September 2017 Moms

Did you have brown spotting?

Just curious how common brown spotting really is in trimester 1? I'm 4 wks going off of my conception date (6 wks going off my LMP) can barely keep my eyes open, have nipple tenderness, food aversions and queeziness, and the brown spotting only on toilet paper just started early this am. And yes, I've had positive tests lol. I'm waiting to hear back from my OB about the spotting, but in the meantime was curious if any of you lovely ladies had/have the same experience? :) 

Re: Did you have brown spotting?

  • This would be a great question in the symptoms thread.
  • This has been addressed in a few different threads already like the symptoms thread as PP said. So it might be worth looking through those for reassurance.

    I had brown spotting for about 2 days when I was 5 weeks after having intercourse. See what your OB says, but my OB told me not to worry as it's common to have a more sensitive cervix while pregnant. She said even a bowel movement can give some women spotting and not to worry unless it is bright red, has clots, or becomes more of a steady flow.

    I know it can be scary but try not to worry.
    Me: 26 DH:25
    Married:August 2015
    TTC #1 since April 2016
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  • I had brown spotting with my first pregnancy and was told not to be concerned. It turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy and required emergency surgery.
  • With my first (this is my 3rd) I had brown spotting till week 10. It drove me crazy. And I worried a ton. But everyone's body and pregnancy is different. I ended up having to be induced with him at 42 weeks. 
  • I had some brown spotting around 5w, but I also ran a 5k and was walking all over Disney for a week straight.  I haven't had any since then, so I didn't worry about it much.
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I had brown spotting with my 1st PG. I worked in a nursery at a daycare constantly lifting kids all day, so that may have been a contributor or just being pregnant. But I had a healthy baby in the end. From what I've seen it's not uncommon, but can be concerning in some PGs. 
  • With my 1st I had about a day of brown spotting when I wiped. I was worried a little but as long as it wasn't bright red then I was fine. You can always put a call into the doctor just to ask. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • With my 4th pregnancy I had brown spotting at 7.5 weeks, went to the Dr and they told me everything was fine but then the following day it turned to a pinkish color and unfortunately I had a miscarriage 2 days later. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  • I haven't had any spotting yet (other than implantation spotting at 8dpo), but my last pregnancy I spotted from 5+0 until 6+2 when also had cramping and the brown spotting turned red, resulting in a miscarriage. My understanding is that brown spotting is semi-common in first tri and that it doesn't indicate anything bad on it's own. Similarly some cramping is common while your ute starts to grow and so it doesn't indicate anything bad on it's own. When you get the two together...spotting AND cramping, or if the spotting turns red, that's when you should be more concerned. FX that your spotting stops and that you don't have cramping at the same time as the spotting!

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • I had bright red spotting and brown spotting for 2 days at 6 weeks. The nurse said it was probably nothing. I go in for an ultrasound next week at 9 weeks (I'm out of town this week which is why it's so late!) I never spotted with my first. 
  • I definitely had brown spotting from weeks 4-5 and a little bit more. Was assured its normal. Just heard a beautiful heartbeat at 7 weeks. 
    DH & I both 34.
    8/16: IVF, antagonist protocol 
    21 eggs | 9 blasts | 7 normal through PGS
    10/16: FET  = BFN  :(
    12/16: Surprise natural BFP 
    Beta 1: 177 | Beta 2: 483 | Beta 3: 8,755 | Beta 4: 39,007. Baby born 9/5/2017

    NOW on sibling journey. 
    2/20: FET = BFN :(
    4/20: Surprise COVID BFP

  • I had brown spotting at 4.5 weeks, then a spot of bright red blood. It went away and everything seems to be normal now at 7 weeks..
  • Yes. This time at 6w1d-6w2d I had brown and dark red spotting with carrot seed sized clots accompanied by cramping. I started progesterone once it had kept up 24hrs and it cleared up. Saw a heartbeat a couple days later on ultrasound.

    My 9w2d loss started with brown/dark red spotting at all the "normal" triggers (sex, BM, intense exercise) at 5 weeks. By 8 weeks I was worried enough to call the doc. Saw HB on ultrasound, baby measured fine, but bleeding was coming from somewhere in my uterus (not an SCH though) and they couldn't explain it. I hemhorraged out a week later.

    So 50/50.
  • I have been having a little brown spotting (and a few with dark red) since Thursday. Its not much, and only there a couple of times when I wipe. Today there has been less then the past few days so hopefully its done! 

  • I'm having red and brown spotting as well at 7w3d. It's not enough to be anywhere but when I wipe after a couple of times. I have little strands of what seem to be lining, which makes me really concerned. I called my OB and she wasn't too concerned but I will go in tomorrow for an ultrasound anyways. I'd been having several days of diarrhea, so I'm hoping none of that caused damage. Can only pray for the best at this point and wait. 
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