I'm just getting my energy back and hoping to declutter and reorganize starting this week. But the plan for the nursery is space themed, and I have all kinds of cute ideas going.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Not really nesting but I started decluttering the week between Christmas and New Years. We moved our office to the basement this if preparation for the new lo. Waiting awhile to plan the nursery, but have been looking online for ideas/inspiration. We won't be buying a new crib so it will be awhile before we move dd out of her crib and into lo's room. No a huge deal since long will be in our room for a few weeks.
I cleaned out my closet! That's a big step for me. The room that is going to be the nursery is currently our office (and my husband uses the closet). Have to make room in other parts of the house for all that stuff!
I don't know if it's nesting or being stuck in the house to long already but I've been super cleaning- steam mopping under the beds and furniture, carpet cleaning under everything. In spring we have to do some attic work and ds's room and the baby's nursery closet is the entrance. So we're deep cleaning I'm taking taking everything little thing out and cleaning floors, maybe walls depending on how l feel and add baby stuff back I . Super excited!!!!
Has anyone started any decluttering/organizing/redecorating/remodeling yet?
Any nursery plans yet?
I have already started cleaning out the closet in our 2nd bedroom / my office. Until recently it's where we stored board games, extra cords, etc.
We haven't really come up with a theme yet and are hesitant on putting anything up on walls yet because it loos like we may get a house before baby comes (fingers crossed) so then we would have to take it all down to move.
Me:35 | DH: 32 Married: 06-2024 TTC #1: Since November 2015 Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016 due to previous issues. ***TW*** BFP: 11/4/2016 BFP: 07/17/2024
I made a list of everything that needs to be cleaned out and organized in the next 6 months... Does that count?! Lol. DD will only be 21 months when this one comes so we're just adding another crib to her room once we move new baby out of our room.
We move every 2-4 years so I'm pretty good about doing massive decluttering at least once a year. It's truly amazing how much crap accumulates, especially this time of year after the holidays!
DH and I live with his parents currently (they offered to help us out while I was finishing school since I couldn't work during student teaching.) FIL has asked what the plan was. The house is 4 bedrooms. We have our room, SS's room, their room, and their office...
i have already asked asked if we can rearrange the rooms (move SS back to the office room, where his previous room was before we moved in) and declutter the office supplies and furniture...not sure how well that idea went over with them, but DH thought it was a good idea.
That office room is a disaster. Honestly, my MIL is a hoarder...she has stuff in EVERY closet in the house! Including ours and SS's! It drives me nuts sometimes!
really, I'm hoping we can move out...but that might not be feasible any time soon
DH does all the housework, since he is a stay-at-home dad. So I've been giving him little "honey-dos" to prep for baby. We also transitioned DS to a twin so we could reconvert his toddler bed back to a crib. It's been a few years, so I'm glad we did it early, because we needed to order a few new parts that we couldn't find. We also bought a sleeper sofa for the family room for guests, since we will be losing our guest room for the nursery. I will be waiting for the anatomy scan, hoping this LO lets us know its sex before painting or decorating. I've been saving tons of theme ideas on an Amazon list for when we do find out.
DH and I live with his parents currently (they offered to help us out while I was finishing school since I couldn't work during student teaching.) FIL has asked what the plan was. The house is 4 bedrooms. We have our room, SS's room, their room, and their office...
i have already asked asked if we can rearrange the rooms (move SS back to the office room, where his previous room was before we moved in) and declutter the office supplies and furniture...not sure how well that idea went over with them, but DH thought it was a good idea.
That office room is a disaster. Honestly, my MIL is a hoarder...she has stuff in EVERY closet in the house! Including ours and SS's! It drives me nuts sometimes!
really, I'm hoping we can move out...but that might not be feasible any time soon
We are living with my inlaws right now so we can save up to buy a house hopefully by the time baby comes and I'm itching to reorganize everything! We literally have the same MIL. I love mine to death but my goodness she has too much stuff in every closer drawer and dresser in the house, it's been extremely difficult with two kids and DH and I's stuff since there's nowhere for it to actually go.
edit to add that we are extremely grateful that they are letting us live here so I've never ever made the attempt or the suggestion that she move her stuff anywhere other than where it is. We are in her space so I've definitely made sure to respect that.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
I am just barely getting my energy back, but I just cleared out our spare room (that was a guest room for guests we never have!) in preparation for the baby. My DS is in the smaller of the two rooms so we will be moving him nextdoor to his new "big boy room" and changing his old room to the new nursery.
