October 2017 Moms

UO Thursday | 3.23.17


Re: UO Thursday | 3.23.17

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    @ac1259 i started that i think, but i also said i see an NP for primary bc i prefer her. but my OB office all the NPs i have had a bad experience with. so it isnt the title, it is the title mixed with that particular practice.

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    @bluejeanbabi05 My maternity instructor in college, who is one of the most educated and experienced people I know, is a CNM. She's also a PhD. She's like my idol and she could deliver my children any day. Where I deliver you can see NP's, PA's or CNM's in the office but they don't deliver at the hospital where I deliver (and work) and I think it was related to something that had happened a long time ago but it makes me very sad because I've seen so many friends fall into the scenario of being overdue, being induced, failing induction, and having a c-section after 30 some hours of a horrible induction. The hospital really isn't conducive to unmedicated deliveries but the options in my area are limited and I'm fairly high risk in general so I can't go outside the hospital (even though my deliveries have so far been textbook- just early). Midwives are amazing though, I hope you don't get too much judgement from people!

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    i mean i do get it, we spend most of our days at work. and we have to have some passion and pride about it. we want to defend our work. but at the same time every profession has its stereotypes. i am in sales. people don't jump up and down patting me on the back for my line of work. in fact it prob puts a "careful of her" target on my forehead. but i dont really care. i know what i do, i know my purpose in the workplace. some of those stereotypes do fit me. i feel like people get so jumpy defending what they do for work. every job serves its purpose (SAHMs included). it might not be my cup of tea or something i need. but someone needs it. be proud, don't listen to "judgement" people have something to say about everything.
                                      DD1 - 10/11/13                 DD2 - 5/07/15

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    edited March 2017
    I am the one who came down hard on NPs.  Perhaps I should have said that after repeated bad experiences, NPs are not my cup of tea.  Maybe it is that the type of communication style NPs are taught are not compatible with my communication style.  I respect that there are many types of patients and many types of medical professionals and I believe that variety is necessary and useful in all service professions.  As for me and my family, though, no more NPs.  
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
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    @carries2018 I can totally understand that. I just have a hard time with the overall generalization. Especially in primary care there's going to be a huge shortage of providers and having NP's and PA's available will help patients actually see providers in a timely fashion. My mom recently had surgery and her follow ups were with a NP and she was annoyed because she wanted to see a doctor, even though there was no reason for it and the procedures she wanted to MD to perform himself were things I could do as a nurse. I just know it's going to suck (for me) to have worked so hard for 4 years to then face people saying "oh I don't think your education or experience is enough, I need someone to be seen by someone who specifically went to med school."

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    @carries2018 I'm in sales too. Some days I am a walking, talking stereotype and I'm cool with that.

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    Curious what everyone's stance is on MDs vs DOs.

    I live in DO country so most of my docs are DOs.
    I heart theSkimm
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    “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, 
    if one only remembers to turn on the light." 
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    ac1259 said:
    @carries2018 I can totally understand that. I just have a hard time with the overall generalization. Especially in primary care there's going to be a huge shortage of providers and having NP's and PA's available will help patients actually see providers in a timely fashion. My mom recently had surgery and her follow ups were with a NP and she was annoyed because she wanted to see a doctor, even though there was no reason for it and the procedures she wanted to MD to perform himself were things I could do as a nurse. I just know it's going to suck (for me) to have worked so hard for 4 years to then face people saying "oh I don't think your education or experience is enough, I need someone to be seen by someone who specifically went to med school."
    i get that, but then there are people who think Doctors are cold and don't have time for anyone...and prefer NPs. I think @aprilsarahjune made a good point about communication styles. bc NP and MDs do address things differently. I think that is prob why OB NPs and i dont mix bc i am more straight to the point about that stuff. but general health i am more laid back, lets discuss. There is a right fit for everyone.
                                      DD1 - 10/11/13                 DD2 - 5/07/15

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    @carries2018 I'm in sales too. Some days I am a walking, talking stereotype and I'm cool with that.
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                                      DD1 - 10/11/13                 DD2 - 5/07/15

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    Over the course of my first pregnancy, MC, and this one, I've seen 4 different OBs and 2 CNMs in my practice, and basically feel like it's all about how I connect with the person and not the title. For my office visits, I really like my primary OBGYN and one of the midwives just because their communication styles are the ones that mesh with me best. I did not like the midwife I saw a couple days ago. We just didn't click.

    When it comes to doing procedures or delivering the baby, I'd trust anyone who has had the proper medical training, which includes NPs and CNMs. In fact, I learned that my practice has recently changed things up a bit so that I'm most likely to have a midwife at delivery instead of an OB (we get whoever is on call, but the OBs now mainly do high risk births). Absolutely fine with me. Also, one of my best friends is a pediatric NP and she's my first call anytime I have a question about DS.

