But we are still Wednesday after all so let's just be surprised it was started before 5pm and ignore that I copied and pasted from Tuesday.
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Any appointments this week?
Team pink/blue/green?
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related)
May '17 labor memes
Re: Wednesday Ticker Change (we remembered this week!)
How big is baby? A plastic scooter board. Ouch.
Any appointments this week? Nope. Still enjoying my 28-32 week vacations between appointments. I go on Monday.
Symptoms? Heartburn is pretty unmanageable, I'm moody as hell, and the fatigue is real. So the norm.
Team pink/blue/green? It's a girl.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Our move got bumped up by 2 weeks. I will be 5-6 weeks post partum when we go. I alternate between laughing and crying about this.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) Whiskey. This momma is going to need it.
May '17 labor memes
How far along are you? 35 weeks. Whoa!!!!! DS came at 37 and I'll likely be induced at 38 if he isn't here yet so I cannot believe I have 2-3 weeks left!!!
How big is baby? No idea. But based on u/s about 6lbs this week.
Any appointments this week? Yes. 2x a week now since the poly diagnosis. Ugh. I go again tomorrow because my damn fluid level is up AGAIN. Yet another scan, nst, and OB visit.
Symptoms? Just so uncomfortable. The extra fluid is making me huge and I'm trying to just get through the day. Heartburn. Mood swings suck.
Team pink/blue/green? Blue
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just stressed. Worried about baby and labor now that the stupid fluid levels suck. Also my 4 year old is now on a daily inhaled steroid after being put on 3 rounds of liquid steroid just because he can't handle colds like the rest of us. Poor kid. I hate it. He's been through the wringer in the last 6 months. Serial casting for toe walking lasted 3 months. Now braces for 6 months (only 2 months to go). Toe walking is no joke mamas. If you see your kids doing it try to correct them immediately and start daily stretches before it gets too bad. But damn has he been a trooper. The kid never complains. He totally amazes me.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) I keep saying all I want is a baby boy in my arms, birth control, wine, and weight loss. I'm so ready for WINE! And vodka sparkling water sounds amazing since it's warming up too.
How big is baby? Butternut squash
Any appointments this week? Yep, tomorrow. They're doing a sono bc apparently my fundal height has been a bit on the short side, but hopefully everything is fine.
Symptoms? Swelling, heartburn, feeling whaleish.
Team pink/blue/green? Green
Rants/Raves/Questions? We moved 2 weekends ago, and I'm just amazed I'm alive after that. On a more exciting note, we finally ordered a crib, carseat, and some other essentials. I'm looking forward to setting up the nursery over the next few weeks! @WombThereItIs Good luck with your move!
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) Margaritas, dark beer, sushi, and watching DH become a Dad.
How big is baby? The size of a squash.
Any appointments this week? Not until next Tuesday.
Symptoms? Walking around Disneyland the last two days, my sciatic was really acting up. Also, still not being able to get comfortable while sleeping.
Team pink/blue/green? Green, and still holding strong.
Rants/Raves/Questions? None at the moment.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) A nice drink while cuddling my sweet babe. And seeing how DD does with the baby.
How big is baby? Pineapple
Any appointments this week? Friday. We'll have an ultrasound and get measured. I cant wait to see how hes doing.
Symptoms? The usual. Carpal tunnel and bad sleep.
Team pink/blue/green? It's a boy.
Rants/Raves/Questions? This is my first time on TB in 2 weeks! Life has been so crazy. I have so much to catch up on. I had my baby shower last Saturday and my work shower is this Friday. I am excited to have everything put away and house ready for baby.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) Seeing what he looks like. and definitely a margarita!
How far along are you? 34 weeks
How big is baby? He was 4-11 last week
Any appointments this week? Repeat ultrasound to check my poly situation tomorrow and then start weeklys
Symptoms? Sore and achey from the extra fluid but otherwise pretty good
Team pink/blue/green? Blue
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm getting a massage in 45 minutes!! Yay!!!
GTKY: What are you looking forward to most after baby gets here? (Baby related and non baby related) we are going on "vacation" for a month in June which I'm excited/nervous for. And baby wise, I'm excited DD get to know her brother