July 2017 Moms

UO Thursday 1/19

edited January 2017 in July 2017 Moms
Have at it ladies!  Something about junk food, GMO's,vaccines, and ignoring the CDC, not to mention what you think about tomorrow's impending inauguration?

Runs for popcorn...

Re: UO Thursday 1/19

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  • @GreenBean that is one of my all-time favorite pictures on the internet. 

    Also: I know I eat like garbage. I always have. Probably always will. My genetics and metabolism make that possible. I do eat fruits, veggies, and lean meats but I definitely eat processed foods for a good portion of my intake. I probably won't change. 
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • @dancegurl1118 Yay! Me too. I laugh every time I see it. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @PurplePoppy424 I think most school districts in California require vaccinations to go to school now. thankfully. 

  • @PurplePoppy424 I don't think there's anything wrong with spreading them out, depending on how long we're talking. I know people who spread them out over multiple visits (depending on what's due) in the same month so they only get one shot at a time because shots are really hard on their kid. Now years...no.

    Also, my pediatrician won't see you unless you get your child vaccinated. 
  • @AdaByron - same! I keep mine trimmed super short. 
  • @AdaByron Almond shaped nails are the worst! I think they look terrible and I can't imagine doing anything with them!
  • @Mrs.EmmaLouise Oh, I don't disagree! Thankfully shots don't really bother DD but I would definitely rather have one day of crabby then it spread out over a month, but that's the only reason I could see spacing them out. 

    I remember calling to make DD's first appointment and asking if I planned on vaccinating my child was literally the first question.
  • I think people who don't vaccinate their kids on schedule or at all are really stupid and should be investigated by CPS. They're putting their own child's life at risk as well as the lives of other children. I don't think kids that aren't caught up on their schedules should be allowed in public schools either. 
    @PurplePoppy424 I agree! It drives me crazy!
  • I'm more of a get it over with all in one go, since shots are hard on kids. Why do it multiple times if you don't have to?
    This is my mindset as well. Sure, it's hard to watch them go through it, and it can make for a pretty shitty day, but I'd rather not go though it again in a couple of weeks! 
  • Cynth0104 said:
    I hate Trump's pick for education. She is an idiot and has no clue what she is talking about. I am afraid all of his picks are going to severely mess this country up. And I hope I am wrong.
    I am a teacher in Michigan where she is from. I don't know anyone that is ok with her being secretary. She didn't even know the difference between proficiency and growth. We wouldn't hire a teacher that couldn't answer that question. But then again she has never actually held a position in a school..
  • Girls, your UOs are too agreeable! Lol! 

    My UO is that Sneaky Pete is not so good of a show. I love Brian Cranston but it's just so meh. 
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  • @AdaByron I totally did not get the almond shaped nails trend either!  I was flabbergasted when my husband said he liked that look.  Like who are you dude?!  I don't mind longer nails though, I like the square shape with rounded edges - very boring.
  • stokesm21stokesm21 member
    edited January 2017
    I'm on the, 'I don't think the vaccine argument is an unpopular opinion' bandwagon.  I would think the majority of people believe kids should be vaccinated as opposed to the minority. 

    (Count me in the majority.  Vaccines save lives) 
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • @AdaByron I am the exact opposite.  Since I stopped working retail my nails grow beautifully (and usually always have but broke constantly due to the nature of my work @ the time)  Now I have a desk job.  I'm obsessed with taking care of them.  I don't polish them ... ever.  It ruins it.  Being pregnant I find that my nails grow faster and are harder.  I love having french-manicure worthy nails that are real!  

    Although I would never, ever do the almond thing.  That's just ... no.  It would get caught on everything!  lol 
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • Ok, here's an UO. It is not personal, and it will ruffle some feathers...

    I think 99% of kids should be going to school - public or whatever. I think home schooling is anti-social and I have never met a homeschooled kid who isn't weird.

    I don't judge people who make this decision, and I am sure they have valid reasons. It is just my personal opinion. 
    LOL I was waiting for this one ever since the other thread. I had my guess this was your opinion. I wouldn't say it's unpopular.  I would even say I felt the same way once upon a time. But since then, I HAVE met a lot of people who were home schooled and very well adjusted people. I mentioned my youngest BIL as an example in the other post but my husband was home-schooled for a good chunk of his life too. But while they learned the basics at home, my MIL made sure they socialized with other kids---signing them up for sports teams etc. Socialization is definitely important but my (unpopular probably) opinion is I don't think you need school for that. 
    BFP May 2013 - MMC at 8 weeks
    BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
    BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
    BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
    BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
    BFP November 2016 - pending...

  • I couldn't remember who was even talking about homeschool! Thanks for your response - it's interesting and different than my own experience, which I am always glad to hear.
  • One of the most fun, social, beautiful, popular girls I knew in college was homeschooled!!!! None of us believed her because I always thought homeschooled kids were suppose to be weird! LOL She changed my opinion on homeschooling. I was constantly asking her questions about her experiences. 
  • LuLiLaEvLuLiLaEv member
    edited January 2017
    I was homeschooled all the way through high school and I don't think I'm too weird! lol
    People actually never believe me when I say I was, but my mom did a really good job getting us involved in activities so we made friends, were in band, went to prom etc.

