June 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms 1/23


Re: Weekly Randoms 1/23

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    @michaela0704 congrats!! That is great!

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
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    great news from the derm @michaela0704! Happy for you.  That said, I can't believe they're making Pitch Perfect 3.  I loved the first one, but the second... I couldn't even finish it. I do love Rebel Wilson though. 
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    @michaela0704 can you just take a picture with fat amy please!  you would make my day!!!!!!
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    michaela0704michaela0704 member
    edited January 2017
    @Wearmi1 I love Rebel too... she was seriously the best part of those movies (IMO).  I hope the actresses are a part of the scene... I'm going to be getting nothing done *at work* probably, but am super excited too!

    Edit: added *at work*
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    @michaela0704 great news from the derm! 

    For sure sneak a pic of Amy! @Elyse1384 that meme almost had me spitting my water everywhere. So me too IRL. 
    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
    Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d450a" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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    I am having the hardest time concentrating at work lately. I am spending way too much time reading the news and bumping and not enough time focusing. Anyone else having this issue? I don't think it's entirely baby related but a lot of it is. I'm just not that motivated these days. 
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    @meg2704 Me too. My excuse with the news is that it's so crazy that I can't look away, but really it's low motivation and willpower. I'm probably going to be looking for a new job after I come back from 'maternity leave' (we have no leave policies, it's just my unpaid FMLA) in the fall. Until then...bumping daily while I should be working.
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    Guys, this leg thing is gonna be the death of me. DS was getting off his bed and his leg gave out so he fell just right so he nailed his head on the side of his bed. It started swelling and bruising instantly. This kid is gonna be in a full body cast before too long!
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    @huskermom14 ugh! Hope he heals quick. 
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    @huskermom14, oh my gosh, poor guy! And poor mama, hope they figure out what's wrong soon.
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    @huskermom14 Poor sweetie!

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    Thanks ladies. I'm hoping, if anything, they can give us a brace or something to help with stability until it heals so he's not falling so much. I'm worried he's gonna hurt himself more than he already is because of all the falling he's doing!
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    Wow, I'm sorry, @huskermom14. Your appointment is tomorrow, right? I really hope you get answers. Poor guy.
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    Poor sweet boy.  Hopefully they can get you something to help him @huskermom14 at his appt.
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    Yes tomorrow afternoon @Stankonia2014! Thank goodness! 
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    @awoodruff27 good luck to you too!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Good luck tomorrow, @huskermom14!  Hopefully they can give you more answers for what's going on with him!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I had a crazy pregnancy dream last night about our anatomy scan.  I've been on the fence about finding out the sex, and knowing that I'm going to be having extra ultrasounds is having me lean toward finding out because there's going to be more opportunities to have it slip out with the extra peeks.  ANYWAY, I had a dream that we were at the anatomy scan, and I caved and let them tell us, but they said it was a boy, and I just burst into tears and was so disappointed and upset about it,  but the u/s tech totally shamed me and made me feel awful for being upset.  I woke up thinking we need to just not find out.

    *disclaimer* while we would really like this baby to be a girl, I ultimately just want a healthy baby.  I will admit I'm scared of 3 rambuctious, wild boys, because the 2 we have now are exhausting.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We spent 850 dollars on our dogs surgery 10 days ago. We go back to get the stitches out today and it is inflamed and infected so drop 60 more dollars on meds. He is also due for vaccines next month which will be close to 200 most likely.  I am so done with animals after my two are gone.  Ughhhh.
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    I'm getting highlights tonight for the first time since I was pregnant with DS! I think I last had them done before one of my baby showers, so it's been almost a year.
     I'm so excited. I really don't want to have that "mom look" if I can help it. DH loves it when I change things up and try something new. 
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    @FSUNole31 can you take your dog to a shot clinic instead? That's what I do with my dog. I use vetco clinics, the year go to petcos. 
    DD 1- born January 22, 2014
    Due June 25 2017

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    Since I know you are getting asked on a daily basis what you are naming your babies, please treat yourselves to the video above.
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    I should save this for tomorrow's fffc, but... My sister made some ridiculously passive Facebook post today and I replied with 'cool story bro'.  I don't know what possessed me to do it (I don't think I've ever said that phrase before), but I'm so tired of passive aggressive bs.

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    @swanbrooner That video is awesome! That is exactly why we are telling everyone that we are naming the baby Greybeard, whether it is a boy or a girl. I have no interest in their feedback on our real names.
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    FSUNole31 , when I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, we found a lump on my dog's throat and he needed a $3000 surgery. I am not 4 months pregnant and we found a lump on his chest last night. Granted, he was only 10 and healthy the first time. Now he is almost 15 and not as healthy so he would never make it through a surgery like that again, but he loves getting major things when I am pregnant. DH takes him to the vet Tuesday.

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    FSUNole31 , when I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, we found a lump on my dog's throat and he needed a $3000 surgery. I am not 4 months pregnant and we found a lump on his chest last night. Granted, he was only 10 and healthy the first time. Now he is almost 15 and not as healthy so he would never make it through a surgery like that again, but he loves getting major things when I am pregnant. DH takes him to the vet Tuesday. 

    Stuck in the box, but that is crazy teacher mom.  3,000??  I couldn't even begin to deal with that number! 

    @hopeful808 I will have to look into that for sure.  
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    FSUNole31, luckily we had good credit so they put us on a payment plan of $200 a month interest free after giving them our first chunk of money. 

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    mmmm sushi. We went for sushi on Xmas Eve! I think we need it again!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Not to be a weekend Debby Downer but just read this news article about one of the old football players from my alma mater... so disturbing, makes me hold on to my boys extra extra and give them extra kisses, ugh...

    ***TW - don't click unless you are OK reading***


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    Welp, I failed my GD test. I pretty much expected that, so now the diabeetus testing begins.
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    ugh, that stinks @Stankonia2014
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Welp, I failed my GD test. I pretty much expected that, so now the diabeetus testing begins.
    As a pre-diabetic, my brain ALWAYS goes to this

    My doctor never appreciates my amusement.  I'm sorry you are officially GD!  That really sucks.  I'm dreading my test, but prepared for whatever it may bring if it keeps LO healthy. 
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    @Stankonia2014 boo... sorry about your test results.
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    @Stankonia2014, that stinks!  I've had to do a couple finger pricks on myself before and I hate it!  I can't imagine having to do it multiple times a day.

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    @Stankonia2014 ugh, that stinks.
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