Im trying to narrow it down to one choice but we have 3 we love. Last name is Italian, starts with an M, ends with O, and has 3 syllables.
Baby 2 has a sibling, Madeline (Maddie) Sherry M. Winifred is a family name and we would nn Winnie. Molly has no family ties, just a name we both love!
Thanks in advance!
Re: Baby Girl Poll
ETA Molly is nice too but I looove Winnie
Also, were you from J16? Your username sounds familiar! @Myelhsa
DD #2: May 2020
Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022
@vvitchhazel Yes! I was J16! I moved to the private group and then eventually to FB. Now I'm back and expecting my 2nd LO O17.
Its good to see a familiar face!
I stopped being as active in J16 when everyone started getting banned left and right, but I do keep in touch with a couple of the girls I became close with, every so often.
Congrats!! How exciting!!
Fun fact: Creepy Facebook actually has you pop up from time-to-time in "People you may know" since we have mutual Facebook friends from TB!
Facebook is the creepiest! But that is too funny! I always see randoms suggested to me too and I'm like hmm, must be from TB! Was it the BB group? I was in that for a bit when it was still on here, but then I stopped being active on the site in general.