    That being said, I won't be homeschooling my kids because I think it really did a disservice to us as far as getting scholarships and transitioning away from family and to college. That could have just been my parents being overprotective and not letting us go away to school, but it's one thing I really resent about being homeschooled. There's such a sterotype with being homeschooled (weird, unsocial, super smart and nerdy etc) and I don't want my kids growing up with that like I did.

  • @virginiaunicorn11  The only issue is that I think the "anti-social" aspect of it all has pretty much been debunked. I do have to agree though that every home-schooled child I have met is a little weird so I feel ya there. (But what is "weird" in this day and age? lol) I would think however, that HS'ed kids would be more adjusted to life skills than someone in the public system so that might actually give them an advantage. 

    I work at a recreational facility and we get requests from large home-school groups in the city all the time.  They actually have a pretty packed social activity schedule.  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
  • Ok, here's an UO. It is not personal, and it will ruffle some feathers...

    I think 99% of kids should be going to school - public or whatever. I think home schooling is anti-social and I have never met a homeschooled kid who isn't weird.

    I don't judge people who make this decision, and I am sure they have valid reasons. It is just my personal opinion. 
    I have several patients who have or have been home schooled, and most are very well adjusted. I'm sure I've meet way more anti-social or awkward kids who go to public school. I have a friend who has done a marvelous job homeschooling her four+ kids. And another friend who barely lasted a month homeschooling her son.

    Like all education- I think it largely depends on the teacher and the student. 

    And God help us all if DeVos being nominated is a popular opinion. 
    ***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
    -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
    Beautiful daughter born February 2011
    **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

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  • I actually plan to home school my kids, at least up until middle school if not high school, but as I've said to my husband on numerous occasions, we HAVE to socialize them. I'm hoping that I can find a group so they can get lots of socialization, plus hopefully even have a trade off system where the kids go to one parents house one day, another the other.... I have big dreams. Anyways, it's actually because I was educated in a public school and I feel like it was a massive disservice to me. When I got to college, I was surrounded by a lot of private school kids, and wow oh wow was I behind in education. There was so much I was never taught, so many things that were repeated ad nauseum, and the standardized tests were just.... awful. It was at least an entire month of school completely lost to those things. And they were useless. I know I'm slightly younger than a lot of people on here (23) and I was the first class in my school to start with a lot of the standardized tests. I hear it's only gotten worse since I left. They've ruined education. So I feel like the best thing is to home school. We're also going to look at online schooling to supplement (since I don't know everything, nor do I pretend too) and possibly charter schools, though I have no idea how they work and if they're actually better than public. 
    Hubby and Me
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    R born: July 8th, 2017
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    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • Does anyone know what it takes to be a homeschool teacher? Or is it just pass these tests? My cousin, who is now 34 maybe, was homeschooled most of high school bc she got pregnant. However she was homeschooled by her Mom who was a high school drop out bc she got pregnant with her older brother in high school. 

    Im just guessing that I'm in majority when I say I am not interested in homeschooling simply for the fact that I don't think I could handle my kids that much. 
  • kat0607kat0607 member
    edited January 2017
    Finally something I feel comfortable commenting on (haha)! I was homeschooled by my Mom until 9th grade, when I transitioned to an online school with its own curriculum and teachers, etc. (still working from home). My sister and I were both taught this way and honestly it worked out seamlessly for us. My mom involved us in a few exclusively homeschool co-ops but most of our interaction was through extra curricular activities with friends who went to public schools, so we weren't completely shut out from "the real world". As of right now, I do plan on homeschooling my kids if I am able, just because I feel like our educational system fails our kids in many ways and especially in my area, there aren't any really awesome schools. I like the thought of being able to give them lot so of hands-on and challenging learning opportunities that they might not get -or rarely get - in a public school setting. That being said, my mind might change based on my child's personality and individual needs. Just because it worked for my sister and I, doesn't mean it will work for my children. I believe it is very much a personal decision and most of my friends and acquaintances went to public school, and I have nothing against that either!

    @morgarita it may have changed since my Mom taught us, but she had to keep a record of assignments and subjects learned throughout the year every year, and then it was reviewed by an education "official" of some sort. Sorry this is super vague, I was young and I haven't asked her about it recently so I don't know the specifics. I DO know that we still had to do standardized testing, that was regulated somehow. 
  • I think people who don't vaccinate their kids on schedule or at all are really stupid and should be investigated by CPS. They're putting their own child's life at risk as well as the lives of other children. I don't think kids that aren't caught up on their schedules should be allowed in public schools either. 
    California schools require all vaccinations to be given, so I love that it's no argument here. If you want your kids to have a good education, you have to vaccinate. I have some crunchy friends and the more they tell me about not vaccinating or delayed vaccinating, I tend to like them a little less haha. 
  • My UO at the moment is all the political talk. I am terrified for multiple reasons about what is probably coming and hearing people talk about it and rage against everything coming and making plans and arguing makes me retreat further. No amount of talking at the moment is going to make me get over this palpable fear. (Not here, but there have been people telling me that I am wrong for taking a long step back and essentially sticking my head in the sand.) It is what I have to do for my sanity and my family right now. I just...cannot.
    Married: 10/13/2013
    TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
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