High-Risk Pregnancy

Anyone else with Fibroids?

I have multiple fibroids, the largest is 10 cm and it is covering part of my cervix.  I am seeing a MFM doctor for monthly ultrasounds in addition to my OBGYN.  I am 27 weeks and so far they are not bothering me at all.  But I'm concerned that I may have complications or have to have a c-section at the end.  Is there anyone else dealing with fibroids?  How is your pregnancy going?

Re: Anyone else with Fibroids?

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    I have two fibroids. One is small, the other has grown massively quick and was bigger than baby 4 weeks ago. Have a sonogram tomorrow to follow up, but i have had a lot of pain here and there, but no other complications besides looking 6 months pregnant at 4 months. Doc doesn't wanna discuss c-section til after 20 weeks when they anticipate the fibroid to stop growing. Its just all been a stressing waiting game
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