Saw this on May '17 and thought it is funny/terrifying what people will say to us pregnant ladies. I have a pretty awful one:
Had a meeting with my HR Coordinator and the first thing she said was "so, was this planned?". Seriously? Also, she gave me a ton of wrong info on fmla and then said "you get 8 weeks for a c-section, but trust me, you don't want one of those!". I have previa and might have to have a c-section.
I just can't even with some people. Anyone else have a good one?
Re: Stupid stuff people say...
Btw I don't get much heartburn at all and not even after spicy food.
People do ask if I'm hoping for a girl, but I do t find that rude. Nothing about my weight or anything.
By way too many people to count.
We want 3-4. But thanks for telling us we can stop.
This time I had a woman tell me I was going to lose this baby because I carry my 35 lb toddler. Umm, really? I don't even know what to say to these people
I think this is probably overly sensitive, but I also hate comments and questions about the rest of the makeup of my family, because they always require that I either discuss a really painful chapter of my past or pretend that my living children are my only children/pregnancies. I totally get why people think "is this your first?" or "do you have other children?" is innocuous though.
@MotherofDragons We are pretty set on being one and done and we hear so much "oh no! You have to have at least two! You can't do that to your baby!" No matter what you choose for your family size, someone has something stupid to say.
Lady: how old is he? Me: almost 2
Lady: can I hold him Me: no (in my head: Stranger Danger)
Lady: is his hair real? Me: yes it is very light (in my head: no i bleach my toddlers hair)
Lady: when is that one due? Me: shes due in June
Lady to DS: you must be dissapointed you arent getting a brother.
Lady to me: well obviously that timing wasnt planned, youll have your hands full
Me (officially pissed): Ive got it covered and we are all thrilled.
Anyway, we had a family get together last week. My DH's cousin, who has a 2 year old, told me bfing my baby is more important than staying on my meds basically and that most ffing kids aren't healthy and get sick a lot. I looked her dead in the eye and said "bitch, I just saw your kid eat stale chips off the floor" and I turned around, packed up my kid and left. I wish I could say I can't believe that came out of my mouth, but I really have no filter. Everyone in DH's family heard me. Apparently I made his cousin cry, but everyone took up for me anyway. She's waiting for an apology from me. It'll be a cold day in hell.
edit: autocorrect
Second- my son was FF and he's SO healthy. We've taken him to the dr exactly two times in two years (with the exception of his well visits obvi). His ped is always telling us how awesome it is that he never get sick! Fed is best. Period.
I get, is it a boy or a girl. Me: boy them: oh phew, you must be so happy (looking at dd) um yes, but we would have been happy with a girl too
constantly asking dh if he is SO happy he's getting a boy. Yes he's so happy, actually just as happy when we were having dd. Because we love both our kids, go figure. Lol
asking if I'm having twins. When I say no, they follow up with are you sure one wasn't hiding?? This happens about every other week and happened with dd too. I AM SHORT, PEOPLE!!
My mother Telling me I shouldn't have a second baby (before this one) now. And through this whole pregnancy telling me I better not have a third. Gosh darn! You keep telling me not to and I'm going to end up with 10!!
"Oh good it's a boy, now you can be done." I'm not basing my decision on that people. We will have what we have.
A middle aged lady Who has never had children asked about a month ago when I was due. When I said June her eyes almost fell out of her head. Again. I AM SHORT!
That at baby is going to be huge!! No he's actually measuring small, but thanks for trying to freak me out.
And as as of last night, from a mother of 2. Just wait, you will calm down when he's born. You won't worry so much because you could just make another one!!
I am am surrounded by rudeness.
I haven't gotten too much genuinely rude and annoying stuff. I did have the checker lady at the store tell me I was having a boy because of how I was carrying, but that's just eyeroll worthy. I told her I don't believe in those old wives tales, but of course, she knows better because she had two daughters and carried big both times. Or course it doesn't have anything to do with how the baby is positioned; height, bone structure and size of the mother; size of the baby; and whether the mother is having her first.
Another one I had was a co-worker asking if we knew the sex and then saying "oh good, now you can decorate the nursery blue!". I was like, seriously, this is 2017, sir.
This is the exchange that enraged me last weekend at work:
Library patron says to my coworker - are you all alone today?
Coworker - no K is here somewhere. (I just came around the corner.)
Patron - oh I thought you were holding down the fort all by yourself.
Coworker - oh K holds down half of it - actually more like three quarters of it now HAHAHAHA.
Patron - that's funny! HAHAHA!
I was standing right there the whole time.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
I get the thank god it's a girl responses. I haven't gotten the oh no it's not a boy. Guess it's just who I'm encountering. Only one unsolicited belly rub so far. No one else really. Let's hope it stays that way.
@kcrocetto27 That guy wouldn't be able to handle my nursery. It's all dark blues and browns and I'm having a girl. How on earth will she know she has a vagina with no pink in her nursery?!
Reading these stories I'm convinced pregnant people must give off a pheromone or something that makes people lose whatever damn common sense they might have.
"so whatchya got in there?"
BFP #1 9/1999. DD Born 6/7/2000
BFP #2 10/2011. EDD 7/11/12. MMC discovered 11/2/11. D&C 11/4/11.
DX PCOS 10/2012.
BFP#3 1/11/13. DS Born 9/17/2013
BFP#4 9/30/17. Grow baby grow!
~Everyone Welcome~
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
A 5th grader I used to teach heard me talking about the baby not long ago and asked, "wait you're pregnant?" I asked him if he just thought I was getting fat and he responded, "wwweelllllll...." (little snot)
A student in my class looked me up and down, then said, "There is NO way you are making it until the end of the year."
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17