Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? I have an appointment Friday, meeting the OB.
Cravings? same as always, bagels and pizza. I feel like my appetite really grew!
Rants/raves? My clothes are getting tighter and feel like i see the bump...can't wait till it's an obvious bump!
Questions for FTM, STM+? When did you mamma's start wearing maternity clothes. I'm still in regular clothes, and feel like it's getting tighter and tighter...not sure when to make the switch...
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? My ideal (not hubby), relaxing in a luxury hotel, going to a spa/pool. Wining and dining in gourmet restaurants and walking around a cool city checking out museums and sites.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Tomorrow, just a regular check-up.
Cravings? Back to craving every sweet. Donuts, smoothies, ice cream. Danishes. I can eat fruit and the natural sugar helps with the sweetness craving a lot, but still. It's not so much about willpower to not eat junk as it is the fact that I can just be really cheap sometimes and don't want to go broke buying junk!
Rants/raves? After feeling the baby doing... something down there this weekend, I realized how far down my uterus still is. It's so bizarre to me to have a round belly but the baby is actually down at my bikini line. Just... weird.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Nope
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I love to travel. My style of travel, and luckily DH feels the same, is to go somewhere and see as much touristy stuff as possible. We don't need an agenda per se, we just show up, get tourist maps and brochures, and figure out what we want to do when we get there. So the ideal vacation I think is one we've already taken. We did our honeymoon in Lake Como, Italy. There were tours to do (boats on the lake and going into the mountains and Switzerland), but there were also villas and gardens to explore, shopping, great restaurants and wine bars, and we were there long enough to get in some relaxation time on our veranda and at the hotel pool. If I could redo that vacation every year I'd be a happy camper, but DH doesn't ordinarily have that much vacation time to spare, so. Shorter, quick trips over weekends are our normal thing now.
How far along are you? 15+5 Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Had an appointment Friday. Pap smear and hearing heartbeat. I have white coat syndrome and my blood pressure always goes up at the doctors office. Doctor was worried so now I have to take it at home for 2 weeks and then come back. Just like I thought, it's completely normal at home. At least I get to hear baby's heartbeat again. Cravings? Fruit, frozen yogurt, chocolate Rants/raves? Can the nausea go away already?! Questions for FTM, STM+? Anyone looking at childcare and pediatricians yet? Should I be? GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Doing touristy stuff in a new city as well as some relaxing time. Love having some stuff planned as well as picking stuff out on the fly.
@jacksonbears I have a maternity dress I love to wear now, and im going out this weekend to buy more, and will probably be in those from now on.
@Kathryn0903 Im sorry your nausea hasn't gone away yet! It sucks that the first tri things don't automatically stop when we start the second tri!
@DeansGirl14 I have been craving sweets too! DH bought me some doughnuts this weekend and it was the best thing in the world!
How far along are you? 15 weeks tomorrow!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? I had a checkup last week, and everything was looking great! Still haven't gained any weight! I made my anatomy scan appointment, and thats the next one I have! So I have to wait 4 more weeks to get there!
Cravings? SWEETS!!!!!!
Rants/raves? I am going out this weekend to buy maternity clothes. DH insisted that I go out and get some, becuase I could pop at any moment. I know I have more bump in the evening, and I am super short so it will be here before I know it.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Not right now.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? WARM I live in the northeast, and I just want heat! Of course right now all the places that I would want to go to are zika zones. I just want to be warm!
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@DeansGirl14 -- that trip sounds amazing! dying to go italy & greece.. not sure if i should press that for the babymoom or wait until after baby so i can guzzle wine to my hearts content?
How far along are you? 13 + 3
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? i have one tomorrow. can't wait! it's been a month since my last appt so i'm anxious to see baby still hanging in there and to see the changes since the last u/s
Cravings? same as always - fruits/citrus. also, craving sushi which is just torture
Rants/raves? n/a
Questions for FTM, STM+? anyone else doing babywise? thoughts? our friends swear by it -- so i insisted we get the book now so i can start reading to prep myself for the routine
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? that's hard because i kind of like it all. road tripping and camping around the US (we've already done the lower half together CA-FL)... wandering cities... snow in winter, beaches in summer... i guess if i had to choose i'd say staying in small island towns & exploring on a motorbike has to be our favorite
@DeansGirl14 -- that trip sounds amazing! dying to go italy & greece.. not sure if i should press that for the babymoom or wait until after baby so i can guzzle wine to my hearts content?
I'm dying to go to Greece too! I'm inclined to say wait until after the baby arrives so you can guzzle the wine. On the other hand, relaxation is the name of the game with a babymoon and if you have the time, you can balance the touring with the relaxation. Whatever you decide, it'll be awesome!
@em1017@DeansGirl14 DH and I did our honeymoon in Greece...saw Athens and Santorini. It was AMAZING! I would personally say wait until after baby arrives so you can drink wine and eat what you want (I'd be worried about how things like feta are prepared, certain meats, etc..). Plus we did a ton of walking which I can't imagine doing at this point and actually enjoying! Especially in Athens where everything is uphill. I'm all about a tropical beach vaca for this babymoon
@littlebug2010 So exciting buying maternity clothes! Where are you going for your stuff?
How far along are you? 14 weeks 3 days
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? None... finally have my next one a week from Friday. It feels like forever between appointments! Thank god for the home doppler we bought..
Cravings? I'm working from home today and saw we had lettuce in the fridge, so I was dying for a chicken caesar salad. Then I go to open the box of lettuce and it's ROTTEN. I hate how quickly lettuce goes bad. Almost cried. Now I'm sulking.
Rants/raves? Rave: Went to NYC this weekend to visit my bffs from college. Got to tell them about the pregnancy! It was so fun seeing their reactions. It's nice having more and more people know about the baby so they can be excited with us. Rant: We walked 20,000 steps on Saturday...and I just about died. I'm usually a super quick walker, but I was trailing behind everyone out of breath the entire day ugh.
