September 2017 Moms

Sunday Roll Call

Our board is so sleepy today... the only thing we've got going is the gif party in the weekend ticker change. If you're on, sound off and let us know whatcha got going on today!


Re: Sunday Roll Call

  • @cmar1006 why have you been to so many grocery stores today?? Also it's snowing on and off here too. It snowed then quit then snowed then quit and now the sun is trying to come out... strange.
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  • @Texafornian that sounds like fun! I love museums and things like that! My grandma is in San Antonio right now and she just went to see the Alamo! We're a family of nerds lol
  • I'm here! Taught Sunday school this morning, watched an episode of The Crown while eating lunch, did some lesson planning after that, and now I'm just chillin!

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • House cleaning and a nap are my plan for today 
  • Here! Laying in bed still. Excuse I'm on west coast time? Lol
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @BigBadWolf12 is that show good? I was going to try to watch it but I never did lol. 
    @HollyGolightly09 oh I'm in the same boat. Except I've got DS here driving me insane... he's such a terror today.... I'm this close to sending him to live with my parents lol! 
    @Hopefulmommy1980 I would be doing that too if I had the energy but DS is just a little energy sucker today... he has drained me of the will to do anything. I'll probably nap with him later lol.
  • @Texafornian OMG look at her happy little face! So sweet!! Looks like she's having so much fun!! My grandma is excited to be seeing things but very sad to be on her first trip without my grandpa. Every January in Denver they have the national western stock show and rodeo and I have LOVED going to that, unfortunately I haven't been in a few years. Maybe next year or the year after! 
  • I'm here, not very exciting. Currently cleaning wax off the mirror and vanity that spilled when the scenty warmer got moved with melted wax in it. 
  • Jamiern01 said:
    I'm here, not very exciting. Currently cleaning wax off the mirror and vanity that spilled when the scenty warmer got moved with melted wax in it. 
    Oh my gosh this is one of the hardest things to do! Someone told me once that using a blow drier and a towel worked for them! 
  • I'm boring today. Catching up on these posts and this week's 'The Voice' (guilty pleasure)
    But I had an exciting Saturday night! I went to see AC squared, with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen, and met them afterwards. It was so much fun!
    Me: 33 DH: 33
    Married: 10.15.16
    BFP: 12.24.16
    DS BD: 8.20.17
    TTC #2 1.1.19
    BFP #2 7.3.19
    EDD #2 3.13.20
  • Jamiern01 said:
    I'm here, not very exciting. Currently cleaning wax off the mirror and vanity that spilled when the scenty warmer got moved with melted wax in it. 
    That's the worst. My cat knocked a hot scentsy warmer over several months ago... there was wax on the TV, a mirror, the carpet, the ceiling, and the wall. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Oh I love French toast! 
  • I'm here, recovering from a sunburn from yesterday. Had my step-daughter's baby shower in the park & no one had sunscreen. :s  Only thing I'm doing today is taking my boys to spend time with their dad while me and DF catch a movie. Tomorrow is back to work and school. *sigh*
    Mommy to Gabriel (12) and Isaiah (10) and Step-Mommy to Danely (17), Diego (9) and Leo (4). Trained doula going for certification!
    5 losses (2002-6 wks, 2004-9 wks, 2005-11 wks, 2015-7 wks & 5/27/2016-19 wks) 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm here! Just got back from church and 2-year-old nursery. We had 30 toddlers today, so it was a handful. Now I'm planning on eating lunch and binge watching something.
    @BigBadWolf12 I started the first episode of Crown, but it was a little slow for me (maybe I just wasn't in the mood for slow), but does it pick up?
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @mrsmgsee I can't even handle my one toddler today... I'm cringing thinking about 30 lol!
  • See when it's that bad you really have no choice but to burn the place down and rebuild
    Haha, yes! DH called from work and I was crying. He couldn't figure out why cleaning it up was making me cry. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!" 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • For the first time in weeks, I was really, genuinely hungry. So I made French toast. Now I'm doing my taxes and chilling on the couch.

    *snipped pic*
    That looks amazing!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Here too.  I'm trying to feel better that the moment. My head hurts so bad it's making it hard to see. DH finally put his phone down and took DD downstairs, maybe I'll feel better now. 

  • @cmar1006 oh man no samples, that's so sad!! I share pics of DS occasionally, I probably won't keep them up for more than a few days but I'm cool with that too. 
    @HollyGolightly09 I would be crying too! That's awful!!! 
    @DPandMB ugh those are the worst headaches, when I get migraines I get auras that totally screw up my vision. It's so so awful! Drink lots of water, I hope you feel better!!!!
  • Any other Tri State mamas here? We are looking to get hammered by this blizzard with 12"-18" of snow between Monday and Wednesday. I don't know what I'm going to do with DD. Help me. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm here. Sitting on the couch procrastinating going grocery shopping, doing laundry, cleaning the house. Basically avoiding being an adult today. It's March Break this week and I'm sending DS to preschool all week so I can actually do things like clean and laundry once instead of six times. Plus he'll have more fun there with his friends. We have all summer to drive each other nuts.  :D:(
  • mrs_tacosmrs_tacos member
    edited March 2017
    I'm nauseated again today, so no church for me this morning. But I'm also hungry, so that's fun. Sike. I'm 14 weeks today, when does the second tri energy and fun kick in and the first tri ickiness leave?

    DH is all basketball all the time right now, so I'm going to read and clean a little today. I might paint my nails later. I know, I know, I need to calm down, this is too much excitement for a pregnant lady. ;)

  • @mrsmgsee I can't even handle my one toddler today... I'm cringing thinking about 30 lol!
    We do have about 10 college girls that help in the nursery, but trying to get them all through the bathroom or changed and then a snack, it was a bit of a struggle. 

    I can't believe that places like South Carolina got snow in March! This is crazy.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • DPandMB said:
    Here too.  I'm trying to feel better that the moment. My head hurts so bad it's making it hard to see. DH finally put his phone down and took DD downstairs, maybe I'll feel better now. 
    This!! When we wake up in the morning, DH just lays in bed looking on his phone for what seems like forever while DS bounces all over the place. Most of the time, I have to tell him that unless he wants to stay in bed and listen to me throw up. He might want to take DS downstairs. Haha that usually does it.
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • @amandarene112 I'm sorry you feel icky this morning. I think this is the first I've gone to church in the last month. My nausea has gone to every other day, so I'm hoping to the good days are going to out weigh the bad days soon.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • lahearn18 said:
    Yall...this springing forward bullshit is killing me today. Ready for a nap.
    Yes. It's the worst. I hate the time changing either way, though, it messes with my head for a week. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @DPandMB I think at least at this point in pregnancy, we need the break more! I try to tell myself that too, he needs a break every now and then but when I feel like crap, I feel like he can just handle it anyway!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • @lahearn18 me too.. I feel like I haven't been up that long, but I'm seriously tempted to go back to bed. You definitely should go take a nap  ;)
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • @HollyGolightly09 I did end up using a hair dryer and it was super easy!!!!
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