Happy Easter Sunday to those who celebrate.
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Any new symptoms or changes?
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down?
Married 8/12
MC 4/15
BFP 10/10/16
Re: Sunday Ticker Change 4/16
31 weeks
How big is baby?
Asperagus or a compsoganthus.
Appointment updates?
Had a routine check up on Friday. I got the all clear from my GD screen, and baby is measuring in the 60% percentile. Since I was worried about the head size (measuring four weeks larger than everywhere else), I was given the sonogram fallibility speech - ultrasounds have a 20% failure rate in accurately measuring size. The OBs don't usually get worried about bone growth at this point, but more look at the organs.
Any new symptoms or changes?
I'm frustrated with my wardrobe. My pants are becoming more and more uncomfortable so I maybe have 4 outfits I can wear before needing to do laundry.
I'm really excited to be done with my birth prep class. I elected to take the three week 3 hr class as opposed to a weekend all day class and, while informative, its super boring. I feel far more prepared but I'm ready to be done with it. Bring on breastfeeding and infant care!
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down?
My mom is the person I call the most with problems, but I have to remember she worries about my anxiety level and so if it is really minor, I have to reign it in and let her know that so she doesn't start asking my sister if I've been talking about irrational fears.
I go to my sister sometimes, but she is far busier than I am and I do worry about taking her head space away from her own stuff. I need to get over that. I know that offering help to someone else is actually better than not being asked at all.
I have one local friend who I do a weekly download with who is super helpful to vent to, and we will be neighbors in a month or so, which I am grateful for.
MC 4/15
BFP 10/10/16
How big is baby? bunch of asparagus
Appointment updates? Had a growth ultrasound on Friday and baby is measuring in the 93rd percentile!!!! Spoke to OB about all my anxiety and my blood pressure was elevated so I earned myself an extra trip to the lab for blood work and urine analysis. This week just p17 injection.
Any new symptoms or changes? Getting much more tired and I feel huge. I am blaming that on my giant baby.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Hoping my blood pressure stays controlled.
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down? my mom who is my best friend. She helps me be more rational and can disagree with me and vice versa. Next is my best girlfriend who really would do anything for me and i am so grateful she is in my life!
30 weeks
How big is baby?
Platypus minus the tail
Appointment updates?
Being tested for cholestasis again since my hands are still itchy. Not really concerned because it was the same with my DD and everything was normal.
Any new symptoms or changes?
I feel too large to do things and ankle swelling
I'm getting to the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy and I don't like it.
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down?
not really.
Due June 25 2017
31 weeks
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Next Monday checkup and 4D ultrasound
Any new symptoms or changes?
I think I had my first couple Braxton hicks this week. Other than that, just getting more tired and uncomfortable by the day.
Got a sinus infection again. So miserable. My dad is having his big surgery (esophagectomy) on Wed, so that is really stressing me out. It's a super risky procedure, but unfortunately has to be done with his type of cancer. And then the doc tells us it's 3 times more risky than open heart surgery. Uhh, thanks? Trying to be optimistic though and not think about the statistics. Sorry for being a downer today.
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down?
my mom
How far along are you?
33 +1
How big is baby?
A pineapple
Appointment updates?
Last weeks appointment proved that baby is still breech
Any new symptoms or changes?
This week I've started to have sore ankles and almost a shin splint type feeling.
Im having an odd feeling that this baby is going to come early (could totally just be an irrational fear) but I'm wondering if I should stop working out.
GTKY: Can you identify a person or people outside of you SO who you can call for anything and not feel guilty about inconveniencing them or bringing them down?
I'm probably the minority in this but I'm lucky to have quite a few women that I can call. Living a military lifestyle can be pretty difficult but many of the wives stick together. It's nice to know that when my DH isn't around I still have a support system. It is also rewarding to be able to help other wives as well.