September 2017 Moms

Worst Pregnancy Advice?

I saw an article on TB that got me thinking about all the crazy things I've been told throughout my last pregnancy and this one. I thought it would make for a rather interesting thread. 

So let's hear it! 

What's the worst pregnancy advice you've ever received? 

Re: Worst Pregnancy Advice?

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  • klcarr19 said:
    Sleep while you can... uhm. You can't stock pile sleep. And I have a toddler now.  :|
    lol! So true! I literally can't get a full night's sleep because I am up every hour going to the bathroom. 
  • klcarr19 said:
    Sleep while you can... uhm. You can't stock pile sleep. And I have a toddler now.  :|
    Haha, I told my mom the same thing... is there some kind of sleep reserve I didn't know about? 

    I havent so much gotten bad advice yet, just the same advice over and over, from the same person... even though I've told them it isn't working for me. (Eye roll)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I think the one that took the cake for myself is an aunt telling me to take castor oil when I was on my 41st week of pregnancy with DD.  :/
  • ^ Totally not sure what happened to that post. I tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me know anything with it. Gotta love my phone. 

    I was trying to respond to the alcohol comment. 

    I have had so many people offer me drinks that know I'm pregnant lol. Last night MIL offered to share a glass of wine with me, and of course I declined. 
  • I feel like when I was pregnant with my first 6 years ago the experts were saying 1 glass of wine while pregnant was fine. Now all I can find is no alcohol at all. I actually hate wine and don't really drink I just find it interesting in the change.
  • @amandarene112 wtf. I would want to stab her
  • BookitBoo said:

    I've always been honest about wanting 3 kids. I've always been advised, don't have an odd number of kids because it causes a weird dynamic. The solution?  If you have three go ahead and have four. 

    Yeah, right. 
    It creates a weird dynamic? Never heard that before. I want 3 kids too and I'm the youngest of 3. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • yup, I had never heard it before.

  • Sleep when the baby is sleeping. I wish I could have done that. I was either pumping, taking care of the dog or caring for the house.
    I could never sleep when my daughter slept. There was an endless laundry list of things that need to be done. This time around it'll be harder. I can't neglect my firstborn and sleep every couple of hours just because the little one will be sleeping. 
  • Um, so my mom is a retired special ed teacher. I feel it's important to start with that as she has spent a lot of time learning about and teach autistic children.

    I told her that I would be getting the TDAP vaccine and she was very concerned about the safety of my baby. "Don't get vaccines while pregnant, it will cause problems." She also told me not to eat any processed foods (or basically anything I didn't cook myself) because there are too many chemicals in foods and they will hurt the baby. 

    To be fair, I was born with a minor birth defect (heart condition), which her doctor told her likely happened because she had rubella during pregnancy. But I don't think processed foods or vaccines are anywhere in the same league as catching rubella and I'm pretty sure that's not why I have a heart condition anyway. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @Souptin the "spoiling the baby" UGH!! I had so many people including my parents tell me that I was spoiling my son. This always made me SO angry!! 
  • I'm just sick of hearing people tell me to "relax!"  I don't think I'm un-relaxed...are they seeing something I'm not?
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • @DPandMB I've had a few people me the BRAT diet too. Um, would they like to come clean up after I vomit bananas and toast everywhere? No? Then stop suggesting the BRAT diet to me. Grrr. (Entering my fifth week of morning sickness maaaay be making me a little feistier than usual. :grimace:)

  • sableeg said:
    I'm just sick of hearing people tell me to "relax!"  I don't think I'm un-relaxed...are they seeing something I'm not?
    I hate this advice. This is the advice that I was constantly given when was TTC as well. "If you just relax, everything will work out." Right, because everything in life is that freaking easy. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @DPandMB OMG yes!! The BRAT diet makes my nausea worse. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @sableeg Hugs!! <3
    Together 2007 | Married 2011 | Me: 36 | DH: 38
    Adopted Furbaby: 2014
    TTC#1 : 1/2016 | IUI #2 - BFP 12/24/16 -- born 9/8/17
    TTC#2: 11/2019 | Dx DOR (AMH 0.3), AMA
    IUI #2 - BFP 7/1/20 -- EDD 3/14/21
  • "Oh you can drink! It's totally fine." 
    Throughout my entire first pregnancy by random strangers and some friends. 
  • @jessieR358 In their defense, I've been told that the occasional alcoholic drink isn't considered a health risk, but since doctors don't know the drinking limit for FAS to occur they recommend that you wait until 3rd trimester. Of course, I avoided/limited alcohol consumption before I was pregnant, so I think I can wait til after the baby's born :tongue: Drinking culture has gotten so out of control, people act personally offended whenever you turn down a chance to booze it up. 
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