Questions for FTM, STM+? What's the most expensive item you're thinking of putting on your registry? For pricier things like stroller, car seat, etc. DH and I will likely buy ourselves. I feel rude putting a $500 stroller on there. I'll probably end up putting smaller things like bath stuff, nursery items, swing...
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? At this point, somewhere tropical where I can lay on a beach eating french fries. I want to be lazy without feeling guilty that I'm missing all these awesome sites. Typically, I'd say visiting a new city where we spend half our time touring around site-seeing, and the other half relaxing at a beach or having really nice dinners at different restaurants.
@secicc12 I plan to go everywhere I can. There is a motherhood maternity outlet near me, so I will probably do that last, but go to gap/old navy/H&M first. I have heard that those are cheaper than motherhood, but I know that motherhood will have everything. I am hoping to get a pair or two of pants, and a few other essentials. Im not really sure what i will get yet, but this is my first time going out to really look. I am hoping that the spring styles will be out soon, and I can buy more springy/summery stuff soon. I already have a dress from target (the only cute one they had in their 3 racks) and i got one from zuilly, from pink blush, that should be here soon!
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@DeansGirl0329 - I only did a day trip to Lake Como (and another to Lark Garda) but I thought it was one of the most beautiful places I've seen. Your honeymoon sounds perfect!
@Kathryn0903 - for childcare, i'm on a couple of wait lists but most places said I was too early. It's different in every area. I'd start looking into it (emailing or calling, whatever they suggest) to get a feel for your area. For pediatricians, my dr's office is a network with an OB practice, family, etc. We're going to an event put on for expectant parents to learn about taking care of baby in the first few months from a medical perspective and to meet a pediatrician at the office later this month. They offer them every 2 months or so and we will be on our babymoon for the one in April. I feel like it's a bit early but just worked out for us.
@jacksonbears - My dress pants don't fit so I bought a maternity pair for important meetings that I've already started wearing. My low rise jeans fit but I can barely button the rest (it's bloat mostly but so uncomfortable). I already started buying and wearing some of the inset panel jeans and I really like them. It's great and no one can tell. Half of my workout spandex are no longer comfortable but I'm getting by with a few that are stretchier at the top instead of having a seam but I don't know how some people wait until 16 or 20 weeks to start transitioning into maternity. I just want to be comfortable so I say go for it if things are too tight
How far along are you? 13 weeks
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? 12 week appt last week - went well, heard the heartbeat. NT ultrasound this week.
Cravings? No cravings, just want my appetite back
Rants/raves? I'm down a few pounds in 4 weeks but haven't been so nauseous that I throw up. The doctor seemed concerned. I wasn't worried but now I am a bit. Not that this is the best, but with feeling so crappy, I have not been working out as much so I told her it might be muscle loss since I was in such a great workout routine before the BFP. I feel more comfortable with that than thinking I might not be getting enough food because I feel like I'm consuming more calories. My whole relationship with food has completely changed as I have to force myself to eat but I feel like I'm hungry so much more frequently.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Anyone who lost their appetite for the first trimester, when did you finally get it back? I miss enjoying food so much.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I love Europe. Sightseeing, culture, food. Maybe mix in some whitewater rafting, zip lining, or something adventurous. A couple days at a beach. We did 2 weeks in Croatia for our honeymoon and it had an amazing balance of history, culture, great food and wine, beaches, and really interesting, friendly people. I love talking to the locals and getting recommendations. I am a planner by nature but try to keep as flexible as possible to do what strikes us or meet locals for dinner if they invite us over or to join them on some cool adventure. We usually do a big Europe trip every other year and supplement with something small in the off years (this year we're doing a week to Hawaii after last year's big trip). Who knows how this will change post-baby.
@jacksonbears Maternity clothes are soooo comfy! I don't think I started wearing them until 6ish months but whenever you feel like it I would just make the transition.
@Kathryn0903 It doesn't hurt to start looking now, especially if there is a limited number in your area. I didn't decide on my pedi until I was 7 months. You just have to know before you go to the hospital, that's one of the first questions the nurse will ask you after your baby is born. The pedi came to check on DS within a few hours after he was born.
@secicc12 I put everything on my registry not because I expected people to buy my expensive stroller but I wanted it keep track of everything and be able to use my completion coupon for the things that people didn't buy. Sometimes people will go in on an expensive gift as a group gift. Maybe it's just me but I never think it's rude when I see expensive items on a registry. Most registries have things at every price point from $10 blankets to $500+ strollers. You never know friends or coworkers might chip in and get you the $500 stroller! I was really surprised at how much I got at my showers.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Had one last Monday (all clear/normal on the NT scan!) and one tomorrow. Haven't gotten any blood work back yet from the NT appt. Not really sure what tomorrow is going to cover, actually, and just called to check, because we're not sure whether SO will come with me or take his dad to PT. Now that his dad has daily PT, SO is claiming afternoons are bad, though when we set this up, anything before 1030 was bad. He's not giving me much of a window!
Cravings? Oddly, none. Aversions have also gone away (e.g. raw veggies and raw or cooked red bell peppers). My diet barely recognizes I'm pregnant.
Rants/raves? I got nothing.
Questions for FTM, STM+? @em1017 What is Babywise?
@jacksonbears I'm in maternity clothes already. Mostly because my jeans were too tight/falling apart already and I wasn't trying to hide anything.
@Kathryn0903 I'm a little worried about looking for pediatricians too. I cross state lines for most specialty medical care but could conceivably use ACA in the other state for the baby, and sort of need to figure out my options by summer. I think my OB also wants to know who the pediatrician is by birth, if I remember the form correctly. But besides "takes insurance" I have no idea how to evaluate doctors without asking for local recommendations.
Don't have any of my own.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Oh, man. At the moment? Visiting my pregnant bestie in Germany. Even if I don't get a new passport stamp out of it.
