lifting and anything that creates construction dust. He put one layer of drywall mud on it today, and will need to sand and put a few additional layers before he can paint the room. He's working so hard but despite that it is taking way longer than either of us thought it would to complete. Who knew a small closet could be so time consuming?
Im still searching for an area rug but may wait until the baby is here so we know the sex and can pick our appropriate accent colors.
We just had a smallish hole there behind the dressers (about 12" by 18") that needed to be patched with drywall / joint compound and even that was a pain - so a closet is a big job! I missed my dad's instructions to "lightly sand" the first coat of mud, so I took the small orbital sander to it and filled the house with drywall dust! WHOOPS! Holy crap, that gets everywhere!
I've spent at least 2 full days looking at JUST BLUE area rugs! Ugh. That would probably be a decent task for middle of the night feedings though! haha
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Needless to say I need to decide what to get rid of because the room is only 10 x 14ish. Still need to paint & put down carpeting since it's a basement apartment & the rug we have is old carpet remnants from Victoria Secret which don't cover the whole room. Uh I'm stressing since there's not much time left. I'm tempted to just paint myself while he is at work one day!
I feel you on the space issue - my room is only about 10 x 12!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
But, we do have the crib and dresser (ordered and they have arrived), the bedding is currently in transit to our house, and we have stuff picked out that we need to get. We just need to clear out the room, paint and do the wood accent wall, and replace the carpet. From there I can put in the furniture and what we have so far.
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Clean sheets
Clean pillow covers
Mattress Protector
Burp Cloths
Basket for Burp Cloths, Blankets, Nursing Pads and Bibs
Mama Carrier
Easily accessible snacks and water for mama
Coconut Oil
Clean counter for Changing
Pads (up and down)
Changing Station
Clothes (All sleepers, 3 dailies, socks)
Diaper Genie with Bag
Living Room:
Pack n Play
Basket of Burp Cloths, Blankets, Nursing Pads and Bibs
Clean Blankets for Mom
Easily Accessible snacks and water for mama
Changing Station
Clothes ( 7 dailies, socks, hat)
Wet Bag
- Pre prepped food (see spreadsheet)
- Paper products (see spreadsheet)
Daddy Carrier
Laundry Room
New Detergent
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
If you by any chance got it from amazon and with prime they come pick it up for you (I'm waiting for someone to come pick up my dresser right now)
For our nursery, the floors are hardwood so we'll leave them mostly uncovered except the middle of the room where we'll put down these foam tiles for a play/hangout surface. My friend did this and highly recommended it because easy to keep clean if you want to do diaper changes on it or let the baby hang out diaper-free for a bit if skin is irritated. The room was already painted sky blue so the color theme is that plus gray and white. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SHYJ0G6?colid=2LBXDJFVII1QU&coliid=I3B7SGU1Z3KAMY&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
I love that I always end up being right, but I need to start just sticking with my gut and not letting him make decision. Hahaha. I just wanted him to feel like he had some say in what we are doing. I just wish I could have predicted we would fine this white furniture!
Of course he's trying to turn it around on me bc I picked the style of the crib and apparently their definition of cherry isn't the same as anyone else's bc it's DARK. So now it's my fault the crib is so dark.
My goal was/is to have the nursery ready by then so after the showers, we can just set everything up and put things where they need to be. I only want to be washing clothes after June 1 - otherwise the house and everything in it is ready for baby!
Married: 6/2016
BFP: 11/22/2016 | EDD: 7/29/2017
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Sheesh @GlitterFish. Get it together.
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Married: Oct 2015
Baby G born June 2017
TTC#2: July 2018
BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
@manillabar - limbo would drive me nuts! I'd want to know if either I'm having one or I'm not. Not knowing to be able to plan for things is so annoying.
Married: Oct 2015
Baby G born June 2017
TTC#2: July 2018
BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)