Nothing too juicy... I had a Drs appointment the other day. I left work an hour early, got A&W, and watched an episode of 13 Reasons Why at home before I went. It was glorious.
I have one episode left to watch tonight after DS goes to bed!
This is in relation to yesterday's UO on pets as children. I majorly side eye people, especially first timers because they are they only ones in my experience who compare pets to babies, who say pets are the same as kids. No. I don't take my kid to an over night daycare when I want to go on vacation. I don't leave my baby at home to fend for himself for hours during the day while I'm out. Pets =/= human babies.
@wyomama0427 Scandalous! I always feel naked with no underwear regardless of all the other clothes I'm wearing. I usually wear a thong with leggings because it feels like way too much is going on in the butt when I wear normal ones with them.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
@swazzle I don't even like wearing a thong lol! I don't know why, it just feels so wrong to me. Lol. I'm way more comfy commando lol. But things like my maternity jeans and regular jeans and pants I'll wear underwear with. It's just leggings for some reason.
My dogs are my babies. I know their position on the totem pole will go down, but they will always be my babies. I love animals more than the average human does. Flame away.
I'm with you @dogdisnylovr. My animals are my babies and I refer to them as such. I don't equate them to being the same as human babies but they are MY babies. I've had 2 of my cats since they were 4 and 6 weeks old and they'll be 10 this year. They're so much more than just a pet to me.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
My shih tzu was my baby too, I dressed her up fed her only the best, bathed her, got her groomed, took her for walks and to Halloween festivals where I dressed her up as Snow White, bought her sweaters for winter, etc. at this time, my son is 19 months old, if the dog wanted to run away, my feelings wouldn't be hurt about it. I guess when I have to worry about my day to day stuff with a toddler and then the dog sits there and is constantly barking/scratching/licking/whining at me I just want to let her become an outside dog. I would never actually do that (we will have her until she dies) but I just don't care about her like I used to. Is that mean. Probably. Meh.
FFFC I occasionally have more than one cup of coffee per day...
@dogdisnylovr I love my dogs. I put this in the UO thread. I took to calling them my babies, mostly because I thought I would never have a baby. I'm making a conscious effort to call them dogs and puppies, not babies, but I still plan to love and spoil them. I just want it to be clear that Freddie comes first.
My personal hierarchy is people I love, then my dogs, then every dog in the world, then other people. People suck. Dogs don't.
@bridge-and-wall I love your hierarchy too! And I am with you in that I wasn't sure I would have my own kids and therefore my dogs somewhat filled that hole. My dogs are my babies and have helped me through so many dark days, many times when my family was MIA. BUT they come after my child, husband, step-kids, other family members that I love.
ETA: Added baby. This I'm about to me a "real" mom hasn't quite hit me yet.
@wyomama0427 i go commando with leggings and yoga pants too....
Regarding the Pet debacle: We refer to us humans as mom & dad to our pets; ie: "Go see dad!" or "Go find mom!". I refer to my dog as my puppy though, and i refer to my cats as my kitties; they are my furbabies...and I will always love them, but my baby will out rank them for sure.
and I don't have a FFFC to contribute yet...that i know of...
eta: the cats outrank the dog in my house. flame away.
FFFC I don't understand the whole " I want to tell people first before I announce on fb/social media." I get bosses, siblings, other children, parents and people that may be struggling that you are close to but co-workers, friends, etc? I feel like announcing it is still letting them know. I would be pissed if someone announced it on social media before I did though.
@wyomama0427 totally agree on the. I underwear w leggings thing. I'm not a fan at all!
My FFFC is that I'm probably being super self-centered. So my friend, who was a maid of honor in my wedding, and I don't talk much anymore mostly because she wasn't a major jerk at the wedding and said mean things. That said I still wanted to tell her about the having a baby thing before we made it Facebook public. Well I have my first appointment today (finally) so I was planning to text her after and then put it on Facebook. This morning she announced giant Facebook that she and her husband are splitting up. SO the confession is that I'm more concerned with how to tell her our news than her split. Which probably makes me a jerk. But I don't really care today.
My SIL does my hair and had to cancel my appointment yesterday because she's sick. I rescheduled for tomorrow and I'm going to be so annoyed and frustrated if she's sick again and has to cancel. I'm a jerk because obviously I feel bad that she's sick but goddddd my roots are so grown out!
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
I sit close to the bathroom at work and so I can hear who washes their hands, who just bolts out the door when they're done, and I can tell who just rinses because it's too fast to even get soap. I will not eat anything those people who don't wash bring in for the office. We have lots of potlucks and everybody shares their snacks. But I won't touch it from those people. edit spelling
I can't go commando no matter what I'm wearing, unless it's a swim suit. I can still hear my grandma telling me that only "loose women" don't wear underwear. People always talk about Catholic guilt, but Baptist guilt is also very real, and it is strong!