In general, though: someplace new, with enough time (4+ days) there to: - get to a high point for a panoramic view - enjoy the artistic heritage - learn/decipher a little of the local language (and go to a bookstore to try to find a grammar book, because I'm a nerdy linguistics major) - enjoy the local food and drink specials (and buy a cookbook of local cuisine at that bookstore) - go on a walking tour to get some historical perspective on what I'm seeing - people watch in a cafe - get close to the water (harbor, river, dive boat) - chat up a local - go to some obscure, bizarre, or quirky landmark/attraction - do something active
I therefore have a global collection of cookbooks and language books, and have eaten horse, conch, alligator, some weird trout dumpling in Lyon, and a lot of mysterious sausages. And a lot of candid photos
How far along are you? 14 weeks!! Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Had one last Tuesday. Doc told me I need to gain weight (I'd lost 11 lbs) or start drinking ensure daily. Bleh. Also scheduled a 16 week US for next Friday!! Can't wait to see our little girl now that she looks like a baby and not a tadpole! Cravings? Nothing really. Just dont want meat. Esp pork. Yuckkkk Rants/raves? We daycare shopped on friday and found our top two picks!!!! And Saturday I went looking at cribs and dressers!! Doing these things makes the pregnancy feel more real! Questions for FTM, STM+? Negative. GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Right now, I'll go just about anywhere! lol. But really, I just love exploring new places and new cities. DH and I loveeee the mountains. I live in south Louisiana, so we have nothing but flat land.Ireland and Greece are on my bucketlist. Trying to figure out where we want to go for our babymoon. We want somewhere within driving distance and kinda cheap!
@littlebug2010 I just ordered two dresses from pink blush! Can't wait for them to come in! @em1017 what is babywise? @secicc12 I plan on putting everything on my registry. If people don't want to buy the expensive things, they don't have to. But whatever is left on the list, you get a discount off of it when you do buy it. My family and friends often time get together in groups and buy big ticket items.
How far along are you? 14 weeks!! Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Had one last Tuesday. Doc told me I need to gain weight (I'd lost 11 lbs) or start drinking ensure daily. Bleh. Also scheduled a 16 week US for next Friday!! Can't wait to see our little girl now that she looks like a baby and not a tadpole! Cravings? Nothing really. Just dont want meat. Esp pork. Yuckkkk Rants/raves? We daycare shopped on friday and found our top two picks!!!! And Saturday I went looking at cribs and dressers!! Doing these things makes the pregnancy feel more real! Questions for FTM, STM+? Negative. GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Right now, I'll go just about anywhere! lol. But really, I just love exploring new places and new cities. DH and I loveeee the mountains. I live in south Louisiana, so we have nothing but flat land.Ireland and Greece are on my bucketlist. Trying to figure out where we want to go for our babymoon. We want somewhere within driving distance and kinda cheap!
@littlebug2010 I just ordered two dresses from pink blush! Can't wait for them to come in! @em1017 what is babywise? @secicc12 I plan on putting everything on my registry. If people don't want to buy the expensive things, they don't have to. But whatever is left on the list, you get a discount off of it when you do buy it. My family and friends often time get together in groups and buy big ticket items.
@secicc12 I plan on putting most stuff on the registry. I have a big family, so some people might go in together on a large item. If no one buys a large item, that's ok as we don't mind purchasing ourselves.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? // NT scan last week went great! We asked our tech to guess on sex and she said it was a girl, and that was confirmed today by our bloodwork (which also came back perfectly clean)! Such great news all around.
Cravings? // Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and McDonald's fries. It's embarrassing to type that!
Rants/raves? // My midwife (who is also a friend) dropped off a FHR Doppler as a galentines gift today!! So sweet! But of course I can't find the HB. Will try again tonight!
Questions for FTM, STM+? // I know this was discussed in a thread but I can't find it now: What's everyone choosing for stroller & car seat? There are so. many. options. My cousin has UppaBaby and loves it but $800+?! Right now I'm registered for the Chico Keyfit car seat and the BOB Revolution Flex jogger. Help!!!
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? // When I'm not pregnant, something relaxing on the Mediterranean with lots of wine and food and sunbathing. Now that I'm pregnant, our babymoon will be somewhere beachy where I can do what @secicc12 said and lay on the beach eating French fries. We live in FL so that won't be too hard, although we won't head south of where we live thanks to our good friend Zika
@mrsmatt1212 If you take a look at the randoms thread, there is a great conversation happening about car seats and strollers.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@secicc12@DeansGirl14 -- that's what i was thinking... don't think i could handle italy with wine and food limitations. i'm definitely into the idea of a tropical baby moon to do some guilt-free lounging!
@NatSprat0703@lyse01 -- it's a book called "On Becoming Baby Wise" and is a method of getting baby on a routine feeding, wake time, and sleep time cycle. a ton of my husbands coworkers have used it as a guideline to get their babies on a schedule that works great for the kids and for parents. i guess some of the book needs to be read with a grain of salt and common sense.. but they say the gist of the method is life-changing.
@jacksonbears Maternity clothes are soooo comfy! I don't think I started wearing them until 6ish months but whenever you feel like it I would just make the transition.
@Kathryn0903 It doesn't hurt to start looking now, especially if there is a limited number in your area. I didn't decide on my pedi until I was 7 months. You just have to know before you go to the hospital, that's one of the first questions the nurse will ask you after your baby is born. The pedi came to check on DS within a few hours after he was born.
@secicc12 I put everything on my registry not because I expected people to buy my expensive stroller but I wanted it keep track of everything and be able to use my completion coupon for the things that people didn't buy. Sometimes people will go in on an expensive gift as a group gift. Maybe it's just me but I never think it's rude when I see expensive items on a registry. Most registries have things at every price point from $10 blankets to $500+ strollers. You never know friends or coworkers might chip in and get you the $500 stroller! I was really surprised at how much I got at my showers.