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    @jessafishy I think it totally depends on the individual provider. I saw a DO when I was pregnant with DD, and I loved her. Due to insurance changes I had to switch to a different hospital system, and now I see a MD. I love her too. I really haven't noticed much of a difference between their philosophies, approach, etc.; however, I've only seen the one DO so I can't really form a general opinion on them as a group.
    October 2017 June Siggy Challenge -- "You Had One Job!" 
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    ac1259 said:
    I actually have one today. It hurt my heart to see all the NP hatred on a post at some point this week. Judge individuals all you want but don't block out an entire profession because of a bad experience with one person. I've worked with many MD's, PA's, and NP's in my nursing career and I can name horrible ones in each sector. It kills me to hear people say "No but I need to see a doctor, an MD- I don't want a NP" when they truly have no idea what that means. I'm currently in the middle of my DNP (doctorate in nursing practice) to be a family NP and opinions like this kill me because in general a NP has more of a holistic approach to your care just based on how nursing education works, the focus is different than a medical education. I'll also tell you the surgical PA's I work with currently know more about the day to day operations of post open heart surgery patients than the surgeons themselves who perform the surgery. I'll get off my soapbox now, but just like you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, don't judge a medical care provider based on title alone. 

    I always see a NP if I can (there isn't one in my OB office.)  I have many a nurse and medical professionals in my family so yeah I give them all extra love.  And most times I find their care and bedside manner far outways most MDs.

    Also, you go girl for getting your doctorate!!   

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    There are bad apples in every bunch. I'm an RN and know I have spent the past 8 years of my career loving what I do and praying that comes across in the care I give my patients. I've been through some of the happiest times with them and I've been there for some of the most heartbreaking. I've rejoiced with them and I've cried with them. I've been blessed to work alongside some of the best and brightest when it comes to MD/DOs, NPs, and fellow Nurses. As with every other area of life, I've also encountered some sorry people with those same titles. I know so often it becomes an unfair generalization, but in reality, it's usually a heart problem with that person. When I was in school, one of my professors said something that has stuck with me. She said the medical profession is not one you can be in for the wrong reasons and keep that hidden. You will be found out. That is how I look at crappy medical professionals. They are in it for the wrong reasons, and it shows. 
    Me: 31 DH: 35
    Married since 05.16.2009
    Expecting #1: 10.10.2017

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    i like when you can start to feel baby movements for reassurance and such. but the actual feeling/sensation i hate and it gives me the heebie jeebies.
                                      DD1 - 10/11/13                 DD2 - 5/07/15

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    i like when you can start to feel baby movements for reassurance and such. but the actual feeling/sensation i hate and it gives me the heebie jeebies.
    @carries2018 I've heard some people describe it as a snake pit. I personally loved it and cannot wait until I can just lay and watch baby move around, but I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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    if one only remembers to turn on the light." 
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    @carries2018 I didn't mind the movement, but DD had hiccups all the f'ing time and it made me so nauseous.
    October 2017 June Siggy Challenge -- "You Had One Job!" 
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    blugh the slow arm/round house kick going all the way from the left to right of your stomach and poking like it is trying to exit through your skin. horrors. or complete flip of a 5lb baby that makes you feel like your stomach is just going to pop off.
                                      DD1 - 10/11/13                 DD2 - 5/07/15

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    soprano19 said:
    JessDG said:
    i dunno if this is a FFFC or UO but it is all i got so here goes.

    I love teachers (ok most of them), i love what they do shaping the future generations blah blah blah. they deserve good pay. but for the love. they are the biggest complainers about going back to work after vacations etc. YOU GET 3 MONTHS OFF A YEAR! i really dont feel the slightest bit bad for you returning to work after a long summer off, or an extra long holiday break. or spring break.

    I am a teacher and to be completely honest with you, I'm usually much more happy about coming back to work after a break than on any other Monday because I have had the opportunity to slow down.  

    It's really easy to make a judgement about other professions without having walked a mile in their shoes.  I could have been pissed that my doctor left me waiting for 25 minutes the other day at my appointment, but honestly, I have no idea what her day was like.  I'm sure there was a good reason she was running behind.  

    Every job has its challenges and its perks and some people handle both with more grace than others.  I'm sorry to hear that you know negative whiny teachers, but we are not all like that.  

    What @JessDG said, 100%. I am also a teacher and it's way easier to go back after a long break when I've had time to relax, as opposed to a weekend where I usually spend at least one of the days doing school-related stuff anyway.

    I also think teachers get a bad rap in general, partially because of all the time off (which we don't get paid for, btw) and partially because "we are done working at 3:00 every day" (which is also not true). There are definitely teachers out there who are lazy or whatever, and I'm truly sorry to those of you who have encountered them, but then there are those of us who give up our evenings and weekends to spend extra work time with students, take them on field trips, or do fundraisers so our programs can continue to happen. We don't get paid overtime for those things either, but it's important to us that our students get the best experience possible, whatever it may cost us.
    Absolutely! Not to mention that spring break and other "holidays" (in my district at least) require us to use annual leave. Yes we get the day off but we have to pay for it as anyone else who takes a day off of work does. Except we don't get a choice. 

