We are cleaning out the closet in the new nursery. It has basically been our catch all closer since we built our house a year and a half ago... so we have quite a bit of work to figure out where to put the rest.
But is has to be done this weekend so we can paint and move nursery furniture next weekend!
Have fun nesting @BeachMommy2B! If it gets hard just remind yourself why you're doing it.
We have an elective ultrasound this morning! I didn't get any sleep last night (heartburn, couldn't get comfortable), but that's okay because I get to see our baby today!! I'm so excited!!!
Nothing baby related for me. Going shopping for a bathing suit this weekend, I can still fit in my bikini, but I look and feel like a whale, so I'd rather not show the world that. This next month for me is super exciting, I have Monday off (and thus a 4 day weekend) I got subpoenaed to court on Wednesday morning, and then I leave to go to LA to visit my sister Thursday-Monday, which I'm super excited about.
Also, it is almost 50 degrees here in upstate NY today & the weather for the next 10 days is mostly in the 40's! Whoop whoop!
My brother is getting married today and I am so excited. I'm just hoping I don't fall asleep halfway through the reception - they're serving my favourite snacks at the midnight buffet. And they are having a sundae bar.
@Jens_Hoes Swim suit shopping right now sucks! I found 2 online that I like so I ordered them and hope one works for me so I can be done. Supposedly we are getting our travel system ordered this weekend! I'm pretty excited for it.
We're setting up DD's new twin bed and re-arranging her room a bit so we can move the crib to the nursery. She's been sleeping in th crib with the side off for about a year.
I also have my prenatal massage that DH booked for me for v-day this afternoon. I'm fighting a head cold so we'll see how that goes.
@CherryBananas: oooh, a wedding! Haha at staying awake. At first I thought you meant during the ceremony I don't think I'd be able to make it to midnight, so good luck!
Not much baby related going on over here. I'm sitting in a horribly shotty lab doing my GTT. It's in a basement of a really old building and the waiting "room" is full of supplies and boxes. It's so cramped! And only one tiny window. I kinda feel bad for the workers. The drink wasn't awful, but it was warm, and chilled would have made it better. I brought a book, and the waiting continues...
NBR- grocery shopping, cleaning the house a bit and begin packing our bags for our beach vacation coming up next week! BR- organize and begin a play list for labor!
I spent all day yesterday moving DS into a new room and getting it decorated. *sniffle* my baby isn't a baby anymore. I also ordered nursery furniture from PBKids, then 2 hours later got an email that the dresser is on back order. It's not a huge deal, since it will definitely be delivered before she's even in the room, but it's annoying
@CherryBananas - good luck staying awake! If you doze off, tell someone to wake you up for food! It's ok to say that when you're pregnant!! Lol.
@Jens_Hoes - hope swimsuit shopping goes well. It's so hard to shop when you don't like how you're looking.
MH is taking DD to s jumping place so that I can clean out her toys and rearrange her room to fit the crib. I'm excited to get the crib in there and give her time to adjust if she needs it.
We are cleaning out the nursery closet this weekend too! It's my husbands "Army closet" so I've been putting off the overwhelming task of finding somewhere for all of it. It's like basic training vomitted all over my nursery currently.
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
Not a whole lot going on this weekend for us. Maybe some cleaning and grocery shopping...fun! I think tomorrow we are going to one of those free classes at BRU. Something about at home baby food...I really want to make our own when the time comes.
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
Can I just say, reading about everyone getting their nurseries and hospital bags and whatnot ready is making me so excited! I'm near the end of the May pack, so I still have over 3 months to go, but I know a lot of ladies are closer to 2 months at this point. That's nuts!
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot my DS slept in a big boy bed for the first time last night! He fell asleep on the floor for awhile but eventually moved himself to his bed and slept until 9am! I woke up about 100 times to check on him last night. Exciting stuff!
NBR-We get to spend the morning cleaning the house for DH's guys night tonight. Yippee! DD and I are going to get pedicures (her first!) tonight then out for our own girls' dinner while DH and friends are playing cards. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my brother's birthday with my family.
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
I feel like I really need to start making a list of things I need to do for this kid. With the twins everything was done by 28 weeks, this kid I feel like I have barely started things. Poor 3rd kiddo, you're getting screwed already.
I swapped shifts with a colleague so he could go to a baby shower today but it's my typical day off. Having a real hard time motivating myself to go to work this morning. Maaaaannnn!
@Jens_Hoes Don't worry! There's still plenty of time. And like lots of people have mentioned, babies don't actually need a lot! Also, I don't have a car seat yet, so you're ahead of me there.
I have a pretty lazy day going so far. I did bake some lemon bread this morning, so I'm anxiously waiting for that to cool. I'm trying to figure out what else to do today, but I don't really have any ideas.