I must be a hoarder too, because I'm getting stressed out fitting a baby into our house, never mind an extra family of four!!
Right now we have a bedroom and across the hall an almost equal-sized "dressing room" where we keep our clothes and dressers. We plan to move into the dressing room, but I have no idea how we will fit a bed and nightstands in there too!
We are still working on taking down xmas stuff, but I can't seem to shake the lazy!
I made a bit of progress on my computer desk/armoire today, but that's not really baby-related at all.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Btw, DH definitely agrees that I'm a hoarder. He says he came along to save me from myself!
Every time we have moved (5 times in 5 years) DH has told me I'm a hoarder and that I'm too attached to everything. I also can't pass up a good sale so I hoard random stuff that I get for less than $1.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
I haven't done anything yet. DH is graduating in May, our plan is to go back to North LA. So I'm really waiting to see if he gets a job here or there or NOLA (he looked into a plant there) I'm afraid we will be moving that time anyway. Our lease is up in march and we will be on month to month for two months until we decide where we are going to be. That means we have all of like 2 weeks before baby comes.
I at least made a to-do list yesterday and started looking at cribs and whatnot. We live in a 3BR house, so currently, we each have our own office. My office (which is railroaded with our bedroom, so you have to walk through the office to go from our room to the bathroom) will turn into the nursery and I've at least set a date to clean it out.
TTC #1: 4/16 BFP #1: 5/16 MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16 BFP #2: 10/16 Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
We moved just before Thanksgiving, which is also when my morning sickness started. So our house is a disaster. We need to buy some furniture still and some stuff is still in boxes. I'm desperate to get organized when I have energy.
@cssme13 Sorry about that! I have too much stuff to even consider living with either of our families for a week, so I can't even imagine! Our parents are hardly minimalists either, but I think people just naturally fill up whatever space they have - it makes me wish we could move for this little one, so he would have his own space from the beginning!
This is my favorite color, but I think this particular shade is probably not really boy-appropriate. Thoughts? Could I get away with a darker aqua, or scrap it all together?
@GlitterFish I think that color is awesome and works for a boy or girl.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
And I LOVE that color for the crib. I think you could make it work for a boy if you paired it with grey. When I was pregnant with DS our options for our nursery were either going to be yellow and grey for a girl and turquoise and grey for a boy.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
@GlitterFish I'd say you could get away with a darker aqua for a boy, then again I may be biased since teal is my favorite color!
For nesting, does panicking over an expensive attic renovation count? Our attic walk-up attic is unfinished, and in a perfect world we'll get it done before baby so we can move our office upstairs and make that room the nursery. But of course before we can start the attic, we really need to replace the roof. And make any electrical changes to the downstairs before we put flooring down. I swear, it's like If You Give A Mouse A Cookie!
Thankfully, we can move the office to the basement if we need to, but I'd much rather be going through these renovations pregnant than with a newborn. The quotes are rolling in, so we'll see!
Thanks guys! Apparently you can't trust everything you see though because this is the EXACT SAME CRIB on amazon! I guess I really need to see it in person. Hello, free amazon returns!
@cssme13 I totally agree about the gray and aqua! However, DH says if I do one more gray room it's gonna be 50 shades up in here OF COURSE the dressing room is already gray, but we would have to repaint our current room, which is lavender! (Although DH swears it is also gray. But I painted it before we met, and I definitely chose lavender!)
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
@RunRestRepeat I'm so jealous that you can get quotes!! We had three contractors out to take measurements, assess our situation, and give us quotes for building a room over our garage and not a single one got back to us with a quote. We spent over an hour with each one!
@cssme13 we live with my inlaws too. Partly because houses are crazy expensive here, partly because DH's parents are super unhealthy and need a lot of help around the house. We've looked at houses but are limited to staying kind of close by since we would need to come by and help out/perform welfare checks pretty frequently anyway. The houses we could actually afford would be about an hour away or in bad neighborhoods.
I really want our own place but I'm not sure it will happen anytime soon. Definitely not before the baby comes.