Ditto on all of these answers. Spot on! The only thing I'll add is daycare wise, the earlier the better to start where I live. Some places have over a year waitlist.
@kvh22 my appetite just came back (I'm 15 weeks, 4 days). I'm eating so much now!
@mrsmatt1212 I'm a big Baby Jogger stroller fan. As mentioned above, the discussion is in the Randoms thread.
***TW in Siggy*** Me: 34 / DH: 33 Married: Nov 2011 TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014 TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
@kvh22@britvahok@lyse01@bumpybump thanks so much for the tips on daycare and pediatricians. One of my questions about daycare totally got answered tonight at my YMCA prenatal fitness class. Our Y also has their own daycare and it was brought up that the first openings they have is in August. Knowing that I want my child starting in August or September, I got scared about what the wait for other daycares is. DH is going to call and look at a place tomorrow now! I totally get the not knowing what to look for in a pediatrician. I don't know any mom's in the area so I can't even go off of recommendations. My OB did say some pediatrician will let you meet them first. I like that idea, but I don't know what I'd even ask once I meet them. I'm so clueless on this stuff lol.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Last week I had my 12 week check up and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! Also had blood work down for cf carrier, and we finally determined that my husband is O pos and I'm O neg, so I'm going to need the rhogam shot around 20 weeks and after birth.
Cravings? Pizza, cheeseburgers, grilled cheese, fondue, pretty much any hot cheese dish
Rants/raves? I'm. So. Itchy! I dont' know if it's PUPPS or just a rash from waxing over the weekend. I have sensitive skin so I wouldn't be surprised either way. It's driving me NUTS, though!
Questions for FTM, STM+? When did your weight gain start picking up? I've been fluctuating around, but only gained an average 3lbs since my BFP. I just want to know when I can start counting the added lbs for real and not just daily water retention changes.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Backpacking/hiking in a foreign country. We went to Peru a couple years ago and hiked the Inca trail, and I've been dying to do something like that again. Maybe the Camino de Santiago in Spain, it'd be easy enough to bring a kid along for the ride We're taking our babymoon in Maui at the end of May, right after my teaching season ends. Rest and relaxation will have to do for now, I guess
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Waiting on results from our Counsyl Informed Pregnancy Screening. Next appt is next Friday, to hear heartbeat!
Cravings? Bought graham crackers and peanut butter, and that's hitting the spot! They're constantly changing.
Rants/raves? I planned to meet with my college friends last weekend to tell them we're KU, but 2 of them were sick so we had to cancel, and I told them via text. Not as exciting, but still glad they know now.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Not atm.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Our honeymoon in Oct was the best trip ever. We went to London and Ireland, visiting many touristy spots, but also getting out to the markets and great places to eat. We lived at the beach for 3.5 years, so we really enjoy visiting cities to explore and eat locally. No plans for a babymoon right now, because I may have to use a portion of my vacation time for maternity leave to save some $.
@dinofreak the Camino is one of my dream vacations too - my SO is a big walker, and that's the kind of trip that would merge our interests really well. He'd totally be on sunscreen patrol for me and baby (he's a pale ginger - he needs to be), and I would have read half a book ahead of time about the history of pilgrimages so we have context.
@dinofreak I wouldn't stress/focus too much on weight gain right now unless your OB has concerns one way or another. I've gained 4 lbs and I'm 16 weeks on Thursday. I remember gaining really slowly for quite some time with the first and believe me it eventually came on. Seriously, don't obsess over your weight during pregnancy. It's not worth the added stress. Listen to your OB and their recommendations
***TW in Siggy*** Me: 34 / DH: 33 Married: Nov 2011 TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014 TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
@dinofreak I want to echo what @bumpybump said. Im 15 weeks today and I have lost 3 pounds since BFP. My OB said that it was totally fine, and as long as I eventually gain its fine. I know I have changed my eating habits since BFP, so there is a good chance that the healthier diet is contributing, but Im not dieting, just more fruit than carbs. You can mention it to your OB (thats what I did), and Im sure they wont be concerned yet.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? NT first trimester combined screening test was last Friday. Baby looked healthy according to doctor measuring 3 days behind but he said everything was ok. Just got to keep trusting and believing! Heartbeat was strong at 159-160 and NT thickness was 1.2mm. Will get the results of my blood work at my next appointment feb 22. Fingers crossed!
Cravings? I'm definitely more hungry... like all the time. I usually want things that are bad for me or sweets, candy, doughnuts! So I'm trying to stay away but I cave in sometimes. Also anything Italian!
Rants/raves? My whole extended family now knows I'm pregnant. They are sending us parents to be cards in the mail and everything. It's really a sweet gesture I know and I appreciate their kind words but I wish my In laws didn't tell everyone until I was ready to tell. I'm not making an public announcement until after my next appointment on feb 22. It is mine and my husbands place to tell people not them. So now our entire family knows so I guess I'll just go with it.
Questions for FTM, STM+? I bought new jeans about 3 months ago and spent $100. Now these "said" jeans don't fit! Actually nothing fits. I'm literally living in sweats and leggings until I go to the maternity store! I'm just curious because I heard people still fit in there regular clothes until like 5-6 months! I'm short 4 ft 11 with a short torso so I'm just thinking maybe because of my body type I'm just filling out more. I've def gained 4 lbs and its around my hips/torso. I also feel a little baby bump too so that's exciting! Also I'm actually feeling pretty good! Just occasional heartburn and constipation but overall I'm not nauseous or that tired. Do symptoms start to go away as the first trimester winds down?
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I would love to travel back to Europe! Go back to Paris and Florence. And mix in Croatia, Greece and Spain in the trip as well.
