September 2017 Moms

FFFC 4/21

Give me something GOOD this time ladies! 

Re: FFFC 4/21

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  • @swazzle I don't even like wearing a thong lol! I don't know why, it just feels so wrong to me. Lol. I'm way more comfy commando lol. But things like my maternity jeans and regular jeans and pants I'll wear underwear with. It's just leggings for some reason.
  • @bridge-and-wall I love your hierarchy!
  • FFFC: I'm afraid of dogs. I'm not really sure where the fear came from when I was little but it was reinforced by getting bit by a dog as a teenager. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • dogdisnylovrdogdisnylovr member
    edited April 2017
    @bridge-and-wall I love your hierarchy too! And I am with you in that I wasn't sure I would have my own kids and therefore my dogs somewhat filled that hole. My dogs are my babies and have helped me through so many dark days, many times when my family was MIA. BUT they come after my child, husband, step-kids, other family members that I love. 

    ETA: Added baby. This I'm about to me a "real" mom hasn't quite hit me yet. 
  • My FFFC is I want to eat 2 lunches. I have amazing left over Chinese but I want to try this "hot dog cart" outside my work. Apparently they offer a ton of different things and it is really good. Our company just moved to what we call downtown. This has been a huge deal and so far I love it! 
  • jessieR358jessieR358 member
    edited April 2017
    lap018 said:
    My shih tzu was my baby too, I dressed her up fed her only the best, bathed her, got her groomed, took her for walks and to Halloween festivals where I dressed her up as Snow White, bought her sweaters for winter, etc. 
    at this time, my son is 19 months old, if the dog wanted to run away, my feelings wouldn't be hurt about it. I guess when I have to worry about my day to day stuff with a toddler and then the dog sits there and is constantly barking/scratching/licking/whining at me I just want to let her become an outside dog. I would never actually do that (we will have her until she dies) but I just don't care about her like I used to. Is that mean. Probably. Meh.

    FFFC I occasionally have more than one cup of coffee per day... 
    this is my same sentiment about my dogs. My Maltese was my baby. She growls at my son and has snapped a couple times. She's on her last leg here. If my big dogs wanted to run away I wouldn't be sad either. I told my DH the big dogs were his responsibility after DS or I would find them new homes. They are more annoying with a  baby/ toddler for sure. 

    I have a HS friend that got her child a golden retriever puppy for her first birthday and is pregnant with her second. I couldn't stop thinking how completely crazy that seemed to me. Those are hyper puppies and will knock her child over constantly, but more power to you. 
  • I ate quite a bit of sausage (smoked, cured, in a couple of flavors) on my vacation. It was delicious. I never know how seriously to take some of the pregnancy food no-no's, and I was careful about everything else.
  • I'm saying this not to bring the debate here, because I think this applies regardless of where you stand... 

    But I think vaccine threads on forums like this are pretty pointless and mean. There's no reason to demand to know a stranger's medical status because you feel strongly on the topic one way or another. 
    <><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><>
    <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
  • @divinemsm620 wait sausage is a no go?  
  • The only thing I give up while pregnant is tuna. 
  • @sarahufl me too. I do crave white cheddar macaroni with tuna though from time to time.  
  • @sarahufl me too. I do crave white cheddar macaroni with tuna though from time to time.  
    lucky for me, I don't eat a lot of tuna anyway, so it is pretty easy. I do eat a lot of non-tuna sushi.

    I should add that I don't really drink anyway, so while I don't drink while pregnant, I don't really consider that to be giving anything up.
  • I too love to go commando with leggings and yoga / jogging pants. Just feels / looks weird having underwear lines show through. 
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