I agree that my animals do come after people I love, but before people I don't know. We're all they have in the world, and their quality of life depends on us, so although I know their place in the hierarchy will change, I can't fathom our attitude changing towards them as much as some people's. But we're also major animal lovers, and I'm probably one step away from being an animals right's activists, so I get that not everyone will feel the same way.
My FFFC is I want to eat 2 lunches. I have amazing left over Chinese but I want to try this "hot dog cart" outside my work. Apparently they offer a ton of different things and it is really good. Our company just moved to what we call downtown. This has been a huge deal and so far I love it!
1: I ate chocolate ice cream for breakfast even though I'm getting real breakfast in an hour. I wasn't even particularly craving it, it was just the quickest thing for me to access, and I was hungry.
2: I majorly side-eye my friends who pimp their kids out as "brand reps" for anything and everything on social media. Many of them even have individual, non-private accounts just for pictures of their kids for things like that. It's really not that different from child modeling, except mom takes the pictures. (And at least one of them I know is hoping to use it to get her child into actual modeling.) I really hate the general "Instagram Every Single Thing!" mentality anyway. If you whip your phone out and your kid automatically assumes it's for a picture and poses, there's something wrong. Also, these kids are usually dressed head to toe in boutique everything, and that crap is expensive. There's nothing wrong with having nice things, but how on earth is your precious little angel supposed to be a normal kid when she's always dressed to the nines in so many ruffles and bows you can barely tell there's a person underneath? I just don't get it. It seems dangerously close to pageant-mom-ing to me.
my FFFC....i just dropped like $500 at macy's online for maternity clothes. I work in a professional office, and the amount of clothes that fit appropriately are diminishing and it's already summer weather here and none of my shorts fit, and i had already been putting off buying new clothes in general (denial of some weight gain prev to pregnancy) so I didn't really have much clothes that fit "well" before pregnancy to begin with. I also bought some shoes...they were on sale. DH has no idea as i bought it with my store card...idk how i am going to explain this when the packages start coming in!
Regarding the pet controversy- We have three cats, and adopted all of them prior to DS being born. They are and always will be my furbabies. But, for the FTMs, you'll be surprised how far they slide down your priority list, especially in the newborn stage. It's not that you love them any less, it's just that they are a lot less work to care for than a screaming infant. It took a long time for us to reach the point where we paid a good amount of attention to our pets again, but they weathered it all just fine.
My shih tzu was my baby too, I dressed her up fed her only the best, bathed her, got her groomed, took her for walks and to Halloween festivals where I dressed her up as Snow White, bought her sweaters for winter, etc. at this time, my son is 19 months old, if the dog wanted to run away, my feelings wouldn't be hurt about it. I guess when I have to worry about my day to day stuff with a toddler and then the dog sits there and is constantly barking/scratching/licking/whining at me I just want to let her become an outside dog. I would never actually do that (we will have her until she dies) but I just don't care about her like I used to. Is that mean. Probably. Meh.
FFFC I occasionally have more than one cup of coffee per day...
this is my same sentiment about my dogs. My Maltese was my baby. She growls at my son and has snapped a couple times. She's on her last leg here. If my big dogs wanted to run away I wouldn't be sad either. I told my DH the big dogs were his responsibility after DS or I would find them new homes. They are more annoying with a baby/ toddler for sure.
I have a HS friend that got her child a golden retriever puppy for her first birthday and is pregnant with her second. I couldn't stop thinking how completely crazy that seemed to me. Those are hyper puppies and will knock her child over constantly, but more power to you.
I ate quite a bit of sausage (smoked, cured, in a couple of flavors) on my vacation. It was delicious. I never know how seriously to take some of the pregnancy food no-no's, and I was careful about everything else.
I'm saying this not to bring the debate here, because I think this applies regardless of where you stand...
But I think vaccine threads on forums like this are pretty pointless and mean. There's no reason to demand to know a stranger's medical status because you feel strongly on the topic one way or another.
<><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><> <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><> <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><> <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
My OB has told me to eat every two hours. I'm not even hiding my snacks from my students and they hate me for it.
<><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><> <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><> <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><> <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
I haven't had a soda in over 7 years. I'm secretly craving a cherry coke. I think if I cave in, I won't reset my no soda clock because what happens in pregnancy stays in pregnancy right?
I'm saying this not to bring the debate here, because I think this applies regardless of where you stand...
But I think vaccine threads on forums like this are pretty pointless and mean. There's no reason to demand to know a stranger's medical status because you feel strongly on the topic one way or another.
That, and people are highly unlikely to change their opinions anyway. Those threads are always exactly the same.
I had a co-worker ask me what I wanted different for a luncheon the other day because they were doing cold cut sandwhiches... it was nice that she was trying to be considerate, but I was confused at first as to why she was asking me. Lol. I live on sandwhiches.
<><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><> <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><> <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><> <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
@awildrose I was craving Italian hoagies/subs/heroes pretty early on and asked my doctor who told me to go for it and I haven't looked back! Same with sushi and eggs over easy.