@Knottie80654994 my symptoms did start going away around 9-10 weeks. First was the boob pain, and then I started to feel better to eat, and then my cravings changed. I hated sweets but the last couple weeks, thats all I want! As for the maternity clothes, Im going this weekend to buy some. Im only 5' and my pants dont fit. I have lost 3 pounds, and nothing fits (what a mind f***). My bump is starting to come out too. I know that the shorter people, even as ftms, will be out of the regular clothes a lot earlier than those who are taller, have longer torsos.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
Update because I had an appointment today. I'm the same weight I was at my last appointment 4 weeks ago, which I thought was kind of weird. Tell that to my pants that don't want to button at all anymore! But I'm glad to hear this early on not gaining weight (or even losing weight) is normal. I was about 5 pounds over my average 4 weeks ago, so I guess baby growth is supplanting the ole bloat! I also told the doctor I felt the baby already and he was like, "really?" He said many of his patients are reporting feeling it pretty early, though it's normal not to feel anything for several more weeks. I'm petite and it felt like what others here have described- a fluttering (almost like a vibration actually). It was unlike anything else ever, and where my uterus is, so it must have been the baby. Thought there was something else I wanted to add to what people have been saying, but I forgot now.
@Knottie80654994 I would be so upset if someone had ruined my joy of telling my family and friends. Sorry that your inlaws did that. My MIL is a Facebook lover and we stressed over and over again to not put ANYTHING baby related on Facebook. Surprisingly, she hasn't.
@secicc12 I'm with you on the thank goodness for the home Doppler! It's been 4 weeks since my last ultrasound and I still have 2 to go. I would be worrying my life away if I couldn't occasionally hear the little heart flutter away!
@mokay19 You use a home doppler? someone gave me one to use but i've done research and heard it was unsafe. If it isn't i'd love to try mine! What do you ladies think?
@lindstothee, they are the same as the ones your OB will use at every appointment. I wouldn't do it for hours on end every day, but every once in a while for no more then 20 minutes is totally fine.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@littlebug2010 ok thanks! I have an appointment friday so maybe i'll wait. I'm 16 weeks today so i'm waiting for the little bugger so start moving haha
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? not til next week
Cravings? fruit, nachos...not together
Rants/raves? Rant-feeling gigantic by the end of the day. Seriously wtf.
Questions for FTM, STM+? not today
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Stick me on a good lounger, with a slushy drink, pool or ocean, hot weather, and I'm happy. The 1st part of our honeymoon was the adventure/tour stuff, rest of the week was supposed to be beach/swim up bar, except it stormed the entire time we were on the beach. Hoping our long weekend babymoon to AZ in May, gives me that relaxing warm part back.
TW: 1 infant loss 8/17: Our daughter was born 8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass 2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
@dinofreak I've lost 11 lbs since my first doc appt at 5 weeks. My doc wasn't terribly concerned at last appt, but she did say that I need to monitor it and if I don't start gaining soon, I need to drink an ensure every day.
How far along are you? Just over 12 weeks! Almost out to the first Tri!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Not until the end of the month. Trying to get my schedule right to get my blood drawn for the Panorama test.
Cravings? Not really, I'm just hungry all the time. My appetite is BACK.
Rants/raves? I swear I'm feeling movement already. It will occasionally feel like a subtle series of pushes or vibration from the inside. Completely different than cramps. I also get them often at a time when you would notice movement more, like after I drink caffeine or really cold water.
Questions for FTM, STM+? I'm not the only one with a million pins of nurseries on Pinterest, right? Please say that I'm not the only one, it will make me feel better
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I like something with nature for relaxing, history for something to do, and good beer. Warmth is a plus.
Right now for a long weekend, I think my favorite spot is Shenandoah National Park and the surrounding Charlottesville, VA area. I love driving along Skyline drive, the scenery is just so gorgeous. There are a ton of trails and hikes for whatever you feel like doing. And the whole area is surrounded by amazing breweries and wineries.
Together: January 2002 Married: May 2008 Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
@Mango517 I have a baby gear, pregnant workouts and then a baby one. The baby one I started years ago, and had it hidden until I announced. Its filled with everything you can imagine!
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@Mango517 I have a baby gear, pregnant workouts and then a baby one. The baby one I started years ago, and had it hidden until I announced. Its filled with everything you can imagine!
@littlebug2010 This makes me feel better/normal. Thank you
Together: January 2002 Married: May 2008 Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
Re: FTM Check-In - 2/13
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? I have an appointment Friday, meeting the OB.
Cravings? same as always, bagels and pizza. I feel like my appetite really grew!
Rants/raves? My clothes are getting tighter and feel like i see the bump...can't wait till it's an obvious bump!
Questions for FTM, STM+? When did you mamma's start wearing maternity clothes. I'm still in regular clothes, and feel like it's getting tighter and tighter...not sure when to make the switch...
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? My ideal (not hubby), relaxing in a luxury hotel, going to a spa/pool. Wining and dining in gourmet restaurants and walking around a cool city checking out museums and sites.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
Had an appointment Friday. Pap smear and hearing heartbeat. I have white coat syndrome and my blood pressure always goes up at the doctors office. Doctor was worried so now I have to take it at home for 2 weeks and then come back. Just like I thought, it's completely normal at home. At least I get to hear baby's heartbeat again.
Fruit, frozen yogurt, chocolate
Can the nausea go away already?!
Questions for FTM, STM+?
Anyone looking at childcare and pediatricians yet? Should I be?
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation?
Doing touristy stuff in a new city as well as some relaxing time. Love having some stuff planned as well as picking stuff out on the fly.
@Kathryn0903 Im sorry your nausea hasn't gone away yet! It sucks that the first tri things don't automatically stop when we start the second tri!
@DeansGirl14 I have been craving sweets too! DH bought me some doughnuts this weekend and it was the best thing in the world!
How far along are you? 15 weeks tomorrow!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? I had a checkup last week, and everything was looking great! Still haven't gained any weight! I made my anatomy scan appointment, and thats the next one I have! So I have to wait 4 more weeks to get there!
Cravings? SWEETS!!!!!!