Luckily the house has lots of space. We live in he upstairs part with three bedrooms. One we use as an office. The bedroom we would use as a nursery is currently filled with junk piled to the ceiling. MIL says if we want to use it, we have to clear it out ourselves. That's totally fair. I said I would go and start throwing everything out little by little. No one goes in there so I figured nobody cares whats in it. But MIL got all upset saying we have to go through everything and keep whats important. so that's my next project.
I don't want to buy any baby stuff until I clear that. It will take a while. Baby steps for baby stuffs.
Not really nesting so much at this point, just early spring fever decluttering angst. There's too many piles in my house. Too many toys too and we're getting ready to add a second kid and twice as many toys. I'm already feeling overwhelmed in this house. Doesn't help my husband has 50 million hobbies and has all the stuff to prove it.
So..I nested like the last week of my last pregnancy. I have 5 people living in my house..one of them a 5 year old girl that has every toy imaginable and can't get rid of any or she has a mental breakdown. And then a 1 year old boy who destroys absolutely everything you fix and get all neat. I feel like my house is impossible to keep clean.
I dont even know where to start. Anybody have good storage ideas?! We're moving across the country in April as well..so, I don't feel like cleaning yet.
Our 2BR townhome lease is up in May, so we're in the process of looking to buy. We found a new construction development that we are in love with and meeting with next week so fingers and toes are crossed everything goes well. Moving into a brand new home would make my nesting self SO happy so I could focus more on organizing and decorating than cleaning. My nursery plans will live on Pinterest until then.
DH and I live with his parents currently (they offered to help us out while I was finishing school since I couldn't work during student teaching.) FIL has asked what the plan was. The house is 4 bedrooms. We have our room, SS's room, their room, and their office...
i have already asked asked if we can rearrange the rooms (move SS back to the office room, where his previous room was before we moved in) and declutter the office supplies and furniture...not sure how well that idea went over with them, but DH thought it was a good idea.
That office room is a disaster. Honestly, my MIL is a hoarder...she has stuff in EVERY closet in the house! Including ours and SS's! It drives me nuts sometimes!
really, I'm hoping we can move out...but that might not be feasible any time soon
We are living with my inlaws right now so we can save up to buy a house hopefully by the time baby comes and I'm itching to reorganize everything! We literally have the same MIL. I love mine to death but my goodness she has too much stuff in every closer drawer and dresser in the house, it's been extremely difficult with two kids and DH and I's stuff since there's nowhere for it to actually go.
edit to add that we are extremely grateful that they are letting us live here so I've never ever made the attempt or the suggestion that she move her stuff anywhere other than where it is. We are in her space so I've definitely made sure to respect that.
We are also extremely grateful that they offered to let us live with them. MIL wants to now build an expansion on the house haha. I'm sure we will make the rooms work. I'm not too worried. When we were prepping to move in, they had already had a plan laid out and were already cleaning house. they are excited for baby!
DH and I live with his parents currently (they offered to help us out while I was finishing school since I couldn't work during student teaching.) FIL has asked what the plan was. The house is 4 bedrooms. We have our room, SS's room, their room, and their office...
i have already asked asked if we can rearrange the rooms (move SS back to the office room, where his previous room was before we moved in) and declutter the office supplies and furniture...not sure how well that idea went over with them, but DH thought it was a good idea.
That office room is a disaster. Honestly, my MIL is a hoarder...she has stuff in EVERY closet in the house! Including ours and SS's! It drives me nuts sometimes!
really, I'm hoping we can move out...but that might not be feasible any time soon
We are living with my inlaws right now so we can save up to buy a house hopefully by the time baby comes and I'm itching to reorganize everything! We literally have the same MIL. I love mine to death but my goodness she has too much stuff in every closer drawer and dresser in the house, it's been extremely difficult with two kids and DH and I's stuff since there's nowhere for it to actually go.
edit to add that we are extremely grateful that they are letting us live here so I've never ever made the attempt or the suggestion that she move her stuff anywhere other than where it is. We are in her space so I've definitely made sure to respect that.
We are also extremely grateful that they offered to let us live with them. MIL wants to now build an expansion on the house haha. I'm sure we will make the rooms work. I'm not too worried. When we were prepping to move in, they had already had a plan laid out and were already cleaning house. they are excited for baby!
