October 2017 Moms



Re: Ultrasounds!

  • So happy to see all of these healthy ultrasounds ❤️ 

    Just found out my doctor doesn't do ultrasounds until week 18. That seems unbearably far away! 
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  • That's so brutal! I think it's super unfair that some docs only provide one! We had our first at 6 weeks, I feel like that should be standard bc it takes sooo much pressure off once you see the embryo for yourself and know it's healthy!
  • @nlpurdum Exactly! I just want to see the heartbeat and know it's healthy
  • brela11brela11 member
    edited March 2017
    Wow @gheti are those identical twins? How incredible!! 

    ETA: how far along are you? 
  • @gheti CONGRATS! How exciting! And scary I'm sure but def exciting :)

  • kimiekat44kimiekat44 member
    edited March 2017
    jessirh said:
    So happy to see all of these healthy ultrasounds ❤️ 

    Just found out my doctor doesn't do ultrasounds until week 18. That seems unbearably far away! 

    What about the NT scan??? According to the literature I've read and my Dr, it HAS to be done between 10 and 14 wks!
  • @kimiekat44 That's what I've read too! I'll have to ask at my first appointment, which is next week. I'd rather not announce until I've seen a healthy ultrasound, but by 18 weeks I'll already be showing. It seems so strange!
  • @beezeemarie I can't believe how big of a difference a few days or a week can make this early on. Your LO looks so human compared to a 7 week scan lol
  • @sjohns08 it's a huge difference. After 8 weeks I feel like the limbs and head are much more distinguished.
    October 2017 June Siggy Challenge -- "You Had One Job!" 
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  • @jessirh maybe he means he doesn't do gender scans until at least 18 wks... I hope that's what he means. ☺
  • sjohns08 said:
    @beezeemarie I can't believe how big of a difference a few days or a week can make this early on. Your LO looks so human compared to a 7 week scan lol
    Seriously! I wish I would've got to wait a little longer for my scan... my lo just looked like a tampon stuck in my uterus at 6wk 5d.. haha!
  • @jessirh, where I live, the norm is 1 ultrasound done at 20 week anatomy scan. Unless you're high risk. I had an early scan this pregnancy because of a previous loss, but otherwise we would wait until 20 weeks. Our first appointment here normally isn't until 12 weeks. 

    If your doctor is anything like mine, they will use a Doppler to confirm a strong heartbeat. That's what mine did with DS. Every appointment we listened to the heartbeat. Best sound in the world!
  • @kimiekat Nope, I wish! I clarified and they said no ultrasounds til then. But at least I'll find out the sex at the first one lol

    @mommac2017 Oh wow. I hadn't heard of that being the norm anywhere. But getting to hear the heart rate via the Doppler would be fine with me. I'm really just concerned with knowing it's healthy, so that would help. 

    Thanks guys! Everyone keep the baby scans coming ❤️
  • cherrybeacherrybea member
    edited March 2017
    Beautiful pic @SwtAnana  I can't believe what a difference a couple of weeks makes there is so much definition.  Also would you mind sharing what the fetal heart rate has been the last couple of U/S


    had my u/s this morning it was suppose to be the last before I meet with my reg OB next Thursday.  But I was a bit concerned and RE said she would see me again next Thursday before OB appt due to the fact the baby was measuring a day behind last Friday and today it was measuring 3 days behind the HR is still in the 130s which RE says she is comfortable with because it's in the normal range.  RE said she was not too concerned but would have been happier if I was umeasuring on target.  I'm so worried now not sure what to think.  Has anyone has had a similar experience?
  • @cherrybea, how far along are you? I feel like is super common for baby's to not measure right on track. My DS measured 5 days behind at my first US with him. By our 20 week US he measured a week ahead. He's now sitting next to me playing. 

    Hope everything goes well. Everything I've read says a strong heartbeat is most important :)
  • cherrybeacherrybea member
    edited March 2017
    @mommac2017 thanks for your feedback it makes me feel much better.  I should be 8 weeks today but u/s measured 7w3d HR was 130 it was 133 last week as well doc was ok with HR within range but I thought it should have gone up from last week
  • @cherrybea, that was EXACTLY my measurements with DS. Thought I was 8 weeks and they said I was 7w3d. My OB just changed my due date. I can't remember what his heart rate was at that point unfortunately, but I know it went down a bit by the next appointment. His heart rate fluctuates every appointment. I never heard them say anything of concern of it going up or down. I think concerns are really raised if it is lower than 100 or higher than 200. 

    Try to relax (I know that's easier said than done). You saw a healthy baby and a good heartbeat. Your doctor would tell you if there was a reason to be concerned. 
  • @callababy17 awesome u/s pic how far along are you?
  • callababy17callababy17 member
    edited March 2017
    @cherrybea thank you! I'm 8 weeks 5 days today :-) 
  • So happy for everyone!
    STM : did you get to keep your NT sonogram photos? We got our first sonogram at 6wk so it's a little black blob and the next one isn't until wk 20!!!!! My NT is scheduled for 13wk so I was hoping to use that photo to announce to the family. The office won't return my calls ugh
    **April Siggy Challenge**Baby Animals**

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  • They emailed my all of mine
  • @vvilla3 I received photos for any ultrasound they did.
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  • @emgem819 glad to see your little beans are doing well
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