    Summer is a different matter...essentially it's forced short term unemployment in which I have to find another source of income. Not as fun as "3 months off" sounds.
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    i like when you can start to feel baby movements for reassurance and such. but the actual feeling/sensation i hate and it gives me the heebie jeebies.
    That's my favorite part.  Especially when you can start distinguishing feet and hands. 
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    @carries2018 or when they kick/punch you in the cervix  :s
    October 2017 June Siggy Challenge -- "You Had One Job!" 
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    blugh the slow arm/round house kick going all the way from the left to right of your stomach and poking like it is trying to exit through your skin. horrors. or complete flip of a 5lb baby that makes you feel like your stomach is just going to pop off.
    Yep. I loved all of it.

    I'm also rather long torso'd so I never got the "omg baby is taking up too much space" feeling last time (and he wasn't small despite being 8 days early). Never had issues with his feet in my ribs or any of that and he was very active so he rolled around a lot. 
    I heart theSkimm
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    “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, 
    if one only remembers to turn on the light." 
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    OH and another one! I'm full of them today!

    Moe's > Chipotle

    knowwwwww I'm about to get slammed for this one.
    Qdoba >>>>>>>>>>>>> both
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    When I was thinking we were "done" (ha!) I definitely thought I was going to miss the feeling of a baby moving...I have a short torso and never made it past 37 weeks so I'm sure it would've gotten terrible near the end but I liked the feeling of baby rolling over and kicking. I can't wait until my girls can feel that because they're going to be so thrilled. Not looking forward to the contractions that started for me right around when the movement started..

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    @mrs_fogue thanks! I'm currently feeling like I may have lost my mind..wasn't expecting a baby in the middle of it! 

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    Okay my UO is that I think Lularoe clothes are seriously overrated (not to mention a lot of them are downright ugly), and I think it's ridiculous how much people pay for them. 
    I get it.  I like some things but not most.  I'm wearing a randy today, plain grey body and a redish pink sleeve.  It's my favorite LLR piece.  The leggings I think are overrated, apparently they were much better when it was a yoga style band but now they just squeeze the daylights out of me.  And yes, several of the prints are terrible. 
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    I'm really gonna have to look up tf Lularoe is one day. But not today. Today I live in ignorance.
    Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 <3
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    Ambrose born on his due date!

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    I have 2 very picky eaters, so there is literally one meal I can make (tacos) and two places we can pick up from (Moe's and Arbys) that every person in my house will eat. I'm also picky, so I HATED when my mom did the whole "you eat what I make" thing when I was little. I would seriously just not eat and I had (and still have) food anxiety, which my oldest also has. No way am I forcing my kids to eat food they don't like or don't want to try. I'm incredibly against it actually. There are way more important battles in parenthood as far as I'm concerned

    Moe's is absolutely better than Chipotle. 

    I also think LLR makes some pretty ugly stuff and it's just not my thing. I also hate when LLR consultants flip the hell out when people say this. Get over it. Not everyone likes it and it's not a personal dig at you. 

    I'll come up with my own UO later lol

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    I think babymoons are dumb. Like, just call it a vacation. Calling it a babymoon makes it sound like you'll never get another time alone with your husband again. Not necessarily true. But, to each their own. 
    I loved going on my BABYMOON! I like the label because it felt more exciting. And also , the alone time happened after DS was 12months...

    **June Siggy Challenge: You Had ONE Job!**

    LO#2 EDD October 18th 

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    My UO which is going to be a hugely unpopular with old timer bumpies, IDGAF when people mix the words sex and gender. I've heard medical professionals use them interchangeaby and I honestly don't get my feathers in a ruffle. I don't bother flaming for this.

    **June Siggy Challenge: You Had ONE Job!**

    LO#2 EDD October 18th 

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    To be fair medical professionals are not the group marginalized by using gender and sex interchangeably.
    I heart theSkimm
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    @jessafishy My point being that if they mix it up, it's no wonder so many women come on here not knowing the difference and then use it interchangeably.

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    @jessafishy I wait in anticipation for the 20week mark when more people find out the sex for all your snark

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    @buttercream_frosting that dang warning is really going to cramp my style.
    I heart theSkimm
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    if one only remembers to turn on the light." 
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    @jessafishy I know you got one but I missed what for. I think you get 3 right?

    **June Siggy Challenge: You Had ONE Job!**

    LO#2 EDD October 18th 

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    @buttercream_frosting I'm with you, for the most part. Yes, there is a difference between sex and gender. I mean, theyre called sex change surgeries, not gender change surgeries. BUT we're going to host a gender reveal. No, I'm not calling it a sex reveal party. To me, when it comes to fetuses and babies, I can't get myself all worked up over being politically correct. It doesn't make me an asshole. If I was talking about teenagers and adults, then I feel like it would make me an asshole to not use the correct term just out of spite. Does that make sense? Lol

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