My FIL keeps coming up with all these plans to expand their house too so his grandkids can live with him forever it's actually pretty sweet. In Navajo tradition the kids actually never leave home so there are families on the reservation with 5-6 families in one 3 bedroom home, it's crazy.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
We live in a 2 bedroom basement suite, with one of the rooms currently being used as my partner's gaming/tv space. As soon as I got my BFP he acknowledged that his man cave is becoming a nursery. I'm a little nervous about having a baby in a basement suite, but I'm already thinking about decluttering and going as minimal as I can on the baby stuff to prevent feeling claustrophobic. I read that Marie Kondo book on decluttering, and while she's a total space cadet, theres some nuggets of wisdom in her method I will be applying to our suite. We unfortunately live in an region with very high housing costs, so buying a townhouse is still a few years away.
I almost started a pinterest board the other day. Then I felt tired again. I'm jealous of all of you and your abundance of energy! I like to spend my spare moments napping. Work has been crazy and the stress is so high that being awake, even outside of work is stressful. Here's hoping it calms down and I get some energy back.
I think right now DH would just love for me to have enough energy to clean out the one laundry basket that has been at the base of our bed for months. It has summer clothes and I don't know where to put them!
On the pre-baby to-do list: 1) finish our master bath remodeling (new vanity, mirrors, paint, recessed lights, and replace tIle around the tub) 2) "big girl room" for our daughter (paint, window treatments, twin bed, new dresser, wall decor, and I need to finish her quilt) 3) condense my craft room into the 2nd guest bedroom. (This makes me sad) turn it into the nursery.
I almost started a pinterest board the other day. Then I felt tired again. I'm jealous of all of you and your abundance of energy! I like to spend my spare moments napping. Work has been crazy and the stress is so high that being awake, even outside of work is stressful. Here's hoping it calms down and I get some energy back.
I think right now DH would just love for me to have enough energy to clean out the one laundry basket that has been at the base of our bed for months. It has summer clothes and I don't know where to put them!
On the pre-baby to-do list: 1) finish our master bath remodeling (new vanity, mirrors, paint, recessed lights, and replace tIle around the tub) 2) "big girl room" for our daughter (paint, window treatments, twin bed, new dresser, wall decor, and I need to finish her quilt) 3) condense my craft room into the 2nd guest bedroom. (This makes me sad) turn it into the nursery.
As far as #2 goes, we actually just did that for DS. I was glad we did it now, so he has time to adjust before he starts seeing all the baby stuff. We didn't re-paint, but just ordered new bedding and curtains, and got wall stickers. I swear by the wall stickers; they're like instant decor. We have changed DS's decor 3 times now and it takes all of 5 minutes. I highly recommend.
Started cleaning out the room for nursery. It's a big project though because we're redoing/finishing some previous work. My DH wants to remove the popcorn ceiling in all the rooms at once. So that and new carpet. Lots of work to be done.
Btw, DH definitely agrees that I'm a hoarder. He says he came along to save me from myself!
My DH hoards mail and random weird things. HAHAHAH. Most of them are broke and he is going to fix them in this mythical 'someday' land. He also hoards clothing!!! We have a big walk in closet and there is hardly any room for my clothing because he thinks he needs his old jeans from high school that are no where near fitting.
Even after donating sooo many clothes last year he still heald on to so much crap he hasn't worn in YEARS, even if it fits, it needs to go bye-bye! Haha I also have a under the bed storage box of about 2 dozen of his old shoes he refuses to donate/trash/recycle! And he hasn't touched that storage box in probably 2 years or longer.
I've been assessing everything that needs to be deep cleaned and/or organized. We just reorganized the bathrooms and performed a major declutter in there, which is so much better. So we're getting there!
@LoveLee85 DH is the hoarder, too. I'm a purger. I have finally gotten him to get over it and donate so much!! It was like winning a war! His mom is no better. When she moved, she sent over all of his old crap from her house...old progress reports and perfect attendance awards, karate uniforms, broken picture frames...etc. I threw so much of it out, she almost started crying. I'll keep what is useful, but I am the least sentimental person ever. He's finally getting on board.
Re: Nesting
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
We haven't really come up with a theme yet and are hesitant on putting anything up on walls yet because it loos like we may get a house before baby comes (fingers crossed) so then we would have to take it all down to move.
Married: 06-2024
TTC #1: Since November 2015
Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
due to previous issues.
