May 2017 Moms

UO Thursday

This is May '17 so we will probably all agree and have very popular opinions but let's give it a go!

May '17 labor memes

Re: UO Thursday

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  • @MoshiMoshi7 Me neither! I also can't stand Mark Wahlberg.
  • @slowmo I sell LLR and cant get behind Carly's high/low thing. It looks great on some people, but I hate it on me.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • @MoshiMoshi7 @starphish18 - I second both of those, and would like to add Matt Damon to the list of confusing "attractive" people.

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
  • @WombThereItIs Agreed, my PPB Bag is a very neutral color! I want it to look more like a bag, not screaming "look at this diaper bag!!" I'm having a hard time finding a Tula or carrier that isn't a crazy print! Is it bad I want something that won't clash with my outfits daily? Haha 

    I don't mind the LLR Carly dress, but I think it might be because I'm tall and ordered an XXS so it only hits at my knees and it doesn't feel like a super long tail! I don't like the Carly's where the "tail" part looks like the inside of the dress and isn't the same color as the fabric. 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • @BeachMommy2B I could too if he put a bag over his face  :D Maybe I should ETA that I only find his face unattractive?
  • I would not kick Mark, Channing, or Matt out of bed for eating crackers.  I wouldn't be attracted to their muscles/tight shirts in real life, but those three are welcome to visit my fantasies any day.  

    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot maybe you would be ok with my male dog? He just kind of leans forward a little like a pelvic tilt and goes. It is sort of funny actually. As far as dripping I figure girls can also have a last little dangling drop too? 

    Humping is 50/50 between my male and female. She is more dominant and humps his face, weirdo. 

    May '17 labor memes
  • @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot For what it's worth, I've also seen female dogs that lift a back leg and project their pee out like a male.
  • @starphish18 Have you seen all the cute llamas in Nate Berkus' baby line at Target? love!!
  • Mine is geography-specific and doesn't actually apply in the US (which i think is actually doing really well in this regard). In Russia 8th of March is celebrated in a completely twisted way and i hate it. From the message of 'Respect our rights and so proud of what we've accomplished so far' it's turned into 'Thank you, ladies, for being pretty and taking care of our kids and house and how you support us at work is just awesome'. Seriously? Come on. This is SO not what it's about.
  • Give me all the men. I'll watch them dance, eat crackers, do whatever they want. 
    Ive also met Matt Damon and he is very wonderful and sweet. 

    I also don't like overly patterned things. I'm all about how to get the most use out of everything. 

    @momma2char that sounds super obnoxious and I wouldn't be having any of that. 

    I cant think of anything myself today (or really ever (
  • @Rebecca517 Yes! I love the Nate Berkus stuff, it's so adorable.
  • @momma2char well you can't very well have the party at the hotel because then it won't be a surprise.

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

  • mcvgal said:
    @momma2char well you can't very well have the party at the hotel because then it won't be a surprise.
    Exactly lol.. and she booked it herself so it's not much of a surprise anyway 
  • vrj0522vrj0522 member
    edited March 2017
    @momma2char - That sounds awful! Why is she having you throw her a party if she wants to do it all herself anyway? I had a similar story with a girl I threw a baby shower for. She's not a very close friend but she doesn't really have many friends so I asked her if someone was throwing her one and she said no so I offered to. And then she proceeded to micromanage and question everything I did. And I never even got much of a thank you from her. I definitely learned my lesson there. 

    As far as crib sets and diaper bags go, I love baby crib sets and cutesy diaper bags. You only get to use them for a very short period of time in your life so I want cutesy for a little while. As far as crib sets go, they are useless, I know, but they make the room a lot cuter. But man, they can be expensive. 

    ETA to add that I also don't think that Channing Tatum is attractive at all. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

  • Ugh yes, I had a friend who started planning (decor, favors, locations, etc) her baby shower SUPER early and then was annoyed when no one offered to throw her one? I was like uh, you kind of are already throwing it yourself. No one even had a chance to offer.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • People that plan their parties and then ask you to host them are just jerks trying to get out paying for it. I can't believe that is a thing adults do!

    I agree bedding sets make no sense. You use the crib sheets and maybe the crib skirt and that's it. The quilts are adorable but utterly useless. 

    May '17 labor memes
  • hp_mommahp_momma member
    edited March 2017
    I do buy the nursery quilt, but mainly because the Pottery Barn Kids size is equivalent to a toddler quilt, so I get double use out of it when they transition to a toddler bed and my kids use it as a blanket around the house. My 5yr old still pulls hers out of the closet sometimes! But at the infant/baby stage it is useless! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • Well I guess my new UO (or again, FFTC?) is that I had no idea what Channing Tatum looked like before this thread (and I still don't exactly know who he is...I'm lame). Had to Google image search him. Verdict: I think I'll join those who don't find him very attractive!
  • I'm having a quilt made for me, but we will likely use it as a play mat or as a toddler/ couch blanket. The ones that comes with crib sets typically arent my style.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • Oh, I just thought of another, totally random probably UO...I ADORE wall paper. Like, love it. Would put it in every room of my house if my husband wasn't so against it. (Spurred by me currently shopping for removable wallpaper). 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @Kipperoo I like wallpaper too just wish it wasn't so expensive or hard to put up... However I have a silhouette and will definitely be using it to make cute vinyl decals to put in the baby room :) ...which may be a while as my motivation to do things lately is -5%
  • @slowmo How are you styling it - as a dress or long tunic? As a dress, I feel it needs a belt. Otherwise I think they need leggings. I sell LLR (though I don't carry Carly) and my one Carly I bought I have a belt for. My supervisor pairs hers with leggings all the time. Also, did you downsize like with the Irma? That also seems to help with the fit. 

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • momma2char - Wow, that sounds like a wedding. If she wants all of that she should just plan and pay for it herself.
  • Crib bedding sets are dumb. Just get some crib sheets. 
    Yep. Something I've learned. I had the fancy, pretty set with my oldest. The other two got basic crib sheets haha
  • KMD1106KMD1106 member
    edited March 2017
    I don't like it when people refer to their kids in cutesy names on social media. A lady I know refers to her kids only by their pet names (example, Bumble, which isn't even close to his real name). I never know which kid she's taking about because I haven't caught on to which nickname goes with which kid. 
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

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