Hi ladies!
I just had my baby girl last Thursday and wanted to share what I needed in case it helps. Obviously a lot of it comes down to personal preference. We ended up scheduling a c-section 2 days before so there may be different things you'll need for a vaginal birth like a birthing ball. massager, aromatherapy, bathing suit or anything else to help during labor
1 nursing nightgown/robe set (I got a very cheap but pretty one at walmart for like $15 ...which worked great at the hospital and ripped after the 1st wash, I guess it did it's job)
1 buttoned up PJ set
Flip flops for the shower, slippers and 2 pairs of non slip socks (they did have socks so not totally necessary)
Sleeping nursing bra from target which I loved
Granny panties. I only used them to go home, the rest of the time I used the mesh underwear they gave me.
Comfy going home outfit
2 pillows with colored pillowcases, 1 for me 1 for DH. Before I thought this was unnecessary but the hospital pillows were awful, like a thin block of plastic
Toiletries (body wash, face wash, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer), basic makeup, dry shampoo.
Hair elastics
Sleeping mask: this was a lifesaver for me to take quick naps when I had the chance.
Breastfeeding pillow, another lifesaver
Dollar bills for vending machines
Long phone charger
Driver's license/insurance card
For DH:
3 changes of clothes. He brought buttoned up shirts to be able to do skin to skin too. You'll likely need less if having a vaginal birth.
Sleeping clothes
flip flops
Sweater. I was having hot flashes but the room was very cold.
For baby:
Car seat
Long sleeved footed onesies. Not really a necessity, she mostly wore the kimono tees and swaddle sack which were provided by the hospital
Baby book, if you want to get the hand and footprints
Hair brush
Nail file, her nails were super long and they said no clippers for 2 weeks
What I didn't need:
Nipple cream (they gave me several samples)
Breast pads
Sanitary pads. The diaper like ones they provided were great
Stool softener, they gave it to me.
Towel. Yes the ones they had were super thin and rough but I didn't mind, better than getting blood on mine and having to do laundry, It depends on how much you care about your towel.
Diapers, wipes.
Good luck to all of you!
37 y.o TTC since October 2014 DX: Unexplained fertility 3 Failed IUI's 20151st IVF cycle March 2016 , planned ICSI, PGS, FETER 3/31/16 30 retrieved, 26 fertilized normally
Sent 8 embryos for PGS: 5 normal (3 AA, 1BA, 1BC)
FET 5/11/16 (1 embryo)
Beta 5/23/16 BFN 
2nd FET 6/12/16 (1 5AA embryo)
Beta 6/22/16 : BFP!!! 169
Beta #2 6/24/16: 412
DD born 3/2/17
Re: My hospital bag
TTC #1: March 2011
Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
dx: Endometriosis and Fibroids
2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy
6 rounds of clomid
5 rounds of iui
IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
ER 12/1/2016:Retrieved 22 eggs 12 fertilized, developed moderate OHSS
4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
FET 1/10/2017
Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
FET 2/2
BFP 2/7/17
Having a girl! EDD 10/21/17
I thought I had a pretty good list already going for my hospital bag but you definitely opened my eyes to some things! Thank you for sharing!
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
@wifeinraleigh28 Thank you, I'm so in love with her!
Glad I was able to help!
TTC since October 2014
DX: Unexplained fertility
3 Failed IUI's 2015
1st IVF cycle March 2016 , planned ICSI, PGS, FET
ER 3/31/16 30 retrieved, 26 fertilized normally
Sent 8 embryos for PGS: 5 normal (3 AA, 1BA, 1BC)
FET 5/11/16 (1 embryo)
Beta 5/23/16 BFN
2nd FET 6/12/16 (1 5AA embryo)
Beta 6/22/16 : BFP!!! 169
Beta #2 6/24/16: 412
DD born 3/2/17
Me & DH - 31
TTC since December 2011
Diagnosis: Unexplained, although mild polycystic ovaries (not syndrome) and irregular cycles
2013/14: 6 rounds clomid,
Aug 2015: IVF #1 = Antagonist Cycle: 100 Puregon and Orgalutran
21 eggs collected, only 1 viable embryo, transferred but BFN
July/Aug 2016: IVF #2 (with acupuncture) = 87.5 Gonal F and Synarel Spray 2xdaily
ER 8/8, transferred 1 day 5 blastocyst 13/8, 2 frosties.
Beta #1 = 85 Beta #2 = 242
EDD 1st May 2017 *Baby Boy*
I should add that every hospital is different in what they supply so it's good to check with them ahead of time. And also I brought all black/dark colored clothes in case of heavy bleeding (mine has been very light but that doesn't seem to be the norm)
TTC since October 2014
DX: Unexplained fertility
3 Failed IUI's 2015
1st IVF cycle March 2016 , planned ICSI, PGS, FET
ER 3/31/16 30 retrieved, 26 fertilized normally
Sent 8 embryos for PGS: 5 normal (3 AA, 1BA, 1BC)
FET 5/11/16 (1 embryo)
Beta 5/23/16 BFN
2nd FET 6/12/16 (1 5AA embryo)
Beta 6/22/16 : BFP!!! 169
Beta #2 6/24/16: 412
DD born 3/2/17
Me & DH - 31
TTC since December 2011
Diagnosis: Unexplained, although mild polycystic ovaries (not syndrome) and irregular cycles
2013/14: 6 rounds clomid,
Aug 2015: IVF #1 = Antagonist Cycle: 100 Puregon and Orgalutran
21 eggs collected, only 1 viable embryo, transferred but BFN
July/Aug 2016: IVF #2 (with acupuncture) = 87.5 Gonal F and Synarel Spray 2xdaily
ER 8/8, transferred 1 day 5 blastocyst 13/8, 2 frosties.
Beta #1 = 85 Beta #2 = 242
EDD 1st May 2017 *Baby Boy*