Rants/raves? I am going out this weekend to buy maternity clothes. DH insisted that I go out and get some, becuase I could pop at any moment. I know I have more bump in the evening, and I am super short so it will be here before I know it.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Not right now.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? WARM I live in the northeast, and I just want heat! Of course right now all the places that I would want to go to are zika zones. I just want to be warm!
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
How far along are you? 13 + 3
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? i have one tomorrow. can't wait! it's been a month since my last appt so i'm anxious to see baby still hanging in there and to see the changes since the last u/s
Cravings? same as always - fruits/citrus. also, craving sushi which is just torture
Rants/raves? n/a
Questions for FTM, STM+?
anyone else doing babywise? thoughts? our friends swear by it -- so i insisted we get the book now so i can start reading to prep myself for the routine
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? that's hard because i kind of like it all. road tripping and camping around the US (we've already done the lower half together CA-FL)... wandering cities... snow in winter, beaches in summer... i guess if i had to choose i'd say staying in small island towns & exploring on a motorbike has to be our favorite
@littlebug2010 So exciting buying maternity clothes! Where are you going for your stuff?
How far along are you? 14 weeks 3 days
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? None... finally have my next one a week from Friday. It feels like forever between appointments! Thank god for the home doppler we bought..
Cravings? I'm working from home today and saw we had lettuce in the fridge, so I was dying for a chicken caesar salad. Then I go to open the box of lettuce and it's ROTTEN. I hate how quickly lettuce goes bad. Almost cried. Now I'm sulking.
Rants/raves? Rave: Went to NYC this weekend to visit my bffs from college. Got to tell them about the pregnancy! It was so fun seeing their reactions. It's nice having more and more people know about the baby so they can be excited with us. Rant: We walked 20,000 steps on Saturday...and I just about died. I'm usually a super quick walker, but I was trailing behind everyone out of breath the entire day ugh.
Questions for FTM, STM+? What's the most expensive item you're thinking of putting on your registry? For pricier things like stroller, car seat, etc. DH and I will likely buy ourselves. I feel rude putting a $500 stroller on there. I'll probably end up putting smaller things like bath stuff, nursery items, swing...
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? At this point, somewhere tropical where I can lay on a beach eating french fries. I want to be lazy without feeling guilty that I'm missing all these awesome sites. Typically, I'd say visiting a new city where we spend half our time touring around site-seeing, and the other half relaxing at a beach or having really nice dinners at different restaurants.
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
@Kathryn0903 - for childcare, i'm on a couple of wait lists but most places said I was too early. It's different in every area. I'd start looking into it (emailing or calling, whatever they suggest) to get a feel for your area. For pediatricians, my dr's office is a network with an OB practice, family, etc. We're going to an event put on for expectant parents to learn about taking care of baby in the first few months from a medical perspective and to meet a pediatrician at the office later this month. They offer them every 2 months or so and we will be on our babymoon for the one in April. I feel like it's a bit early but just worked out for us.
@jacksonbears - My dress pants don't fit so I bought a maternity pair for important meetings that I've already started wearing. My low rise jeans fit but I can barely button the rest (it's bloat mostly but so uncomfortable). I already started buying and wearing some of the inset panel jeans and I really like them. It's great and no one can tell. Half of my workout spandex are no longer comfortable but I'm getting by with a few that are stretchier at the top instead of having a seam but I don't know how some people wait until 16 or 20 weeks to start transitioning into maternity. I just want to be comfortable so I say go for it if things are too tight
How far along are you? 13 weeks
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? 12 week appt last week - went well, heard the heartbeat. NT ultrasound this week.
Cravings? No cravings, just want my appetite back
Rants/raves? I'm down a few pounds in 4 weeks but haven't been so nauseous that I throw up. The doctor seemed concerned. I wasn't worried but now I am a bit. Not that this is the best, but with feeling so crappy, I have not been working out as much so I told her it might be muscle loss since I was in such a great workout routine before the BFP. I feel more comfortable with that than thinking I might not be getting enough food because I feel like I'm consuming more calories. My whole relationship with food has completely changed as I have to force myself to eat but I feel like I'm hungry so much more frequently.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Anyone who lost their appetite for the first trimester, when did you finally get it back? I miss enjoying food so much.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I love Europe. Sightseeing, culture, food. Maybe mix in some whitewater rafting, zip lining, or something adventurous. A couple days at a beach. We did 2 weeks in Croatia for our honeymoon and it had an amazing balance of history, culture, great food and wine, beaches, and really interesting, friendly people. I love talking to the locals and getting recommendations. I am a planner by nature but try to keep as flexible as possible to do what strikes us or meet locals for dinner if they invite us over or to join them on some cool adventure. We usually do a big Europe trip every other year and supplement with something small in the off years (this year we're doing a week to Hawaii after last year's big trip). Who knows how this will change post-baby.
@Kathryn0903 It doesn't hurt to start looking now, especially if there is a limited number in your area. I didn't decide on my pedi until I was 7 months. You just have to know before you go to the hospital, that's one of the first questions the nurse will ask you after your baby is born. The pedi came to check on DS within a few hours after he was born.
@secicc12 I put everything on my registry not because I expected people to buy my expensive stroller but I wanted it keep track of everything and be able to use my completion coupon for the things that people didn't buy. Sometimes people will go in on an expensive gift as a group gift. Maybe it's just me but I never think it's rude when I see expensive items on a registry. Most registries have things at every price point from $10 blankets to $500+ strollers. You never know friends or coworkers might chip in and get you the $500 stroller! I was really surprised at how much I got at my showers.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
Had one last Monday (all clear/normal on the NT scan!) and one tomorrow. Haven't gotten any blood work back yet from the NT appt. Not really sure what tomorrow is going to cover, actually, and just called to check, because we're not sure whether SO will come with me or take his dad to PT. Now that his dad has daily PT, SO is claiming afternoons are bad, though when we set this up, anything before 1030 was bad. He's not giving me much of a window!