BFP: 11/4/2016
BFP: 07/17/2024
We move every 2-4 years so I'm pretty good about doing massive decluttering at least once a year. It's truly amazing how much crap accumulates, especially this time of year after the holidays!
i have already asked asked if we can rearrange the rooms (move SS back to the office room, where his previous room was before we moved in) and declutter the office supplies and furniture...not sure how well that idea went over with them, but DH thought it was a good idea.
That office room is a disaster. Honestly, my MIL is a hoarder...she has stuff in EVERY closet in the house! Including ours and SS's! It drives me nuts sometimes!
really, I'm hoping we can move out...but that might not be feasible any time soon
We are living with my inlaws right now so we can save up to buy a house hopefully by the time baby comes and I'm itching to reorganize everything! We literally have the same MIL. I love mine to death but my goodness she has too much stuff in every closer drawer and dresser in the house, it's been extremely difficult with two kids and DH and I's stuff since there's nowhere for it to actually go.
edit to add that we are extremely grateful that they are letting us live here so I've never ever made the attempt or the suggestion that she move her stuff anywhere other than where it is. We are in her space so I've definitely made sure to respect that.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
Right now we have a bedroom and across the hall an almost equal-sized "dressing room" where we keep our clothes and dressers. We plan to move into the dressing room, but I have no idea how we will fit a bed and nightstands in there too!
We are still working on taking down xmas stuff, but I can't seem to shake the lazy!
I made a bit of progress on my computer desk/armoire today, but that's not really baby-related at all.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
BFP #1: 5/16
MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
BFP #2: 10/16
Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
Eta @GlitterFish thanks for making me realize what a brat I sounded like! Hence the edit to my original comment.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
This is my favorite color, but I think this particular shade is probably not really boy-appropriate. Thoughts? Could I get away with a darker aqua, or scrap it all together?
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
And I LOVE that color for the crib. I think you could make it work for a boy if you paired it with grey. When I was pregnant with DS our options for our nursery were either going to be yellow and grey for a girl and turquoise and grey for a boy.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
For nesting, does panicking over an expensive attic renovation count? Our attic walk-up attic is unfinished, and in a perfect world we'll get it done before baby so we can move our office upstairs and make that room the nursery. But of course before we can start the attic, we really need to replace the roof. And make any electrical changes to the downstairs before we put flooring down. I swear, it's like If You Give A Mouse A Cookie!
Thankfully, we can move the office to the basement if we need to, but I'd much rather be going through these renovations pregnant than with a newborn. The quotes are rolling in, so we'll see!
Dating: 12/21/2001
Married: 09/08/2012
BFP: 11/16/2016 EDD: 07/27/2017
Baby Fish born: 08/01/2017
Apparently you can't trust everything you see though because this is the EXACT SAME CRIB on amazon!
I guess I really need to see it in person. Hello, free amazon returns!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
I really want our own place but I'm not sure it will happen anytime soon. Definitely not before the baby comes.
Luckily the house has lots of space. We live in he upstairs part with three bedrooms. One we use as an office. The bedroom we would use as a nursery is currently filled with junk piled to the ceiling. MIL says if we want to use it, we have to clear it out ourselves. That's totally fair. I said I would go and start throwing everything out little by little. No one goes in there so I figured nobody cares whats in it. But MIL got all upset saying we have to go through everything and keep whats important. so that's my next project.
I don't want to buy any baby stuff until I clear that. It will take a while. Baby steps for baby stuffs.
I dont even know where to start. Anybody have good storage ideas?! We're moving across the country in April as well..so, I don't feel like cleaning yet.
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
I think right now DH would just love for me to have enough energy to clean out the one laundry basket that has been at the base of our bed for months. It has summer clothes and I don't know where to put them!
On the pre-baby to-do list:
1) finish our master bath remodeling (new vanity, mirrors, paint, recessed lights, and replace tIle around the tub)
2) "big girl room" for our daughter (paint, window treatments, twin bed, new dresser, wall decor, and I need to finish her quilt)
3) condense my craft room into the 2nd guest bedroom. (This makes me sad) turn it into the nursery.
Even after donating sooo many clothes last year he still heald on to so much crap he hasn't worn in YEARS, even if it fits, it needs to go bye-bye! Haha I also have a under the bed storage box of about 2 dozen of his old shoes he refuses to donate/trash/recycle! And he hasn't touched that storage box in probably 2 years or longer.