Wow you all are being productive. I want to be so bad but i had to go back to the dr yesterday and the labs from the hospital all came back that it wasnt an infection which means they dont know what was going on while i was in the hospital, just that it stopped. So since ive had a few spotting issues since, my dh and mom are demanding that i cut back. So i told dh to golf this morning bc its 70 out but im sitting here wishing i could get so much done and instead just trying to keep up with my tiny wrecking ball. Maybe the rest of the day will be better
Tomorrow were bringing our dog to meet a new dog to see how they hit it off. I'm anxious about it. The new pup is older than I thought we would get 2 yrs and change but he's my husbands type. He's a little more exuberant than I'm used to but it could have been just excess energy from being in the shelter. I had some strange bug Thursday so I called in Friday making this a 5 day weekend for me thanks to daycare closed for a holiday my job doesn't celebrate. I still don't feel great so I'm glad for a gyno visit monday. I haven't spent this much quality time alone with my son since maternity leave! Glucose test Monday not looking forward to it as I failed first one with my son just two years ago. I almost said just give me the three hour right off the bat.
I feel like I really need to start making a list of things I need to do for this kid. With the twins everything was done by 28 weeks, this kid I feel like I have barely started things. Poor 3rd kiddo, you're getting screwed already.
Haha same. I am so "whatevs" about everything. I made a list on my phone of "stuff I still need to buy" ugh. It adds up pretty quickly!
@ChristinaWild: Hope the rest of your GTT 3-hr waiting was uneventful! Did you get the pizza you wanted? I'm glad mine is over with. Not my top choice for spending a Saturday morning.
I hope everyone passes their glucose test. GD (for a 2nd time) sucks balls. FFSC: I am hoping to start a GD support thread if anyone else lands in the same boat. I'm hoping they won't. But if anyone does, I'm looking forward to swapping recipes and tips. I'm sick of eggs and cheese already.
I feel like I really need to start making a list of things I need to do for this kid. With the twins everything was done by 28 weeks, this kid I feel like I have barely started things. Poor 3rd kiddo, you're getting screwed already.
We have poor 3rd child syndrome going on over here too. I have a list on Amazon of what I need to purchase but for some reason I just don't have the motivation to do it. I keep thinking, "do we really need that? Or can we get away without it?" I think knowing this is our last baby sways my decision more.
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
We're finally signing a lease for a new place! Goodbye one bedroom apartment! I was kind of looking forward to a super simple baby nook, but honestly, more space with a screaming infant is going to be amazing. Actual baby prep will start in March after we move.
Otherwise, the weather is freakishly nice, so I'm going to try to get outside a bit.
Oh man!! I envy everyone that is cleaning or organizing. I am the last of the family to get hit with the sickness that spread like wildfire over the past week. No one is actually over it yet. My ribs and throat kill from coughing. My mind is all "Spring cleaning and baby prep!!" And my body is screaming "Netflix binge and nap". Did cross off my only real goal for the day: take DS on a walk. It's 60 out!! In Michigan!! In February!! Also it's free slurpee Saturday. Loved it!
It's 40 here! So we already went out for a walk! Not as long as I was hoping because our city is a joke at snow removal, but I'm still pretty happy we got a walk in!
I purchased a bassinet and two outfits today. First thing we've bought for baby. We are searching for crib deals right now. Then later it's all about shopping for my animals, everyone ran out of food at the same time.
I hope everyone passes their glucose test. GD (for a 2nd time) sucks balls. FFSC: I am hoping to start a GD support thread if anyone else lands in the same boat. I'm hoping they won't. But if anyone does, I'm looking forward to swapping recipes and tips. I'm sick of eggs and cheese already.
Omg, yes, the warmth today. It's 60 degrees here, too, and I took the dog on a walk. I realized two things. 1. I need some short sleeved maternity shirts. 2. These super stretchy gaucho capris I forgot I had are amazing.
Count me in for amazing spring weather! Unfortunately I have a mild head cold and DH is napping instead of me. Sighs. I should be able to get to sleep in tomorrow for once.
As for baby related, I've been focused mostly on taking photos of DDs old stuff and sellng them. I have people picking up most of her 3mos and 6 mos clothes. I'm hoping to get at least 2 out of 7 bis completely emptied by the end of this month!
It's 70 degrees here and I really should be cleaning and going through our old baby clothes, but we have the windows open and are watching Cars 2 for the gazillionth time.
I don't know what DH was thinking, but he offered a huge trash bag of the boys used clothes to a friend of his. I asked him what about this LO? What clothes are you planning on using? He assumed I was going to buy all new clothing. It's not necessary but now I feel like going on a shipping spree for baby instead of sorting through boxes of clothes.
Not much exciting here this weekend. DH is out of town for work again and DD is sort of a homebody (just like her dad!) so we're in. She's having a dance party currently.
Seeing the photos of the going home outfits makes me nervous again for the tiny floppy newborn age! Babies look even extra tiny in their huge car seats! I know it will all come back to me, but I am starting to be nervous for that stage.
No major weekend plans yet, I did however finally get around to taking my GD test on Thursday and have had horrible acid reflux since then. It's probably not from the drink, but it was extra nasty this time so I'm blaming it on the drink.