Oddly, none. Aversions have also gone away (e.g. raw veggies and raw or cooked red bell peppers). My diet barely recognizes I'm pregnant.
I got nothing.
Questions for FTM, STM+?
@em1017 What is Babywise?
@jacksonbears I'm in maternity clothes already. Mostly because my jeans were too tight/falling apart already and I wasn't trying to hide anything.
@Kathryn0903 I'm a little worried about looking for pediatricians too. I cross state lines for most specialty medical care but could conceivably use ACA in the other state for the baby, and sort of need to figure out my options by summer. I think my OB also wants to know who the pediatrician is by birth, if I remember the form correctly. But besides "takes insurance" I have no idea how to evaluate doctors without asking for local recommendations.
Don't have any of my own.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation?
Oh, man. At the moment? Visiting my pregnant bestie in Germany. Even if I don't get a new passport stamp out of it.
In general, though: someplace new, with enough time (4+ days) there to:
- get to a high point for a panoramic view
- enjoy the artistic heritage
- learn/decipher a little of the local language (and go to a bookstore to try to find a grammar book, because I'm a nerdy linguistics major)
- enjoy the local food and drink specials (and buy a cookbook of local cuisine at that bookstore)
- go on a walking tour to get some historical perspective on what I'm seeing
- people watch in a cafe
- get close to the water (harbor, river, dive boat)
- chat up a local
- go to some obscure, bizarre, or quirky landmark/attraction
- do something active
I therefore have a global collection of cookbooks and language books, and have eaten horse, conch, alligator, some weird trout dumpling in Lyon, and a lot of mysterious sausages. And a lot of candid photos
14 weeks!!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
Had one last Tuesday. Doc told me I need to gain weight (I'd lost 11 lbs) or start drinking ensure daily. Bleh. Also scheduled a 16 week US for next Friday!! Can't wait to see our little girl now that she looks like a baby and not a tadpole!
Nothing really. Just dont want meat. Esp pork. Yuckkkk
We daycare shopped on friday and found our top two picks!!!! And Saturday I went looking at cribs and dressers!! Doing these things makes the pregnancy feel more real!
Questions for FTM, STM+?
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation?
Right now, I'll go just about anywhere! lol. But really, I just love exploring new places and new cities. DH and I loveeee the mountains. I live in south Louisiana, so we have nothing but flat land. Ireland and Greece are on my bucketlist. Trying to figure out where we want to go for our babymoon. We want somewhere within driving distance and kinda cheap!
@littlebug2010 I just ordered two dresses from pink blush! Can't wait for them to come in!
@em1017 what is babywise?
@secicc12 I plan on putting everything on my registry. If people don't want to buy the expensive things, they don't have to. But whatever is left on the list, you get a discount off of it when you do buy it. My family and friends often time get together in groups and buy big ticket items.
14 weeks!!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
Had one last Tuesday. Doc told me I need to gain weight (I'd lost 11 lbs) or start drinking ensure daily. Bleh. Also scheduled a 16 week US for next Friday!! Can't wait to see our little girl now that she looks like a baby and not a tadpole!
Nothing really. Just dont want meat. Esp pork. Yuckkkk
We daycare shopped on friday and found our top two picks!!!! And Saturday I went looking at cribs and dressers!! Doing these things makes the pregnancy feel more real!
Questions for FTM, STM+?
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation?
Right now, I'll go just about anywhere! lol. But really, I just love exploring new places and new cities. DH and I loveeee the mountains. I live in south Louisiana, so we have nothing but flat land. Ireland and Greece are on my bucketlist. Trying to figure out where we want to go for our babymoon. We want somewhere within driving distance and kinda cheap!
@littlebug2010 I just ordered two dresses from pink blush! Can't wait for them to come in!
@em1017 what is babywise?
@secicc12 I plan on putting everything on my registry. If people don't want to buy the expensive things, they don't have to. But whatever is left on the list, you get a discount off of it when you do buy it. My family and friends often time get together in groups and buy big ticket items.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? // NT scan last week went great! We asked our tech to guess on sex and she said it was a girl, and that was confirmed today by our bloodwork (which also came back perfectly clean)! Such great news all around.
Cravings? // Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and McDonald's fries. It's embarrassing to type that!
Rants/raves? // My midwife (who is also a friend) dropped off a FHR Doppler as a galentines gift today!! So sweet! But of course I can't find the HB. Will try again tonight!
Questions for FTM, STM+? // I know this was discussed in a thread but I can't find it now: What's everyone choosing for stroller & car seat? There are so. many. options. My cousin has UppaBaby and loves it but $800+?! Right now I'm registered for the Chico Keyfit car seat and the BOB Revolution Flex jogger. Help!!!
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? // When I'm not pregnant, something relaxing on the Mediterranean with lots of wine and food and sunbathing. Now that I'm pregnant, our babymoon will be somewhere beachy where I can do what @secicc12 said and lay on the beach eating French fries. We live in FL so that won't be too hard, although we won't head south of where we live thanks to our good friend Zika
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
@NatSprat0703 @lyse01 -- it's a book called "On Becoming Baby Wise" and is a method of getting baby on a routine feeding, wake time, and sleep time cycle. a ton of my husbands coworkers have used it as a guideline to get their babies on a schedule that works great for the kids and for parents. i guess some of the book needs to be read with a grain of salt and common sense.. but they say the gist of the method is life-changing.
@kvh22 my appetite just came back (I'm 15 weeks, 4 days). I'm eating so much now!
@mrsmatt1212 I'm a big Baby Jogger stroller fan. As mentioned above, the discussion is in the Randoms thread.
***TW in Siggy***
Me: 34 / DH: 33
Married: Nov 2011
TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
I totally get the not knowing what to look for in a pediatrician. I don't know any mom's in the area so I can't even go off of recommendations. My OB did say some pediatrician will let you meet them first. I like that idea, but I don't know what I'd even ask once I meet them. I'm so clueless on this stuff lol.