I was ordering Thai for lunch at work a few days ago and a (male) coworker asked me if I'm allowed to have that. I still have no idea why he thought that'd be on the no-no list.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
I haven't had a soda in over 7 years. I'm secretly craving a cherry coke. I think if I cave in, I won't reset my no soda clock because what happens in pregnancy stays in pregnancy right?
Vaccines are a hard topic. Does anyone's status on here matter to me? No, because I probably won't see anyone IRL. I do wish there was more transparency with who is fully vaccinated and who is choosing not to vaccine so immune compromised folks and kids could be kept safer when out among the general public. I get that it's your "choice" to vaccinate or not but the fact that your choice has the potential to take away my choice to be healthy is not ok. AND unless you've spent years studying medical science, you as a layperson do not know better than the medical professional.
Re: FFFC 4/21
I have one episode left to watch tonight after DS goes to bed!
Obviously I wash after wear because I'm not gross. But there's my confession for today.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
at this time, my son is 19 months old, if the dog wanted to run away, my feelings wouldn't be hurt about it. I guess when I have to worry about my day to day stuff with a toddler and then the dog sits there and is constantly barking/scratching/licking/whining at me I just want to let her become an outside dog. I would never actually do that (we will have her until she dies) but I just don't care about her like I used to. Is that mean. Probably. Meh.
FFFC I occasionally have more than one cup of coffee per day...
My personal hierarchy is people I love, then my dogs, then every dog in the world, then other people. People suck. Dogs don't.
Edit: typo
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
ETA: Added baby. This I'm about to me a "real" mom hasn't quite hit me yet.
Regarding the Pet debacle: We refer to us humans as mom & dad to our pets; ie: "Go see dad!" or "Go find mom!". I refer to my dog as my puppy though, and i refer to my cats as my kitties; they are my furbabies...and I will always love them, but my baby will out rank them for sure.
and I don't have a FFFC to contribute yet...that i know of...
eta: the cats outrank the dog in my house. flame away.
*basks in the warmth of the fire*
DS #1 [S-5]
3 Step Daughters [A-8] [E-6] [I-4]
Baby #2 09/10/2017
It's a BOY!
My FFFC is that I'm probably being super self-centered. So my friend, who was a maid of honor in my wedding, and I don't talk much anymore mostly because she wasn't a major jerk at the wedding and said mean things. That said I still wanted to tell her about the having a baby thing before we made it Facebook public. Well I have my first appointment today (finally) so I was planning to text her after and then put it on Facebook. This morning she announced giant Facebook that she and her husband are splitting up. SO the confession is that I'm more concerned with how to tell her our news than her split. Which probably makes me a jerk. But I don't really care today.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
edit spelling
I agree that my animals do come after people I love, but before people I don't know. We're all they have in the world, and their quality of life depends on us, so although I know their place in the hierarchy will change, I can't fathom our attitude changing towards them as much as some people's. But we're also major animal lovers, and I'm probably one step away from being an animals right's activists, so I get that not everyone will feel the same way.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
1: I ate chocolate ice cream for breakfast even though I'm getting real breakfast in an hour. I wasn't even particularly craving it, it was just the quickest thing for me to access, and I was hungry.
2: I majorly side-eye my friends who pimp their kids out as "brand reps" for anything and everything on social media. Many of them even have individual, non-private accounts just for pictures of their kids for things like that. It's really not that different from child modeling, except mom takes the pictures. (And at least one of them I know is hoping to use it to get her child into actual modeling.) I really hate the general "Instagram Every Single Thing!" mentality anyway. If you whip your phone out and your kid automatically assumes it's for a picture and poses, there's something wrong. Also, these kids are usually dressed head to toe in boutique everything, and that crap is expensive. There's nothing wrong with having nice things, but how on earth is your precious little angel supposed to be a normal kid when she's always dressed to the nines in so many ruffles and bows you can barely tell there's a person underneath? I just don't get it. It seems dangerously close to pageant-mom-ing to me.
DS2: EDD- 09.08.17
I have a HS friend that got her child a golden retriever puppy for her first birthday and is pregnant with her second. I couldn't stop thinking how completely crazy that seemed to me. Those are hyper puppies and will knock her child over constantly, but more power to you.
But I think vaccine threads on forums like this are pretty pointless and mean. There's no reason to demand to know a stranger's medical status because you feel strongly on the topic one way or another.
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
My OB has told me to eat every two hours. I'm not even hiding my snacks from my students and they hate me for it.
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
I had a co-worker ask me what I wanted different for a luncheon the other day because they were doing cold cut sandwhiches... it was nice that she was trying to be considerate, but I was confused at first as to why she was asking me. Lol. I live on sandwhiches.
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
I was ordering Thai for lunch at work a few days ago and a (male) coworker asked me if I'm allowed to have that. I still have no idea why he thought that'd be on the no-no list.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
Imagine a Fight Club gif inserted here.....
And a Vegas one too
I should add that I don't really drink anyway, so while I don't drink while pregnant, I don't really consider that to be giving anything up.