As for everyone who's prepping for baby, I feel so behind. DH and I are waiting for a bonus and tax returns before we do any real baby shopping so all we have for this LO are a few onsies and blankets that probably wouldn't fill a drawer...
Had no intention to clean today but DH had other plans. Came home from brunch to find him cleaning like a mad man. He also finally took a bunch of stuff down to storage. I'd been nagging him for months. I don't think I've ever seen this place look so nice.
Love reading about everyone's plans and nesting! There is something about getting all the baby stuff organized and ready that makes it all seem that much more real! @starphish18 I'm at the end of the month too, but can't believe that in 8-10 weeks some of will have babies! So exciting!
DH and I are spending the weekend in St. Louis for a babymoon. Lots of food and now resting after a couples massage. Not a productive weekend but it has been so relaxing and enjoyable.
DH and I are spending the weekend in St. Louis for a babymoon. Lots of food and now resting after a couples massage. Not a productive weekend but it has been so relaxing and enjoyable.
So fun!
Me: 38 DH: 36 Married 8/27/2011 BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012 BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014 BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017 BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018
Re: Weekend Chat 2-18 & 2-19
But is has to be done this weekend so we can paint and move nursery furniture next weekend!
We have an elective ultrasound this morning! I didn't get any sleep last night (heartburn, couldn't get comfortable), but that's okay because I get to see our baby today!! I'm so excited!!!
This next month for me is super exciting, I have Monday off (and thus a 4 day weekend) I got subpoenaed to court on Wednesday morning, and then I leave to go to LA to visit my sister Thursday-Monday, which I'm super excited about.
Also, it is almost 50 degrees here in upstate NY today & the weather for the next 10 days is mostly in the 40's! Whoop whoop!
My brother is getting married today and I am so excited. I'm just hoping I don't fall asleep halfway through the reception - they're serving my favourite snacks at the midnight buffet. And they are having a sundae bar.
Supposedly we are getting our travel system ordered this weekend! I'm pretty excited for it.
I also have my prenatal massage that DH booked for me for v-day this afternoon. I'm fighting a head cold so we'll see how that goes.
May17 Siggy Challenge
@Jens_Hoes: you've had a lot going on lately, busy lady!
@jayandaplus: have fun and get pics!
@CherryBananas: oooh, a wedding! Haha at staying awake. At first I thought you meant during the ceremony
@absbubbs: have fun shopping!
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot: have a great massage! Jealous.
Not much baby related going on over here. I'm sitting in a horribly shotty lab doing my GTT. It's in a basement of a really old building and the waiting "room" is full of supplies and boxes. It's so cramped! And only one tiny window. I kinda feel bad for the workers. The drink wasn't awful, but it was warm, and chilled would have made it better. I brought a book, and the waiting continues...
BR- organize and begin a play list for labor!
#1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS
#2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC
@CherryBananas - good luck staying awake! If you doze off, tell someone to wake you up for food! It's ok to say that when you're pregnant!! Lol.
@Jens_Hoes - hope swimsuit shopping goes well. It's so hard to shop when you don't like how you're looking.
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot - I'm insanely jealous! Enjoy!!!
@SKZW -I'm suffering through a three hour GTT now. I want to order a pizza to be delivered the minute this thing is over
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
I have a pretty lazy day going so far. I did bake some lemon bread this morning, so I'm anxiously waiting for that to cool. I'm trying to figure out what else to do today, but I don't really have any ideas.
I had some strange bug Thursday so I called in Friday making this a 5 day weekend for me thanks to daycare closed for a holiday my job doesn't celebrate. I still don't feel great so I'm glad for a gyno visit monday. I haven't spent this much quality time alone with my son since maternity leave!
Glucose test Monday not looking forward to it as I failed first one with my son just two years ago. I almost said just give me the three hour right off the bat.
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
May17 Siggy Challenge
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
Otherwise, the weather is freakishly nice, so I'm going to try to get outside a bit.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
As for baby related, I've been focused mostly on taking photos of DDs old stuff and sellng them. I have people picking up most of her 3mos and 6 mos clothes. I'm hoping to get at least 2 out of 7 bis completely emptied by the end of this month!
I don't know what DH was thinking, but he offered a huge trash bag of the boys used clothes to a friend of his. I asked him what about this LO? What clothes are you planning on using? He assumed I was going to buy all new clothing. It's not necessary but now I feel like going on a shipping spree for baby instead of sorting through boxes of clothes.
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
Seeing the photos of the going home outfits makes me nervous again for the tiny floppy newborn age! Babies look even extra tiny in their huge car seats! I know it will all come back to me, but I am starting to be nervous for that stage.
As for everyone who's prepping for baby, I feel so behind. DH and I are waiting for a bonus and tax returns before we do any real baby shopping so all we have for this LO are a few onsies and blankets that probably wouldn't fill a drawer...
@jayandaplus I hope your ultrasound goes great!!
I'm closing at work this weekend, so just trying to stay awake that late is my biggest goal!
Married 8/27/2011
BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018