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Last week I had my 12 week check up and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! Also had blood work down for cf carrier, and we finally determined that my husband is O pos and I'm O neg, so I'm going to need the rhogam shot around 20 weeks and after birth.
Cravings? Pizza, cheeseburgers, grilled cheese, fondue, pretty much any hot cheese dish
Rants/raves? I'm. So. Itchy! I dont' know if it's PUPPS or just a rash from waxing over the weekend. I have sensitive skin so I wouldn't be surprised either way. It's driving me NUTS, though!
Questions for FTM, STM+? When did your weight gain start picking up? I've been fluctuating around, but only gained an average 3lbs since my BFP. I just want to know when I can start counting the added lbs for real and not just daily water retention changes.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Backpacking/hiking in a foreign country. We went to Peru a couple years ago and hiked the Inca trail, and I've been dying to do something like that again. Maybe the Camino de Santiago in Spain, it'd be easy enough to bring a kid along for the ride
We're taking our babymoon in Maui at the end of May, right after my teaching season ends. Rest and relaxation will have to do for now, I guess
How far along are you? 11w+5d
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Waiting on results from our Counsyl Informed Pregnancy Screening. Next appt is next Friday, to hear heartbeat!
Cravings? Bought graham crackers and peanut butter, and that's hitting the spot! They're constantly changing.
Rants/raves? I planned to meet with my college friends last weekend to tell them we're KU, but 2 of them were sick so we had to cancel, and I told them via text. Not as exciting, but still glad they know now.
Questions for FTM, STM+? Not atm.
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Our honeymoon in Oct was the best trip ever. We went to London and Ireland, visiting many touristy spots, but also getting out to the markets and great places to eat. We lived at the beach for 3.5 years, so we really enjoy visiting cities to explore and eat locally. No plans for a babymoon right now, because I may have to use a portion of my vacation time for maternity leave to save some $.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
***TW in Siggy***
Me: 34 / DH: 33
Married: Nov 2011
TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
NT first trimester combined screening test was last Friday. Baby looked healthy according to doctor measuring 3 days behind but he said everything was ok. Just got to keep trusting and believing! Heartbeat was strong at 159-160 and NT thickness was 1.2mm. Will get the results of my blood work at my next appointment feb 22. Fingers crossed!
Cravings? I'm definitely more hungry... like all the time. I usually want things that are bad for me or sweets, candy, doughnuts! So I'm trying to stay away but I cave in sometimes. Also anything Italian!
My whole extended family now knows I'm pregnant. They are sending us parents to be cards in the mail and everything. It's really a sweet gesture I know and I appreciate their kind words but I wish my In laws didn't tell everyone until I was ready to tell. I'm not making an public announcement until after my next appointment on feb 22. It is mine and my husbands place to tell people not them. So now our entire family knows so I guess I'll just go with it.
Questions for FTM, STM+?
I bought new jeans about 3 months ago and spent $100. Now these "said" jeans don't fit! Actually nothing fits. I'm literally living in sweats and leggings until I go to the maternity store! I'm just curious because I heard people still fit in there regular clothes until like 5-6 months! I'm short 4 ft 11 with a short torso so I'm just thinking maybe because of my body type I'm just filling out more. I've def gained 4 lbs and its around my hips/torso. I also feel a little baby bump too so that's exciting! Also I'm actually feeling pretty good! Just occasional heartburn and constipation but overall I'm not nauseous or that tired. Do symptoms start to go away as the first trimester winds down?
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? I would love to travel back to Europe! Go back to Paris and Florence. And mix in Croatia, Greece and Spain in the trip as well.
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
I also told the doctor I felt the baby already and he was like, "really?" He said many of his patients are reporting feeling it pretty early, though it's normal not to feel anything for several more weeks. I'm petite and it felt like what others here have described- a fluttering (almost like a vibration actually). It was unlike anything else ever, and where my uterus is, so it must have been the baby.
Thought there was something else I wanted to add to what people have been saying, but I forgot now.
@secicc12 I'm with you on the thank goodness for the home Doppler! It's been 4 weeks since my last ultrasound and I still have 2 to go. I would be worrying my life away if I couldn't occasionally hear the little heart flutter away!
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? not til next week
Cravings? fruit, nachos...not together
Rants/raves? Rant-feeling gigantic by the end of the day. Seriously wtf.
Questions for FTM, STM+? not today
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation? Stick me on a good lounger, with a slushy drink, pool or ocean, hot weather, and I'm happy.
The 1st part of our honeymoon was the adventure/tour stuff, rest of the week was supposed to be beach/swim up bar, except it stormed the entire time we were on the beach. Hoping our long weekend babymoon to AZ in May, gives me that relaxing warm part back.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Just over 12 weeks! Almost out to the first Tri!
Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
Not until the end of the month.
Trying to get my schedule right to get my blood drawn for the Panorama test.
Not really, I'm just hungry all the time. My appetite is BACK.
I swear I'm feeling movement already. It will occasionally feel like a subtle series of pushes or vibration from the inside. Completely different than cramps. I also get them often at a time when you would notice movement more, like after I drink caffeine or really cold water.
Questions for FTM, STM+?
I'm not the only one with a million pins of nurseries on Pinterest, right? Please say that I'm not the only one, it will make me feel better
GTKY: What's your ideal vacation?
I like something with nature for relaxing, history for something to do, and good beer. Warmth is a plus.
Right now for a long weekend, I think my favorite spot is Shenandoah National Park and the surrounding Charlottesville, VA area. I love driving along Skyline drive, the scenery is just so gorgeous. There are a ton of trails and hikes for whatever you feel like doing. And the whole area is surrounded by amazing breweries and wineries.
Together: January 2002
Married: May 2008
Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
This makes me feel better/normal. Thank you
Together: January 2002
Married: May 2008
Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...